Tree by the Stream (2023) Pintura por Beate Blume


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Vendedor Beate Blume

This is a semi-abstract painting of a lush green summer landscape. A bent tree on the bank of a small stream with different hues of green and yellow and some blue in between. One can imagine the feeling of walking in this fresh, colourful landscape. There are repetetive elements and stylised forms which give a unique rhythm to the artwork.[...]
This is a semi-abstract painting of a lush green summer landscape. A bent tree on the bank of a small stream with different hues of green and yellow and some blue in between.
One can imagine the feeling of walking in this fresh, colourful landscape.
There are repetetive elements and stylised forms which give a unique rhythm to the artwork. For this series the semi-abstract style is created in a little looser way than usual.

Temas relacionados

TreeLandscapeStreamSemi AbstractSemiabstract

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Beate Blume typically uses brilliant, vigorous colours and strong contrasts in her paintings. Clear - often geometric - shapes and repetitive elements give a unique rhythm to her paintings. She uses simplified[...]

Beate Blume typically uses brilliant, vigorous colours and strong contrasts in her paintings. Clear - often geometric - shapes and repetitive elements give a unique rhythm to her paintings. She uses simplified and well-defined forms. The contours of the subject remain mostly naturalistic. She works intuitively with shapes and colours and decides which colours should rise and which forms be focused on. The high purity of the colours makes the paintings appear to be flooded with light. The vivid colours emanate a joy of life. Strong contrasts create tension. In a world of fragmentations, contrasts and tensions, Blume transforms these aspects in her unique style to create harmonious artworks. This artistic approach evokes - in the viewer's mind - the possibility of creating equally harmonious moments in our lives in a fragmented world.

 Beate Blume has won many international art awards. Beate Blume works as a teacher, as an artist she is self-taught.

Ver mais de Beate Blume

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