Her soul, abstract face painting (2021) Malarstwo autorstwa Alina Odwyer


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Sprzedawca Alina Odwyer

Papier artystyczny, 8x8 in

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33,00 USD
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  1490 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1490x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 27,6in, Szerokość 27,6in
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Abstrakcyjna
Her soul Original abstract acrylic painting by Alina O'Dwyer Has the value of a female really broken free of the shackles of male judgement in the 21st century? Throughout time, the female has been categorised by her external appearance, with a woman’s beauty being her main attribute when viewed by men.
Her soul
Original abstract acrylic painting by Alina O'Dwyer

Has the value of a female really broken free of the shackles of male judgement in the 21st century?

Throughout time, the female has been categorised by her external appearance, with a woman’s beauty being her main attribute when viewed by men.

Rarely in the history books do you find a description of the female that begins with her intelligence, fortitude and strength.

The suffragette movement broke through this in the beginning of the last century and brought some recognition of women’s rights, it is hard to believe that it took the death of one of the protestors for the male dominant governments to consider allowing women to vote.

We now find ourselves a century on from this monumental shift in the plight of women, but have we really moved on from this dark period?

In many cultures the woman is still second class, still considered as a possession without the basic rights of her more fortunate sisters in the Western world.

Do we still judge the female form by her external beauty or do we see within and those attributes which are not apparent at first glance?

Despite the external appearance, and more importantly, despite the unfortunate situation some females may find themselves in due to regional differences, a woman will always remain strong as she tends to her internal strength and fortitude, this to me is the true beauty of the female form.

Irrespective of what cultural bias may throw at females they remain resilient and tend to that inner garden of hope and light, enriching their internal life in the hope that someday, they too may enjoy the freedoms and respect that so many women take for granted in the western world.

The size is 70 by 70 cm dept size is 2 cm.

The painting comes signed and dated by the artist with a Certificate of Authenticity.

It's coming painted around the edges to compliment the art work and doesn't need framing. Each painting is one of a kind.

Will be shipped in a tube.

I would be delighted to create you an unique work, whatever size you need to or colour pallete.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.
This art work participate Swissartexpo 2021

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Alina O'Dwyer is a contemporary artist known for her vibrant and eye-catching creations. Her initial exposure to the world of art occurred in a small Russian village, where she discovered a monument dedicated[...]

Alina O'Dwyer is a contemporary artist known for her vibrant and eye-catching creations. Her initial exposure to the world of art occurred in a small Russian village, where she discovered a monument dedicated to Kazimir Malevich. Intrigued by suprematism and contemporary art, Alina immersed herself in books, spending countless hours in libraries. Despite completing a Master's degree in clinical psychology and working in corporate settings, her passion for art persisted.

In 2012, Alina made a bold career shift to follow her artistic calling. Having been a professional photographer for seven years, specializing in portrait and travel photography, she experienced a transformative period during the lockdown, welcoming not only her daughter Amelia into the world but also her foray into painting.

Alina's captivating paintings have earned recognition, featuring in prestigious exhibitions both nationally and internationally. At the core of her artistic vision is the exploration of the external world through a diverse array of characters on canvas. Her works are characterized by intriguing combinations of colors and shapes, providing a unique representation of the untamed beauty of nature.

Delving into various themes, Alina places particular emphasis on the animal kingdom. Her art seeks to unveil the intricate relationship between humans and wildlife, while also exploring subjects related to women, focusing on their independence and inner strength. Alina predominantly employs oils and acrylics on canvas, creating vibrant and thought-provoking pieces.

As an artist, Alina O'Dwyer believes that freedom resides in nature and advocates for the preservation of wild habitats over commercial ventures like oil pipelines or high-rise buildings. Through her art, she amplifies this message, aiming to initiate conversations and raise awareness about the raw beauty and importance of the natural world.

Alina O'Dwyer's artistic journey stands as a testament to her commitment to creative expression and her unwavering dedication to addressing vital environmental and societal issues through her captivating and evocative artworks 

Zobacz więcej od Alina Odwyer

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