Elephants in the Wild (2022) Schilderij door Aryawansa Kumarasinghe

Acryl op Canvas, 30x40 in
US$ 870
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Verkoper Aartzy
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Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen.
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Gratis retour: Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen..
Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
  • Origineel Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Schilderij, Acryl op Canvas
  • Dimensies Hoogte 30in, Breedte 40in
  • Framing Dit kunstwerk is niet ingelijst
  • Categorieën Schilderijen onder US$ 1.000 Dier
This painting is a group of elephants in the rough surrounding of the wilderness. The environment is beautifully painted to represent the rough features of a forest. The creator has used dark khaki colors primarily in green shades to give the impression of a dark surrounding. The elephants themselves are drawn in a lot of detail. The creator[...]
This painting is a group of elephants in the rough surrounding of the wilderness. The environment is beautifully painted to represent the rough features of a forest. The creator has used dark khaki colors primarily in green shades to give the impression of a dark surrounding.

The elephants themselves are drawn in a lot of detail. The creator has given them a lot of emotion and motion thereby making this a lively piece of art. The tree that encompasses the elephants almost gives a 3D effect to the painting as the creator has skillfully added depth to it behind the large elephant.

Verwante thema's

Acrylic PaintingsAcrylic Paintings For SaleAcrylic On CanvasPaintings For SaleInterior Design

Automatisch vertaald
Kunstenaar vertegenwoordigd door Aartzy
Although his father’s wish was to educate his son to be a great practitioner in Ayurvedic medicine, life had a different plan for Aryawansa Kumarasinghe.  Aryawansa gathers inspiration from researching[...]

Although his father’s wish was to educate his son to be a great practitioner in Ayurvedic medicine, life had a different plan for Aryawansa Kumarasinghe. 

Aryawansa gathers inspiration from researching and exploring Sri Lankan and Buddhist history.  His artistic approach intertwines history and the present through his mesmerizing storytelling. He has developed a close kinship with the folklore of his motherland, visualizing her stories beautifully and expressively. 

The world of war, life, death, victory and defeat of ancient Sri Lanka is depicted in the form of graphically striking images that allow the physicality of nature and history to reveal itself. Aryawansa turned out historical scenes such as the ‘Battle of Mulleriyawa’, the Portuguese destroying the Fort in Jaffna, and the arrival of Prince Vijaya into wonderful masterpieces. 

Working with oils, watercolors, charcoal and mixed media, Aryawansa employs a rich and fresh color palate that capture the essence of rich history. A great sense of depth and nostalgia is created through his great influence by classical paintings. The paintings highlight the realities of life and are enhanced by his skill and effort at rendering lifelike figures with his sharp eye for manipulating proportion and scale. 

He uses moderate color combinations and integrates line, figure, contrasting perspectives and space to position a sense of realness to the events that have taken place long ago and connotates its effect and timelessness. 

Inspired by his upbringing within a village atmosphere, his paintings are deeply rooted in the simple lifestyle and culture of the village. His scribbles of these sceneries with charcoal on the walls of his home as a young boy, was the start of his artistic career.  

His great talent motivated him to create artwork for Vesak Pandols at a very young age and undertake bigger projects in his adulthood, such as decorating the holiday homes and buildings of the Northern Navy Command in Sri Lanka and the living premises and camps of the Regimental Centers for infantries. 

The spontaneous gestural brush-strokes and mark-making, leave an impression of expression and emotion, especially that tells a story with depth. The color schemes and texture translate content to stimulate the pride of Sri Lanka and its ancestors. 

His efforts reflect Sri Lankan culture and the essential harmony within nature, humans and history. The vibrant history and culture smeared on Aryawansa’s paintings educate the future generations about the past and are true treasures that resurrects rich history of historical literature! 

Bekijk meer van Aryawansa Kumarasinghe

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Acryl op Canvas | 48x36 in
US$ 1.160
Acryl op Canvas | 40x30 in
US$ 870
Acryl op Canvas | 36x48 in
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Acryl op Canvas | 40x30 in
US$ 870


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