4 567 322 017 (2024) Malerei von Anastasia Nesterenko

Acryl auf Leinwand, 31,5x23,6 in
498,64 $
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32,07 $
128,29 $
267,27 $
Maximale Auflösung: 2114 x 2808 px
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Verkäufer Anastasia Nesterenko

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
SERIES “YOU NOW” Why are people different? Why, being born into the same family, do twin brothers choose different paths? Girlfriends who have been friends for 15 years, 9 of which they keep together every day 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, live different lives? Why do people who have not known each other all their lives,[...]

Why are people different?
Why, being born into the same family, do twin brothers choose different paths?
Girlfriends who have been friends for 15 years, 9 of which they keep together every day 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, live different lives?
Why do people who have not known each other all their lives, once meeting, realize how similar they are?
Why are people similar?

Thinking about this, I came to the conclusion that it was all about their past: the events they lived through; in the people they met along the way; in the mistakes that taught them; in different experiences of action. And in general, everything that everyone lived from the first second of life until antiquity.
I see every person in the present moment as puzzle pieces or fragments of life sewn together. These pieces define us now and our future.
Of course, you can always do a 360 turn and change everything. Or not?

The title of the paintings is a number representing one specific person out of the 8 billion currently alive.
Automatisch übersetzt
In my work, I try to delve into the very essence of human life, and get to the core of human life. I look at the totality of various actions and feelings from a philosophical perspective, and my goal is to[...]

In my work, I try to delve into the very essence of human life, and get to the core of human life. I look at the totality of various actions and feelings from a philosophical perspective, and my goal is to make everyone rediscover the value of life, and specific actions for the universe in general.

At the end of the twentieth century, in cosmology (the section of astronomy that studies the evolution of the Universe), one principle became established: the whole Universe was created as it is, so that a human being could arise in it.

I'm very interested in this anthropic principle, which makes it possible to suggest that human life is important in principle. But if life is important. what it is: its quality, its meaningfulness, its significance in the micro- and macrocosm.

As physicists study the nature of the world through the smallest atoms and quanta. I try to explore the essence of human life through the smallest of actions, for example, in the

series of works called "Simple about Simple".

To realise this idea, I use mediums such as plaster, clay, various texture pastes and red thread.

In each piece, the thread will show the direction of the thought and finish it off.

The threads act as a guide, and the essence at the same time.

Through my work, I am encouraged to feel every thread of my life, to realise and not to deny it, not to turn away. To remember that your life and every life is important, both for yourself, for yourself and for the world at large.

Mehr von Anastasia Nesterenko

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1.887,45 $
Gips auf MDF-Platte | 39,4x2,8 in
776,8 $
Acryl auf Leinwand | 19,7x15,8 in
466,04 $
Skulptur - Gips | 31,1x23,2 in
1.926,85 $


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