а 498 - AXart Painting by Aleksandr Khodiukov Axart

Watercolor on Paper, 15x22.1 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Airy, bright watercolors. They carry a cheerful, positive energy. The energy of thoughts, once embodied on the canvas, has an extraordinary power. It captures the spectator's phantom with invisible magnetism and pushes it to new energy levels. I deliberately don't write titles for my works.
Airy, bright watercolors.
They carry a cheerful, positive energy.
The energy of thoughts,
once embodied on the canvas,
has an extraordinary power.
It captures the spectator's phantom with invisible magnetism
and pushes it to new energy levels.

I deliberately don't write titles for my works.
Let everyone who is interested and if there is such a desire,
give their own name,
according to their vision and idea.

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Aleksandr Khodiukov is a contemporary Belarusian painter whose artistic creations transcend the mere act of painting to become an expansive journey of the soul, expanding the sphere[...]

Aleksandr Khodiukov is a contemporary Belarusian painter whose artistic creations transcend the mere act of painting to become an expansive journey of the soul, expanding the sphere of consciousness. Rooted in a profound connection to his inner world, Khodiukov approaches his art with a dedicated exploration of the self, a reflective process that evolves in the light of accumulated experiences and is guided by intuition.

Khodiukov's paintings are not mere visual representations; they are manifestations of conscious energy. Drawing from the depths of his soul, he transforms thoughts into vibrant strokes on canvas, creating works that emanate an extraordinary power. The energy of his thoughts, once translated into the language of art, takes on a captivating life of its own. It becomes a magnetic force, reaching out to capture the viewer's imagination and propelling it to new levels of energy and awareness.

In the hands of Aleksandr Khodiukov, a canvas becomes a portal to the inner workings of the mind and spirit. Each stroke, each color, and each composition is a deliberate expression of his conscious energy, offering viewers a profound visual experience that transcends the boundaries of traditional art.

See more from Aleksandr Khodiukov Axart

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