Turkey, Antalya. Palm trees against the backdrop of mountain (2022) Malerei von Alfia Kircheva

Aquarell auf Papier, 8,3x11 in
420,97 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Alfia Kircheva
Versand aus: Bulgarien (Briefumschlag) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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26,80 $
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99,70 $
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Verkäufer Alfia Kircheva

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 3 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Aquarell auf Papier
  • Masse Höhe 8,3in, Breite 11in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 500 $ Illustration Berglandschaft
Çamyuva is a small town in the district of Kemer, Antalya Province, Turkey, situated to the south of the central town of Kemer. Formerly a village without a municipal administration, it was recently merged with the neighbouring village of Kiriş and the official name for the two agglomerations, as well as the name of the constituted municipality, is[...]
Çamyuva is a small town in the district of Kemer, Antalya Province, Turkey, situated to the south of the central town of Kemer. Formerly a village without a municipal administration, it was recently merged with the neighbouring village of Kiriş and the official name for the two agglomerations, as well as the name of the constituted municipality, is Çamyuva. Although during the past few years much construction has occurred, these two towns are still famous for numerous olive and orange groves. This is truly a fabulous place to stay, which I was lucky enough to visit at the beginning of September this year.

Verwandte Themen

Palm TreesMountainsPink MountainsHeavenly PlaceAegean Sea

Automatisch übersetzt
Alfia Kircheva is a Bulgarian contemporary artist, born in 1978 in Moscow, where she received her education as a painting teacher. In 2003, the artist migrated to Bulgaria. Since completing her professional[...]

Alfia Kircheva is a Bulgarian contemporary artist, born in 1978 in Moscow, where she received her education as a painting teacher. In 2003, the artist migrated to Bulgaria. Since completing her professional training, Alfia has been participating in many regional and international exhibitions. Exhibitions took place in Russia, France, Canada, Italy, and Bulgaria. One of her paintings is permanently displayed in the State Ethnographical Museum in Varna, Bulgaria. She is a member and one of the founders of the Commonwealth of Female Artists in Bulgaria. Alfia works in a variety of techniques - watercolor, graphics, textiles and oil painting. Currently, Alfia is engaged in teaching painting, interior design and social activities related to the Commonwealth of Female Artists, which she runs.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

Carl Jung

A human being is the most valuable and complex thing in the Universe. An individual's feelings are not always clear to them.

Deeply exploring physicality through my personal experience, I immerse myself in the taboo aspects of human life, interpreting them into artistic images. Conscious liminality not only in individual social groups, but also in modern society as a whole, I feel my place in the system of metamodernism.

I go from the external to the internal, revealing the darkest corners of their subconscious, their true, deep desires hidden behind social norms. What is indecent to talk about – fetish, passion, imperfection.An artist is like a doctor. There is no shame in undressing in front of them. They heal your soul, show you your pain and reconcile you with it. The pain becomes part of your personality.

Freedom is when you can be yourself, look inside yourself, find your fears and accept them. Rejection creates internal conflict.

I am inspired by a huge layer of realistic art, from Renaissance to Post-Impressionism. The tenderness of Botticelli, the expressiveness of Rubens, the wisdom of El Greco and the mysticism of Gauguin – these are my compasses in art.

During my early creative period, I became interested in East Asian spiritual practices and they still influence my creativity. They brought me the understanding that a person cannot have only light or only dark in them. It’s the interaction of darkness and light that gives rise to the complex human essence.

I also give special importance to color theory. In my paintings predominate soothing blue and turquoise shades and dark tones, entering the viewer into a state of psychoanalysis.

Sometimes I use elements of surrealism to blur the line between reality and dream, reminding the viewer of the subjectivity of perception of the world.

Having gone through the academic school of painting, I became an adept of classical techniques of expression – oil painting, graphics and watercolours. Continuing the traditions of the old masters and maintaining my unique style, I want to show the world my interpretation of  humanism.




Mehr von Alfia Kircheva

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