Before sailing. From the cycle "Portus" (2017) Schilderij door Andrei Svistunov

Aquarel op Papier, 8,9x12,6 in
US$ 386,92
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Beoordelingen van klanten (11)
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Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
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US$ 40,10
US$ 59,61
US$ 113,80
Beoordelingen van klanten Uitstekend
Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Andrei Svistunov

Digitale licentie

Deze afbeelding is beschikbaar als download met licentie

US$ 32,51
US$ 130,06
US$ 270,95
Max resolutie: 3720 x 2563 px
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Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Andrei Svistunov

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 7 verzamelingen
Before sailing. From the cycle "Portus". Original drawing. Graphite, Watercolor on 300 gr. Arches paper. Size: 32 x 22,5 cm. When anticipation can no longer be reversed, and the first rays of the sun have fallen on the shaky silhouette of the harbour, it is easiest to imagine the beginning of the path... [...]
Before sailing.
From the cycle "Portus". Original drawing. Graphite, Watercolor on 300 gr. Arches paper. Size: 32 x 22,5 cm.
When anticipation can no longer be reversed, and the first rays of the sun have fallen on the shaky silhouette of the harbour, it is easiest to imagine the beginning of the path...

Verwante thema's


Automatisch vertaald
Andrey Svistunov was born in St. Petersburg, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Being an architect by training and having extensive experience on the embodiment of the ideas in forms inherent in architecture,[...]

Andrey Svistunov was born in St. Petersburg, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Being an architect by training and having extensive experience on the embodiment of the ideas in forms inherent in architecture, it continues the creative realization of these ideas begun in Academy of Arts also as the artist. Its graphic works are distinguished by metaphoricalness, diversity and exact possession of material. The air prospects of its works originate in profound knowledge of the principles of classical order architecture and classical academic school, but steadily leave further the framework ordered by its profession in which to the artist, obviously, it becomes close. Almost all his graphic pictures are anyway connected with antiquity or revival, but from classical ouvrages they are distinguished by the special world created by the artist in whic h as in a mirror both scenery of the Renaissance theater, and phantasmagoric masks carnival San Marco and bible tendency of infinite steps of the ladders leaving to heaven are reflected.
The famous artist-aquarellist and the architect Mikhail Filippov had a huge impact on me. Even many years later after ours with it meetings I consider him the teacher, the person who inspired me and taught me invaluable lessons of possession of a watercolor.
The watercolor is that material which use allows to transfer most fully and easily unsteadiness of forms, the alternating architectural prospects, that is the fact that makes the composite and semantic content of my works.
In time training in Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, on one of last years, I participated in a summer visiting session of School of Prince Charles.
After the termination of Academy of Arts having worked some time in the Architectural workshop of Mikhail Filippov, I was engaged in independent creativity.
For two decades I was both an architect and the designer, but never stopped being the artist.
My world – my freedom.
My view of the world is an invariable love to all wonderful in this world.
My art is a reflection of my internal feelings and reflections about what could be, but for some reason did not happen though before my eyes there pass images often same tangible and substantial, as well as the world surrounding me.

Bekijk meer van Andrei Svistunov

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