Abstract impression - Abstract landscape (2024) Картина - Andrus Reedla

Продавец Andrus Reedla

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Продавец Andrus Reedla

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32,56 $
130,25 $
271,35 $
Максимальное разрешение: 5884 x 5927 px
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Продавец Andrus Reedla

уникальный экземпляр
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Это художественное произведение появляется в 1 в коллекциях
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Льняной холст
  • Размеры Высота 31,5in, Ширина 31,5in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Абстрактное Пейзаж
Abstract impression about a abstract landscape. It always starts as an expression - we can say it's a landscape of the inner soul manifesting in visual form. По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили
Abstract impression about a abstract landscape. It always starts as an expression - we can say it's a landscape of the inner soul manifesting in visual form.

Связанные темы

Abstract LandscapeAbstract ImpressionAbstract Oil PaintingContemporary ArtImpressionistic Painting

Переведено автоматически
In terms of art style, Andrus consciously do not want to completely copy something specific, but develop his own style using the old masters as an example.  For him, art is not a constant, but a constantly[...]

In terms of art style, Andrus consciously do not want to completely copy something specific, but develop his own style using the old masters as an example. 

For him, art is not a constant, but a constantly evolving process - and we have no end of the road. Art is for him a communication language to bring the constantly changing and diverse, hidden, imaginative world to the viewer.

Imagination, expression and impression are the key elements of his art. It's more in the process than exact style with right colors or "how you should do stuff". You can not have too much rules in art, says Andrus.

Some of his topics are for example space, nature, abstract and philosophical thoughts.. or all them mixt together. 

The common thing that Andrus's art always has is either a visible or a hidden symbolic meaning - some kind of story or thought, not always pure abstraction or surrealism.

Meaningful expressionism, relativistic world view, open mind in our limitation to understand the world..

Let's continue the journey.

Смотреть ещё Andrus Reedla

Просмотреть все произведения
Масло на Холст | 19,7x15,8 in
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Акрил на Холст | 15,8x15,8 in
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Акрил на Льняной холст | 40,2x40,2 in
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Масло на Льняной холст | 23,6x23,6 in
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