voodoo # 19 (2023) Sculptuur door Cambrousse

Verkoper Cambrousse

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Verkoper Cambrousse

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
  • Origineel Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Sculptuur, Hout
  • Dimensies Hoogte 23,6in, Breedte 3,5in / 2.00 kg
  • Framing Dit kunstwerk is niet ingelijst
  • Geschikt voor buiten? Nee, Dit kunstwerk kan niet buiten worden getoond
  • Categorieën Sculpturen onder US$ 1.000 Tribal Art Tribal
voodoo sculpture Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Hout Beeldhouwtechniek met behulp van hout, natuurlijk materiaal van plantaardige[...]
voodoo sculpture
Automatisch vertaald
CAMBROUSSE : some wild and well-forested remote area. Down in that swamped corner of this woodland even wood chisels ought to wrestle with the unremitting mud. Behind the gypsyich tissues[...]

CAMBROUSSE : some wild and well-forested remote area.

Down in that swamped corner of this woodland
even wood chisels ought to wrestle with the unremitting mud.

Behind the gypsyich tissues stroking the rear of a caravan
the inspiration navigates around any voodoo vibration lurking out in the drizzle
for the sake of the primitive and the essential.

I would carve every wooden mask from the same chunk of dead wood, If I could
and keep it that way for keeps
before I see the last of those wood chips.

Rushed in a tight corner of this valley eaten up by the nothern agro-industrial desert, on one part
and some ravenous logistics platform, on the other
the Cambrousse esthetic sculptural approach stands out as plain and naive

I picked up the Cambrousse name in honour of a tormented valley
who turned into a free pesticidal waste dump over the past decades.

In that very last plot of woodland the topsoil seems almost nomad as the blossoms look tzigane.
precious and bewitching as a tottering tree stump caught up in plain mayhem.

Bekijk meer van Cambrousse

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Sculptuur - Hout | 19,3x8,3 in
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Sculptuur - Hout | 10,6x2,4 in
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Sculptuur - Hout | 23,6x3,2 in
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