«Лодочка на Трубеже.» (2023) Painting by Vasilii Shikhanov

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 39.4x19.7 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 5 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 39.4in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Impressionism Landscape
Эта картина написана в Переславле-Залесском. Я очень люблю писать на берегах речки Трубеж. Вода в Трубеже обладает удивительными эффектами отражения. Наверное поэтому, многие известные художники писали здесь, на берегах этой небольшой, но очень красивой реки. [...]
Эта картина написана в Переславле-Залесском. Я очень люблю писать на берегах речки Трубеж. Вода в Трубеже обладает удивительными эффектами отражения. Наверное поэтому, многие известные художники писали здесь, на берегах этой небольшой, но очень красивой реки.

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Automatically translated
Vasily Shikhanov was born in 1969 in Manturovo Kostroma region In 1988 he graduated from Yaroslavl art school, and in 1997 - St. Petersburg academy. V. I. Mukhina. Since 1998[...]

Vasily Shikhanov was born in 1969 in Manturovo
Kostroma region In 1988 he graduated from Yaroslavl
art school, and in 1997 - St.
academy. V. I. Mukhina.
Since 1998 - a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. In that
in 1998 Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov
Micah ordained Basil to the rank of deacon,
and then
priest. Currently Archpriest
Vasily Shikhanov - Rector of the Church of Sophia the Wisdom
of God in Yaroslavl.
While studying in St. Petersburg, Vasily began to get serious
engage in plein air painting. At that time
he painted dozens of works with views of the city.
The cityscape of St. Petersburg became his first love
in painting. The artist travels a lot
and always, in all pilgrimage and creative trips
writes views and landscapes of the places where he has to
Shikhanov's painting, juicy and fresh, is executed
the joys of being, the joys of God's creation.
V. Shikhanov is a member of many republican,
regional and regional
art exhibitions.
Personal exhibitions of the artist were held
in many cities of Russia. His works are
in the Museum of the History of Yaroslavl,
A. S. Pushkin in St. Petersburg, in Pereslavsky
museum-reserve and many
private collections.

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