Red glow (2024) Pintura por Alexandra Ghimisi

Acrílico em Tela, 39,4x31,5 in
US$ 2.011,67
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Entrega por Artmajeur: O envio desta arte é feito diretamente pela Artmajeur desde a coleta até a entrega final ao cliente. Alfândega não incluída.
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  • Prazo Entrega mundial em 3 a 7 dias (Estimativa)
  • Alfândega não incluída O preço não inclui taxas alfandegárias. A maioria dos países não tem imposto de importação para obras de arte originais, mas você pode ter que pagar o IVA reduzido. As taxas alfandegárias (se houver) devem ser calculadas na chegada pela estância aduaneira e serão cobradas separadamente pela transportadora.
Artmajeur faz todos os esforços para garantir a aquisição de obras originais autênticas ao preço mais justo, ou reembolsá-lo integralmente.
  • Certificado de autenticidade on-line rastreável Os certificados de autenticidade podem ser verificados online a qualquer momento, digitalizando o código da obra de arte.
  • Certificação do artista Os especialistas estudam a obra e a carreira de um artista para então estabelecerem uma cotação média independente e confiável. A cotação média permite situar o artista em uma faixa de preço para um determinado período. Os especialistas também podem ser convidados a estabelecer uma estimativa mais precisa para uma obra em particular.
Transação 100% segura, Modos de pagamento aceitos: Cartão de crédito, PayPal, Transferência bancária.
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Devoluções Gratuitas: Satisfeito ou seu dinheiro de volta em 14 dias.
Retorno aceito 14 dias Artmajeur está 100% comprometido com a satisfação dos colecionadores: você tem 14 dias para devolver uma obra original. O trabalho deve ser devolvido ao artista em perfeitas condições, em sua embalagem original. Todos os itens elegíveis podem ser devolvidos (salvo indicação em contrário).
Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Pronto para pendurar
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 39,4in, Largura 31,5in
  • Condição da obra de arte A obra está em muito bom estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 5.000 Abstrata Flor
Transform your habitat into a sanctuary of inspiration. My latest artwork, Red Glow is designed to elevate your space, bringing a touch of contemporary elegance and a burst of creativity to your home. Art has the power to transform not just walls, but the very atmosphere of a room, infusing it with emotion and personality. [...]
Transform your habitat into a sanctuary of inspiration. My latest artwork, Red Glow is designed to elevate your space, bringing a touch of contemporary elegance and a burst of creativity to your home.
Art has the power to transform not just walls, but the very atmosphere of a room, infusing it with emotion and personality.

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Alexandra is a visual artist and an Art Educator based in Nottinghamshire, the UK. Through live workshop events, and online training courses she helps painters, both amateur and professional alike, to loosen[...]

Alexandra is a visual artist and an Art Educator based in Nottinghamshire, the UK. Through live workshop events, and online training courses she helps painters, both amateur and professional alike, to loosen up their painting style, understand art design fundamentals and discover the joy and freedom of painting.

She has completed her BA in Fine Art at Bucharest National University of Arts in 2008. Since graduating she has worked as an interior designer for her own company. In 2016 she has decided to live in the UK with her family. 

Her work is a celebration of light, revealed in rich and vibrant acrylic paint using her personal visual language of fresh and direct brushmarks. She finds beauty in the ordinary, mundane and in the grand vista. Coastal locations, forests and National Parks provide her with rich and endless subject material.

She loves the intense, saturated colours and many of her paintings are re-imagined creations of different times of day. She uses vivid colors to excite the imagination, allowing viewers to explore their own experiences and dreams of the wide outdoors.

Sometimes, she likes to apply the paint thick, with paint strokes which have an impressionistic feel that makes you want to reach out and touch the canvas. She wants her paintings to be as alive and vibrant as the scenery that inspired them. Sometimes, her approach is one of simplicity and economy, striving to make every mark count in her earnest pursuance of capturing the poetry of a fleeting effect of light.

Her abstract art is a vehicle for endless experimentation and exploration, and is largely inspired by her discoveries of her inner world.

Every time she is surprised by the process of creation. Also she likes the final result, the creative process she enjoys the most - free experimentation, free emotions captured in a brush stroke or a shade of colour.

Her abstract paintings juxtapose opposing elements: opaque and transparent, organic and geometric, textured and smooth, large and small, dark and light.

Through abstraction and experimentation she can express the communication between surface and subconscious, searching for an emotional response.

She believes that the excitement and the process of making art lead to creating something unique. Her mediums include acrylic and mixed media.

Ver mais de Alexandra Ghimisi

Ver todas as obras
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