Wintry Forest 4 (2020) Artes digitais por Kenneth Grzesik

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  • Obras de arte originais Artes digitais, Trabalho Digital 2D / Pintura digital / Foto Montagem
  • Dimensões As dimensões estão disponíveis mediante solicitação
  • Categorias Abstrata Natureza
After having been to the forest location where the digital photos were taken many times the artwork represents a visual expression of accumulated perceptions. These impressions were assembled and arranged to form the basis of an artistic storyline exploring relationships between time and place.
After having been to the forest location where the digital photos were taken many times the artwork represents a visual expression of accumulated perceptions. These impressions were assembled and arranged to form the basis of an artistic storyline exploring relationships between time and place.

Temas relacionados

Digital AbstractSeriesForestTreesWinter

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Degrees: B.F.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1974 M.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1977 C.C. Photoshop/Illustrator, Lake Washington Technical College, 2008, President's[...]

B.F.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1974
M.A., Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 1977
C.C. Photoshop/Illustrator, Lake Washington Technical College, 2008, President's List for Academic Achievement

I think it's possible that beauty can save the world. Art can be life as life can be art. Both can be beautiful if given a chance.My imagery is built around a concept. After a central idea is established I explore possibilities within a set of creative and aesthetic parameters. From my perspective visual art is idea, expression, experience and process fused to create a perceptual synergy.
Nature has always played an important role in my art. In the late seventies and early eighties it was the focal point of several commissioned installations in Seattle and Chicago. During the next two decades or so landscape painting and drawing were my primary areas of interest. The work was exhibited in minor venues in Washington and Hawaii.
It was in 2005 when I bought my first computer and digital camera. The initial attraction was the speed that imagery could be produced. It was exciting to work at the speed of idea where the time span between concept and image was short. What followed has been a nonstop process of photography and editing. Presented here is an assortment of images that are a visual record of that activity.

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