Peace (2014) Картина - Chong

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Продавец Artmajeur

уникальный экземпляр
Работа за подписью художника
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Установлен на Деревянная рама для носилок
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 19,7in, Ширина 13,8in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 500 $ Изобразительное искусство Пейзаж
In Chong's works he is trying to project emotions, tell stories, or represent a scene. If the artist is thrilled then many viewers will feel the same. Chong celebrates the beauty of life through colorful paintings. His artwork has been dedicated to inspire other to pursue their life to the fullest with the message of hope, joy and passion. He[...]
In Chong's works he is trying to project emotions, tell stories, or represent a scene. If the artist is thrilled then many viewers will feel the same. Chong celebrates the beauty of life through colorful paintings. His artwork has been dedicated to inspire other to pursue their life to the fullest with the message of hope, joy and passion. He often paints ‘dreams’ and ‘visions’ that he saw to communicate the seasons that each of us are going through. He believes that every single one of us is unique and that art is an instrument to bring happiness, inspiration and motivation.One night, how a single dream changes everything…He had a dream one night, where he saw himself painting a remarkable masterpiece. In this dream, he saw a magnificent sun rising over a thick forest and illuminating all the trees of the woods. As the sun reaches in height, thousands of glistering and sparkling beautiful flower starts to bloom and covering the tree branches.  A truly magnificent sight to behold. So he started to pick up his brush in the morning and paint this dream that he had. When the painting is done and as he reflects back upon the dream, he received a new revelation of the phrase; “The Beginning Of Joy”. With that, this started the beginning of Chong’s journey to paint dreams, visions and inspirations that brings joy, hope and passion in his artwork later in his life. He felt that each painting is like the beautiful flowers in the dream. Bringing inspiration and hope to individual. Chong creates contemporary and abstract landscape painting primarily with acrylic medium. He is also a landscape photographer and he often employs different feeling with color while bringing an expressional mood into his artwork. Chong was born in Malaysia and currently lives in Shanghai with his family.

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Переведено автоматически
In Chong's works he is trying to project emotions, tell stories, or represent a scene. If the artist is thrilled then many viewers will feel the same. Chong celebrates the beauty of life through colorful[...]

In Chong's works he is trying to project emotions, tell stories, or represent a scene. If the artist is thrilled then many viewers will feel the same. Chong celebrates the beauty of life through colorful paintings. His artwork has been dedicated to inspire other to pursue their life to the fullest with the message of hope, joy and passion. He often paints ‘dreams’ and ‘visions’ that he saw to communicate the seasons that each of us are going through. He believes that every single one of us is unique and that art is an instrument to bring happiness, inspiration and motivation.One night, how a single dream changes everything…He had a dream one night, where he saw himself painting a remarkable masterpiece. In this dream, he saw a magnificent sun rising over a thick forest and illuminating all the trees of the woods. As the sun reaches in height, thousands of glistering and sparkling beautiful flower starts to bloom and covering the tree branches.  A truly magnificent sight to behold. So he started to pick up his brush in the morning and paint this dream that he had. When the painting is done and as he reflects back upon the dream, he received a new revelation of the phrase; “The Beginning Of Joy”. With that, this started the beginning of Chong’s journey to paint dreams, visions and inspirations that brings joy, hope and passion in his artwork later in his life. He felt that each painting is like the beautiful flowers in the dream. Bringing inspiration and hope to individual. Chong creates contemporary and abstract landscape painting primarily with acrylic medium. He is also a landscape photographer and he often employs different feeling with color while bringing an expressional mood into his artwork. Chong was born in Malaysia and currently lives in Shanghai with his family.

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Акрил на Холст | 22,1x16,5 in
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Акрил на Холст | 19,7x13,8 in
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Акрил на Холст | 16,5x22,1 in
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Акрил на Холст | 13,8x19,7 in
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