Beata Wehr Profile Picture

Beata Wehr

Tucson, Arizona, United States
Artist (Painting, Collages)
Born unknown date

Beata Wehr is an award winning artist from Warsaw, Poland. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona, traveling back to Europe every year.
She graduated from the Warsaw University in Poland with an M.A. degree in art history in 1982 and from the University of Arizona with an M.F.A. in painting/combined media in 1999. She paints and creates artist's books, examining in her work the ideas of home, place, time, transience and multicultural experiences. Her works were shown in international and national exhibitions and are included in nearly 50 public collections in the USA and abroad.


1999 M.F.A. in Painting/Combined Media, University of Arizona, Art Department, Tucson, AZ
1982 M.A. in Art History, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
1984-85 Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland


2014- Adjunct instructor, Pima Community College, Art Department, Tucson, AZ
2010 Adjunct instructor, The Art Center Design College, Tucson, AZ
2004-2012 Art instructor, Tucson Museum of Art School, Tucson, AZ
2007, 2005 Adjunct instructor, University of Arizona, School of Art, Tucson, AZ (Advanced/Graduate Contemporary Drawing, Watercolor, Non-figurative Drawing)
2006, 2001 Adjunct instructor, Pima Community College, Art Department, Tucson, AZ (Bookmaking, Basic Design)
2000-03 Adjunct lecturer, University of Arizona, School of Architecture, Tucson, AZ (Foundation Studio)
1997-99 Teaching assistant, University of Arizona, Department of Art, Tucson, AZ (Color and Design - 7 semesters , instructor of record, Painting –1 semester)
1994-96 Art instructor, Tucson Museum of Art School, Tucson, AZ
1995 Art instructor, Parks and Recreation, Tucson, AZ
1995 Art Instructor, The Arts Council of Princeton, Princeton, NJ
1982-83 Assistant, Warsaw Historical Museum, Department of Works on Paper, Warsaw, Poland

2013 Special Collections, University of Arizona, Purchase Award, Tucson, AZ, Paperwoks Artist’s Book Exhibition
2012 Tucson Pima Arts Council, Tucson, AZ, Best in Show, Open Studio Tour Preview at JCC
2009 Alchemy: Transmutation from the base to the precious, Marin MOCA, Novato, CA, Honorable Mention
2005 Tucson/Pima Arts Council, Travel Grant
2003 Tucson/Pima Arts Council, International Exchange Grant
2002 Northwest Bookfest, Seattle, Washington, Honorable Mention
1999 University of Arizona Final Project Financial Aid Award
1998 Albert M. Haldeman Scholarship, University of Arizona, Tucson


Athenaeum, La Jolla, CA
Atlanta College of Art, Artists’ Book Collection, Atlanta, GA
Biblioteca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
Boise State University, Montana
Bokartas, Vilnius, Lithuania
Book Arts Museum, £ódz, Poland
Center for Creative Photography, Rare Books, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
Cleveland Art Institute Library, Cleveland, OH
Duke University, Durham, NC
Flaxman Library, School of Art Institute...

Discover contemporary artworks by Beata Wehr, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Collages. Account type: Artist , member since 2002 (Country of origin Poland). Buy Beata Wehr's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Beata Wehr. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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11 artworks by Beata Wehr (Selection)

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Mixed media • 11 artworks

Sculpture titled "Story of winged cre…" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork, Metals
Story of winged creature - Sculpture, 2.4x6.3 in ©2023 by Beata Wehr - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579
"Story of winged creature"

Sculpture - Metals | 2.4x6.3 in

Collages titled "Sense of sight" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Sense of sight - Collages, 13.8x11.8 in ©1996 by Beata Wehr -
"Sense of sight"

Collages | 13.8x11.8 in

Collages titled "Book from a desert" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Book from a desert - Collages, 7.5x9.5 in ©2010 by Beata Wehr -
"Book from a desert"

Collages | 7.5x9.5 in

Collages titled "Desert flora" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Desert flora - Collages, 9x7 in ©2009 by Beata Wehr -
"Desert flora"

Collages | 9x7 in

Not For Sale
Collages titled "Portrait" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Portrait - Collages ©2004 by Beata Wehr -


On Request
Collages titled "Your thoughts don't…" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Your thoughts don't have words every day - Collages, 8x10 in ©2011 by Beata Wehr -
"Your thoughts don't have words every day"

Collages | 8x10 in

Collages titled "In Between" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
In Between - Collages, 10x10 in ©2000 by Beata Wehr -
"In Between"

Collages | 10x10 in

Collages titled "Calendar for 2004" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Calendar for 2004 - Collages ©2004 by Beata Wehr -
"Calendar for 2004"


On Request
Collages titled "We grow accustomed…" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
We grow accustomed to the Dark - Collages, 8x10 in ©2011 by Beata Wehr -
"We grow accustomed to the Dark"

Collages | 8x10 in

Collages titled "Disease" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Disease - Collages, 6x6 in ©1998 by Beata Wehr -

Collages | 6x6 in

On Request
Collages titled "Numbers" by Beata Wehr, Original Artwork
Numbers - Collages ©2006 by Beata Wehr -


On Request
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