"INSPIRATION" (2023) Pintura por Daina Maslauskaite

Óleo em Tela, 60,6x36,2 in
US$ 5.455,32
Envio Grátis

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Devoluções Gratuitas: Satisfeito ou seu dinheiro de volta em 14 dias.
Retorno aceito 14 dias Artmajeur está 100% comprometido com a satisfação dos colecionadores: você tem 14 dias para devolver uma obra original. O trabalho deve ser devolvido ao artista em perfeitas condições, em sua embalagem original. Todos os itens elegíveis podem ser devolvidos (salvo indicação em contrário).
Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Pronto para pendurar
Montado em Armação em madeira
Esta obra é exibida em 3 coleções
First I have painted the burning light sphere which symbolizes the inspiration as the inner human strength or the eternal source of creation which can be revealed by human being. Having painted the burning sphere, I steped aside for a while and all of a sudden I saw the finished painting with hands streching for/letting out that burning sphere. Straight[...]
First I have painted the burning light sphere which symbolizes the inspiration as the inner human strength or the eternal source of creation which can be revealed by human being. Having painted the burning sphere, I steped aside for a while and all of a sudden I saw the finished painting with hands streching for/letting out that burning sphere. Straight away I've painted MY OWN ARTIST'S HANDS FROM LIVE IN THE STATE OF THE SAME EXPRESSION as of the burning sphere. The artist's hands are there completing the painting and, moreover, they take the symbol of hands of every human constantly seeking for that burning inspiration for life, for soul rebirth or metamorphosis.

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Daina Maslauskaitė (I-AM) began her independent creative career two decades ago, later completing her bachelor's and master's studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. In her master's thesis she[...]

Daina Maslauskaitė (I-AM) began her independent creative career two decades ago, later completing her bachelor's and master's studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. In her master's thesis she explored the subjective expression of the artist's holistic experiences.
The artist's work is distinguished by the fact that it speaks about the architecture of the inner reality of the human being, where the path to the true self, the dialogue with the world and the inner happening in one's soul, are among the most important themes of her work.
The pictorial form is born in the process of self-purification through meditation and other autogenic practices, "building" sensitive, harmonious and full-color relationships with the greater whole - the World, the Universe, the Creator, allowing the inner transformation to take place. In her search for a pictorial form, the artist seeks to feel, see and experience the changes in the outside and in herself as an inseparable unity. Colour and composition emerge intuitively, just as the vision and idea of the painting itself is born out of an intuitive search for the deepest source beneath the visual reality.

Ver mais de Daina Maslauskaite

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