Portofino (2024) Pintura por Clelia Molinari

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Vendedor Clelia Molinari

  • Obra de arte original Pintura, Oleo
  • Dimensiones Altura 29,9in, Anchura 45,3in
  • Categorías Impresionismo Paisaje
Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta por pigmentos unidos con aceite de linaza o claveles. La técnica tradicional[...]
Born in a picturesque town nestled on the shores of Lake Como, amidst the stunning backdrop of majestic mountains and tranquil lakes, my artistic journey was inspired by the beauty of nature and my love for[...]

Born in a picturesque town nestled on the shores of Lake Como, amidst the stunning backdrop of majestic mountains and tranquil lakes, my artistic journey was inspired by the beauty of nature and my love for exploration. The breathtaking landscapes I encountered in my travels fueled my creative spirit, beckoning to be transformed onto canvas.

Driven by a deep passion for the arts, I dedicated myself to two years of art studies to pursue my dream of capturing the essence of these mesmerizing landscapes in my artwork. Embracing vibrant colors and bold textures, my unique style involves layering thick strokes of paint to add richness and depth to each piece.

While my artistic repertoire initially focused on impressionist landscapes, my creativity took a new direction as I ventured into the world of abstract art. Infusing the brilliance of nature's colors into my abstract paintings, I sought to encapsulate the essence of bright, vibrant landscapes, seascapes, and seasonal wonders in my artistry.

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Oleo | 31,9x64,2 in
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