Geometrische Original-Kunstwerke zu verkaufen

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Malerei mit dem Titel "Dualità" von Maryda Geraci, Original-Kunstwerk, Acryl Auf Keilrahmen aus Holz montiert
Dualità - Malerei, 19,7x39,4 in ©2020 von Maryda Geraci - Geometric, geometric-572, Abstrakte Kunst, abstract, pesce, vaso, pot, fish, color, fullcolor, acrylicpainting, optical, opart, geometric, painter, pittura, diptic, dittico, misuramedia

Maryda Geraci


Acryl auf Leinwand | 19,7x39,4 in

1.805,75 $
Zeichnungen mit dem Titel ""Still life with va…" von Alena Magomedova (a.m.create), Original-Kunstwerk, Gel Stift
"Still life with vase, basket and flowers" Graphics. - Zeichnungen, 16,5x23,3 in ©2016 von Alena Magomedova (a.m.create) - Geometric, geometric-572, artwork_cat.Still Life, Diptych, monochrome, Black white diptych, Black white, Graphic diptych, Graphic, still lifes, Drawing, Drawing still lifes, Diptych flowers, Still life ink, Diptych in ink, Diptych still life, Ink painting flowers, vase with Flowers, basket of flowers

Alena Magomedova (a.m.create)

""Still life with vase, basket and flowers" Graphics."

Gel Stift auf Papier | 16,5x23,3 in



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