Blanche (2021) Sculpture by Aurore Lanteri

Sculpture - Collages, 22.8x11.8 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Collages / Plaster / Resin on Other substrate
  • Dimensions Height 22.8in, Width 11.8in / 1.00 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $5,000 Spiritual Art World Culture
Masque en forme de crâne en plâtre réalisé à partir d’un modelage en terre et d’un moulage, sur lequel sont assemblés des éléments de récupération, perles, sangles d’emballage, fouets de batteur, figurine de mouton en plastique, ampoule, le tout recouvert de résine époxy, l’œuvre peut être accrochée au mur à l’aide d’une vis ou d’un crochet grâce à[...]
Masque en forme de crâne en plâtre réalisé à partir d’un modelage en terre et d’un moulage, sur lequel sont assemblés des éléments de récupération, perles, sangles d’emballage, fouets de batteur, figurine de mouton en plastique, ampoule, le tout recouvert de résine époxy, l’œuvre peut être accrochée au mur à l’aide d’une vis ou d’un crochet grâce à une tige métallique installée sur l’arrière.

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Automatically translated
Aurore Lanteri, a contemporary French artist, emerged onto the artistic scene after graduating from Strasbourg in decorative arts in 2012. With a focus on sculpture and paintings,[...]

Aurore Lanteri, a contemporary French artist, emerged onto the artistic scene after graduating from Strasbourg in decorative arts in 2012. With a focus on sculpture and paintings, she swiftly established herself as a talent to watch. Born and raised in the Alpes Maritimes region, Lanteri returned to her roots the following year to further her artistic exploration.

But defining her artistic quest proved elusive. Lanteri grappled with the question of "why," much like a parent confronted by a child's incessant questioning. Yet, she found solace in the idea that some things are simply meant to be accepted, devoid of explicit explanation.

Lanteri recognized the depth of human experience, acknowledging that words often fail to capture the complexities of the human psyche. She delved into her art with a sense of purpose, seeking to unearth the profound intricacies of life. Whether exploring the depths of emotion or the surface allure of beauty, Lanteri approached her work with equal fervor.

For her, art was a means of grappling with life's uncertainties, a way of reconciling her own fears, passions, and contradictions. Each piece was a testament to her ongoing journey of self-discovery, a quest marked by both conscious effort and childlike wonder.

With each stroke of her brush or sculptor's chisel, Lanteri immersed herself in the tactile world of creation. She embraced the weight of thought and the sensory richness of her materials, allowing her art to evolve organically.

In Lanteri's artistic process, there was a delicate balance between intention and spontaneity. She approached her work with a childlike curiosity, always open to being surprised by the creative process. Yet, beneath the surface of playful exploration lay a profound commitment to her craft—a commitment that propelled her forward, ever eager to uncover new truths through her art.

See more from Aurore Lanteri

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