Sphynx Sculpture by Alberto Kissola


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  1125 px  

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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Sculpture, Other
  • Dimensions Height 18.1in, Width 5.1in
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Cat
Escultura em cimento do gato sphynx Cat sphynx sculpture About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Other Other[...]
Escultura em cimento do gato sphynx
Cat sphynx sculpture

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Alberto Kissola, a contemporary Portuguese sculptor born in 1962, is a self-taught artist whose journey in sculpture began in 2005. It wasn't until 2012 that he made the pivotal[...]

Alberto Kissola, a contemporary Portuguese sculptor born in 1962, is a self-taught artist whose journey in sculpture began in 2005. It wasn't until 2012 that he made the pivotal decision to devote himself full-time to his artistic creations. Throughout his career, Kissola has actively participated in both collective and solo exhibitions in Portugal, showcasing the evolution of his unique sculptural style.

In the realm of his artistic endeavors, Alberto Kissola's sculptures gained special recognition when they became an integral part of the Setúbal European City of Sports event in 2016. This marked a significant milestone in his artistic journey, showcasing the appeal and impact of his creations on a broader stage.

For Kissola, art is a captivating world of emotions and unique beauty that envelops the soul and uplifts the spirit. His sculptures exist within a universe characterized by both chaos and harmony, a duality that finds expression in the forms and contours of his creations. The sculptor's work reflects a deep exploration of the intricate interplay between emotions and aesthetics, creating pieces that resonate with a profound sense of meaning and visual allure.

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