All Ding währt seine Zeit (2022) Картина - Aleksandr Tkachenko

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Продавец Aleksandr Tkachenko

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273,03 $
Максимальное разрешение: 2477 x 3314 px
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Продавец Aleksandr Tkachenko

По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Цветные карандаши Цветной рисунок, выполненный цветным карандашом, инструмент из маленькой деревянной[...]
Graduated from the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute. I studied the artistic side of things of industrial origin, worked on their form, understanding with a kind irony that this is an endless process - to[...]

Graduated from the Kharkov Art and Industry Institute. I studied the artistic side of things of industrial origin, worked on their form, understanding with a kind irony that this is an endless process - to catch the form at the right technological moment and at least ten calendar years ahead, it is insanely interesting and dangerous at the same time. 

I was engaged in interiors, sometimes in that it was necessary to clothe them from the outside, the front side, sometimes going deep and wide, into the landscape environment.
I began to think about something childish, how to connect a “fairy tale with reality”, connect various events in time expansion with some kind of sign, a mark. While Pinocchio helps me with this. He is a good helper, sociable and inquisitive. Sometimes I wish I had cut it.


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