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绘画 标题为“The New Glasses (Le…” 由Christophe Vacher, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在纸板上
The New Glasses (Les Nouvelles Lunettes) - 绘画, 10.5x8.5 in ©2023 由Christophe Vacher - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, portrait, homme, costume, medieval, festival, realisme, impressionisme, texture, huile, carton entoilé

Christophe Vacher

"The New Glasses (Les Nouvelles Lunettes)"

油在帆布上 | 10.5x8.5 in

绘画 标题为“dimension traveler-…” 由Martin Schöckl, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在金属上
dimension traveler- powdered graphite, tempera grassa, flemi - 绘画, 27.6x19.7 in ©2021 由Martin Schöckl - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, 男士肖像, oil, oil painting, oldmasters, oldmasters painting, old masters mischtechnick, vision, visionary art, psychedelic art, claybord, tempera grassa, mischtechnik

Martin Schöckl

"dimension traveler- powdered graphite, tempera grassa, flemi"

油在其他基材上 | 27.6x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“Wise Man” 由Shiva Prakash, 原创艺术品, 铅笔 安装在玻璃上
Wise Man - 绘画, 17x12 in ©2023 由Shiva Prakash - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 男士肖像, Interior Design Ideas, Bedroom Design, Home Decor, Home Design, Interior Design, Pencil Art on Paper, Paintings on Paper for Sale, Pencil on Paper

Shiva Prakash

"Wise Man"

铅笔在纸上 | 17x12 in

绘画 标题为“Tea Time” 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic), 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Tea Time - 绘画, 39.4x39.4 in ©2020 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 男士肖像, mann, tee, tee trinken, grün, blau, carographic, Carolyn Mielke, Kunst, Malerei, bunt

Carolyn Mielke (carographic)

"Tea Time"

丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

绘画 标题为“Bar Life von carogr…” 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic), 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Bar Life von carographic Gemälde rauchen alter Mann popart - 绘画, 39.4x39.4 in ©2022 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 男士肖像, opa, Bier trinken, Mann, Zigarre, rauchen, popart, Carolyn Mielke, carographic, petrol, weiß, Monokel

Carolyn Mielke (carographic)

"Bar Life von carographic Gemälde rauchen alter Mann popart"

丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

绘画 标题为“From the series "Mo…” 由Marina Shavyrina-Shkoliar, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在纸板上
From the series "Month of Portraits" No. 6 - 绘画, 9.5x7.1 in ©2018 由Marina Shavyrina-Shkoliar - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, portrait, collage, man, brodskiy, collage portrait, acrylic, acrylic painting, acrylic portraiture, acrylic on canvas, male portrait, glasses, man with glasses, brodsky

Marina Shavyrina-Shkoliar

"From the series "Month of Portraits" No. 6"

丙烯在帆布上 | 9.5x7.1 in

绘画 标题为“Le vieux sage” 由Caberas, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Le vieux sage - 绘画, 27.6x17.7 in ©2020 由Caberas - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, 男士肖像, vieux, homme, sagesse, barbe, simple, regard, vieillard, portrait


"Le vieux sage"

丙烯在帆布上 | 27.6x17.7 in

数字艺术 标题为“Self-portrait 'Diam…” 由Anton Pustovalov, 原创艺术品, 数字油画
Self-portrait 'Diamond Seller' - 数字艺术, 25.6x18.9 in ©2023 由Anton Pustovalov - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, Self-portrait, pustovalov, art

Anton Pustovalov

"Self-portrait 'Diamond Seller'"


绘画 标题为“WANG BEIJING Porträ…” 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic), 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
WANG BEIJING Porträt grün blau carographic neon abstrakt - 绘画, 39.4x39.4 in ©2023 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic) - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, wang, beijing, asia, portrait, neon, gesicht, alter mann, seifenblasen, grün, carographic, Carolyn Mielke, Kunst, Malerei, Porträt, blau, bunt, popart, pop art, art

Carolyn Mielke (carographic)

"WANG BEIJING Porträt grün blau carographic neon abstrakt"

丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

绘画 标题为“Die letzte Grenze,…” 由Uwe Fehrmann, 原创艺术品, 油
Die letzte Grenze, Nr. 2 | Original Öl Gemälde auf Leinwand - 绘画, 47.2x47.2 in ©2018 由Uwe Fehrmann - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, Ölgemälde, Original, abstraktes Gemälde, buntes Gemälde, große Leinwand, handgemalte Leinwand, große abstrakte Kunst, Wandkunst, zeitgenössische Kunst, trendige Kunst, abstraktes Porträt, Bürokunst, Wohnzimmerkunst

Uwe Fehrmann

"Die letzte Grenze, Nr. 2 | Original Öl Gemälde auf Leinwand"

油在帆布上 | 47.2x47.2 in

绘画 标题为“Portrait with blue…” 由Kosta Morr, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Portrait with blue glasses - 绘画, 27.6x19.7 in ©2023 由Kosta Morr - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 男士肖像, man, portrait, glass, boy

Kosta Morr

"Portrait with blue glasses"

丙烯在帆布上 | 27.6x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“THROWING SOME BEER…” 由Josan Artista, 原创艺术品, 蜡
THROWING SOME BEER GLASSES - 绘画, 12.6x9.1 in ©2016 由Josan Artista - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 男士肖像, expressionism, expressionist, neo-expressionism, neo-expressionist, artbrut, outsiderart, portrait, retrato, ceras, waxes, contemporaryart, art contemporain, expresionismo, expresionista, arte contemporaneo, fiesta, party, pub, beer

Josan Artista


蜡在纸上 | 12.6x9.1 in

数字艺术 标题为“Lenin with VR glass…” 由Davina Dugnas, 原创艺术品, 数字油画 安装在木质担架架上
Lenin with VR glasses - 数字艺术, 19.7x19.7 in ©2024 由Davina Dugnas - Street Art, street-art-624, 男士肖像, Lenin, lenin art, Lening wears VR, Lenin with vr glasses, famous portraits, Davina dugnas, graffiti

Davina Dugnas

"Lenin with VR glasses"

数字艺术 | 19.7x19.7 in

数字艺术 标题为“"Bold Vision"” 由Artopia By Nick, 原创艺术品, 数字油画
"Bold Vision" - 数字艺术 ©2023 由Artopia By Nick - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像

Artopia By Nick

""Bold Vision""

数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸

绘画 标题为“Wild West” 由Renate Kock, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Wild West - 绘画, 23.6x31.5 in ©2021 由Renate Kock - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, People, Men, America, Wild West, Nature, Landscape, Distance

Renate Kock

"Wild West"

丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x31.5 in

绘画 标题为“Look into the Future” 由Maria Petroff, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
Look into the Future - 绘画, 27.6x19.7 in ©2022 由Maria Petroff - Surrealism, surrealism-627, 男士肖像, aldous huxley, dystopia, brave new world, portrait, writer, écrivain, philosophie, dystopie, male portrait, grey, blue, sepia, realism, big portrait

Maria Petroff

"Look into the Future"

油在亚麻帆布上 | 27.6x19.7 in

数字艺术 标题为“A Digital Blueprint…” 由Breaj, 原创艺术品, AI生成的图像
A Digital Blueprint of Human Thought - 数字艺术 ©2024 由Breaj - Illustration, illustration-600, 男士肖像, X Ray, POC, Technology


"A Digital Blueprint of Human Thought"

数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸

绘画 标题为“Passion tangue” 由Aurélie Quentin, 原创艺术品, 油
Passion tangue - 绘画, 39.4x51.2 in ©2024 由Aurélie Quentin - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, sezane, mode, fashion, oisiveté, chill, détente, ile, tropical, amitié, marron, vert, bleu, green, blue, brown, black, metissage, mixed

Aurélie Quentin

"Passion tangue"

油在亚麻帆布上 | 39.4x51.2 in

拼贴 标题为“james Dean 2024” 由Henning Leuschner, 原创艺术品, 拼贴
james Dean 2024 - 拼贴, 58.3x43.3 in ©2024 由Henning Leuschner - Abstract, abstract-570, 男士肖像

Henning Leuschner

"james Dean 2024"

拼贴在铝上 | 58.3x43.3 in

绘画 标题为“After the deal” 由Artak Zakaryan, 原创艺术品, 水彩
After the deal - 绘画, 15.8x11 in ©2017 由Artak Zakaryan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, 男士肖像, watercolor, portrait, cigar, smoking man, man

Artak Zakaryan

"After the deal"

水彩在纸上 | 15.8x11 in

图画 标题为“Selbstbildnis” 由Gerhard Pollheide, 原创艺术品, 木炭
Selbstbildnis - 图画, 16.5x11.8 in ©1987 由Gerhard Pollheide - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像

Gerhard Pollheide


木炭在纸上 | 16.5x11.8 in

绘画 标题为“Hamlet” 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic), 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Hamlet - 绘画, 39.4x39.4 in ©2021 由Carolyn Mielke (carographic) - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 男士肖像, totenkopf, schädel, hamlet, knochen, tod, Carolyn MIelke, carographic, lachender Schädel, neon, pink, blau, silber, metalic

Carolyn Mielke (carographic)


丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

绘画 标题为“Golden Virginia dur…” 由Serhii Voichenko, 原创艺术品, 油
Golden Virginia during the walk - 绘画, 31.5x27.6 in ©2024 由Serhii Voichenko - Abstract, abstract-570, 男士肖像, wall art decor, special gift idea, ukrainian modern art

Serhii Voichenko

"Golden Virginia during the walk"

油在帆布上 | 31.5x27.6 in

图画 标题为“Aschermittwoch - Se…” 由Gerhard Pollheide, 原创艺术品, 铅笔
Aschermittwoch - Selbstbildnis - 图画, 16.5x11.8 in ©1987 由Gerhard Pollheide - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, Gerhard Pollheide, Pollheide, Lübbecke, Zeichnung, Malerei, Kunst

Gerhard Pollheide

"Aschermittwoch - Selbstbildnis"

铅笔在纸上 | 16.5x11.8 in

雕塑 标题为“« Sans titre ampoul…” 由Elisabeth Faucheur, 原创艺术品, 青铜
« Sans titre ampoule » - 雕塑, 9.5x5.9 in ©2023 由Elisabeth Faucheur - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, 男士肖像, bronzes, sculptures, elisabeth Faucheur, Auray, Bretagne, Golfe du Morbihan

Elisabeth Faucheur

"« Sans titre ampoule »"

雕塑 - 青铜 | 9.5x5.9 in

数字艺术 标题为“The man with glasses” 由Elvis Vargas (evargas), 原创艺术品, 三维建模
The man with glasses - 数字艺术 ©2024 由Elvis Vargas (evargas) - Figurative, figurative-594, 男士肖像, cabelo curto, óculos, barba, homem, céu limpo, externa, luz natural, suéter, gola alta, fashion, estilo

Elvis Vargas (evargas)

"The man with glasses"

数字艺术 | 多种可选的尺寸

图画 标题为“Francis Bacon ( ded…” 由Irvin Grassi, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Francis Bacon ( dedicate series ) - 图画, 11.8x8.7 in ©2005 由Irvin Grassi - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 男士肖像

Irvin Grassi

"Francis Bacon ( dedicate series )"

粉彩在纸上 | 11.8x8.7 in

不出售 打印 US$26.49
绘画 标题为“Der Sprung | Origin…” 由Uwe Fehrmann, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Der Sprung | Original Abstraktes Gemälde, Acryl auf Leinwand - 绘画, 59.1x39.4 in ©2023 由Uwe Fehrmann - Abstract, abstract-570, 男士肖像, Balancierender Mann, Kunstwerk, moderne Kunst, farbenfrohe Wandkunst, zeitgenössische Kunst, großes modernes Gemälde, vertikale Malerei, Bürowandkunst, Wohnzimmerdekoration, Geschenk für sie, originelles abstraktes Gemälde, originales Leinwandgemälde, originales Acrylgemälde

Uwe Fehrmann

"Der Sprung | Original Abstraktes Gemälde, Acryl auf Leinwand"

丙烯在帆布上 | 59.1x39.4 in


