Roman 个人资料图片


返回列表 2024年4月22日新增

Politics in art? Yes, please, but...

It seems that temporary art has to be political at all costs, looking at the acclaimed pieces at almost every festival these days. Why?! Every democratic person should cast their vote, but that's it and artistic activity doesn't start here! You can find politics everywhere in art history, everywhere, but there was so much more! It is time to revisit these forgotten aspects.

The painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” by Picasso from 1907 (MoMA, New York) marks the beginning of analytical cubism and is the first piece of modern art. The painting shows five naked women and some fruit underneath, nothing more and nothing less. Wake up, that was something poetic! Even “Guernica” (Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid), painted 30 years later and deeply political, still has this small window in the top right corner, a symbol of hope and freedom. And that's exactly what it's all about: freedom. Why does art today primarily express something political?! As a normal citizen, you have to deal with this all day long anyway. And I for my part as an artist prefer to show what you can see in the window...

