Playa Tranquila 디지털 아트 Alfonso García

미술용지, 6x12 in
  • 이 작품은 "오픈 에디션"입니다 디지털 아트, 지클레 프린트 / 디지털 인쇄
  • 치수 여러 크기 사용 가능
  • 여러 지원 가능 (미술용지, 메탈 프린트, 캔버스 프린트)
  • 프레이밍 프레임 사용 가능 (플로팅 프레임 + 유리 아래, 프레임 + 아크릴 유리 아래)
  • 카테고리 큐비즘 바다 풍경
이 작품에 대한: 분류, 기법 & 스타일 기술 디지털 아트 디지털 아트는 언어 및 디지털 장치, 컴퓨터, 인터페이스 또는 네트워크의 특성을 사용하는 다양한 창작 범주 집합을 말합니다. 1960년대 초반부터 예술[...]

관련 테마


Abstract and Nature Fine Art Photographer Abstract , Landscapes,Flowers,Urban,... Follow me at twitter,Or at Facebook: I am Spanish, born in Salamanca and I live in Madrid / Galicia / Andalucia.

Abstract and Nature Fine Art Photographer
Abstract , Landscapes,Flowers,Urban,...
Follow me at twitter,Or at Facebook:

I am Spanish, born in Salamanca and I live in Madrid / Galicia / Andalucia.

The photography was during my childhood living environment .
My father , Antonio ' MIMOSA ' was a great professional photographer.
I've heard of light almost since I have use of reason.
With a great Kodak Retina I made my first photos .
Learned study techniques with 18x24cm machines .
Then I lived color revolution .
New enlargers and ' printers' in addition to new machines .
Among them especially Mamiya 6x7 .
My thanks to my father excited, also one of his disciples ,who was gracious Master me : Matias Barajas .
The digital I had as I do myself.
The concepts are the same different technique .
A second love (Third Party I'm not talking ... ) I had and I stand in the Mathematics. I am Maths. PhD.
Geometry and Photography can admire and understand each other .
Take pictures ' that speaks ' , that thrill . do feel , that convey , ie closer to Art is not easy.

Vende  copias de sus obras para Contract , Decoración  en ediciones no limitadas.

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