DES VOIX (2021) Photography by Andrey Troïtsky

Photography, 19.7x19.7 in
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This artwork appears in 1 collections
#2. DES VOIX. " Mon ami entendait des voix. Elles lui disaient que la vie n’était pas comme on le pense, que chaque homme a deux êtres, qui vont toujours de pair – l’un est bonne, l’autre mauvais – mais personne ne les voit. Et si les gens apprennent que quelqu’un voit ces deux êtres, alors on le déclare fou et on le ligote sur son lit[...]
" Mon ami entendait des voix. Elles lui disaient que la vie n’était pas comme on le pense, que chaque homme a deux êtres, qui vont toujours de pair – l’un est bonne, l’autre mauvais – mais personne ne les voit. Et si les gens apprennent que quelqu’un voit ces deux êtres, alors on le déclare fou et on le ligote sur son lit ".

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Andrey Troitsky is a professional photographic artist who works on the phenomenon of memory and thoughtful projects that explore visual language. At the beginning of 2022, he completed[...]

Andrey Troitsky is a professional photographic artist who works on the phenomenon of memory and thoughtful projects that explore visual language.

At the beginning of 2022, he completed a new photographic project dedicated to collective memory under the title "Inner Empire - a territory of war".

Andrey Troïtsky was born in Moscow (Russia) in November 1976. He graduated from the Russian Theater Academy as a director where he studied photography. He worked as a photographer with magazines and advertising agencies in Moscow in 2009. He studied philosophy at the Center of Modern Art "Garage". Since 2012 he teaches photography. In May 2022 he participated in the exhibition at Caelum-gallery in New York with a series of his project “Espace-Métamorphoses”.This project, completed in 2020, received numerous awards: Conceptual Series of the Year in Monovisions Photography Awards, Gold Winner in Tokyo Int Foto Festival , Special Selection in LensCulture.

See more from Andrey Troïtsky

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Photography | 19.7x27.6 in
Photography | 19.7x19.7 in
Photography | 12.6x17.3 in
Photography | 12.6x17.3 in


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