Untitled_003 (2024) Schilderij door Avinash Pise

Acryl op Canvas, 48x48 in
US$ 1.890,34
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US$ 32,62
US$ 130,47
US$ 271,83
Max resolutie: 3600 x 3573 px
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Verkoper Avinash Pise

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
I look around and I am amazed... Amazed and awestruck by the most stunning masterpiece ever created- Nature. It is not just a source of inspiration but an artist’s paradise. I have embraced it with all my heart and have admired it through my paintings. These abstract artworks are my way of expressing my love for nature through the colours of my imagination[...]
I look around and I am amazed... Amazed and awestruck by the most stunning masterpiece ever created- Nature. It is not just a source of inspiration but an artist’s paradise. I have embraced it with all my heart and have admired it through my paintings. These abstract artworks are my way of expressing my love for nature through the colours of my imagination and creativity. I have portrayed how I see nature, not with my eyes but with my mind and heart.

Verwante thema's

AbstractAbstractartColorfullabstractCanvas Painting

Automatisch vertaald
I look around and I am amazed... Amazed and awestruck by the most stunning masterpiece ever created- Nature. It is not just a source of inspiration but an artist’s paradise. I have embraced it with all my heart[...]

I look around and I am amazed... Amazed and awestruck by the most stunning masterpiece ever created- Nature. It is not just a source of inspiration but an artist’s paradise. I have embraced it with all my heart and have admired it through my paintings. These abstract artworks are my way of expressing my love for nature through the colors of my imagination and creativity. I have portrayed how I see nature, not with my eyes but with my mind and heart. 

My painting is all about light and how we see it and react to it. It is what drives artists on. It is why most of us paint. Yet light can be as elusive as a wisp of smoke as we try to capture it in all its many moods. My brush is never still.

For me, painting is as much a part of the day as eating and sleeping.  In fact, it’s more important than that, more like breathing! I could not imagine a single day passing without talking about, reading about, or actually taking part in some kind of activity concerning art. Like a moth is drawn to a flame, a painter is drawn to the light, and although I have tried to express myself with painting in many different forms, mediums and styles over the years, my path has lead me inexorably, like so many others before me, to try and capture that elusive quality of light, that only a shimmering sunset, dawn of a new day, dazzling sparkle of reflection off both sea and river presents to one who is prepared to both look and see.

Avinash’s style is bold and vigorous, both in the use of Oil and handling of paint, as he explores the effect of light on his subject. Seeking atmosphere through light and color, he works in varying degrees of abstraction.

Bekijk meer van Avinash Pise

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