Ballerina (2024) Pintura por Chung Yau Shek

Oleo en Lienzo, 24x30 in
3.406 US$
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Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
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Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 24in, Anchura 30in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Hiperrealismo Baile
My ballerina series can be described as idealised realism- reflected in the descriptive rendering of the dancers. The grace and poise of ballerinas provides great inspiration for me. I strive to sensitively capture nuances of personality and mood, the disciplined yet elegant depth of their movements that truly expresses their talent, bringing the soul[...]
My ballerina series can be described as idealised realism- reflected in the descriptive rendering of the dancers. The grace and poise of ballerinas provides great inspiration for me. I strive to sensitively capture nuances of personality and mood, the disciplined yet elegant depth of their movements that truly expresses their talent, bringing the soul and spirit of the dancers to life.

Temas relacionados

BalletBallet ArtBallet DancerBallerinaBallerina Painting

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When viewing Shek’s art, one may recognise the graceful influence of some Old Masters from days gone by. His approach to composition and structure, and of light and shadow, echoes that seen in the work of David,[...]

When viewing Shek’s art, one may recognise the graceful influence of some Old Masters from days gone by. His approach to composition and structure, and of light and shadow, echoes that seen in the work of David, Ingres and Bouguereau.

Indeed, the figurative tradition of nineteenth century painters drew its themes from Greek and Roman mythology, or from the Bible. Shek does neither. One of the main emphases of his work is on the human figure, as in centuries past, and how it expresses emotions ranging from joy and delight to a sense of sadness and loss, from curiosity to pensive contemplation. His painted figures, from a single figure to pairs and complex groups, are studies of expression and sentiment as recognition that the human form is capable of being posed in endless variations.

The poses of his dancers, seemingly simple, introduce complicated curves involving many parts of the body – hands, feet, arms, legs, hips, shoulders and torso. As such, his work not only captures the unique character and warmth of each subject, but transcends form to suggest the essence of the individual.

They are uplifting, partly because he can beautify and render the figures convincingly while retaining their true likeness. There is something very honest and authentic about these brief glimpses, in their moments of pause, seized from the unrelenting flow of time.

However, early in his career, Shek acknowledged the notion of developing a transferable style of painting which is not fixed, nor dependant solely on one theme. His themes would share the same familiar appeal – believability – lavishly painted with the same careful oversight.

By continuing to explore a new artistic direction, he has opened up a new artistic avenue. This offers him greater flexibility to use a wider colour palette and the freedom to express weight and texture more diversely. He can share with audience the exquisite marble sculptures on canvas; the evocative portraitures of hunting animals; the intense pristine colours of sweets and candies; the antiquated glow of age-old books; the precise reflections on wrappings and cellophane that he sees through his eyes. In effect, this progressive chapter of his painting life places a greater emphasis on the visual rather than the narrative. It is to push his art to higher boundaries.

If such philosophy is ambitious in terms of his multifaceted approach to his art, it is not a radical change from his successful ballerinas. Instead, it serves an equally important role in defining his unwavering painting objective; converging ever greater emotional realism into his artistic translations.

Maybe, instead of sensual dancers, the canvas could concentrate on glassware or tempting tasty treats. Maybe, instead of complex patterns formed by limbs, tutus and shoes, delicate objects are comparatively simplified. Shek believes even simple, everyday items, when painted, can be adorable, charming and engaging, and that continues to resonate with the spirit of his art.

Ver más de Chung Yau Shek

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