Hương Xưa IV ("Scents of yesteryear") (2023) Pintura por Quoc Son Nguyen

Laca em Madeira, 31,5x39,4 in
US$ 3.132,01
Preço: Envio Grátis

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US$ 45,59
US$ 65,12
US$ 119,39
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Vendedor Viet Beyond Borders

Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Esta obra é exibida em 6 coleções
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Laca em Madeira
  • Dimensões Altura 31,5in, Largura 39,4in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 5.000 Ásia
Hương Xưa IV" ("Scent of Yesteryear") is a mesmerizing lacquer painting on wood by Nguyen Quoc Son, portraying a Vietnamese woman with a round face, adorned in the traditional "Ao dai" dress. The "Ao dai" she wears is an enchanting shade of emerald green, beautifully accentuated with golden decorative elements.
Hương Xưa IV" ("Scent of Yesteryear") is a mesmerizing lacquer painting on wood by Nguyen Quoc Son, portraying a Vietnamese woman with a round face, adorned in the traditional "Ao dai" dress. The "Ao dai" she wears is an enchanting shade of emerald green, beautifully accentuated with golden decorative elements.

In her hand, she holds a yellow lotus flower, symbolizing purity and enlightenment. Behind her, a circular window reveals a glimpse of the outside world. Adjacent to the women, a golden birdcage is delicately depicted, with the cage door open and a little bird soaring high above.

The white mosaic on the woman's mấn ("hair crown), the bird, and the intricate embellishments on the "Ao dai" are carefully crafted with crushed eggshell, showcase the artist's meticulous craftsmanship. The image of the small bird and the birdcage symbolize the girls of the bygone era, whose parents cherished them and constrained them, much like the small bird inside the cage. However, in the present era, those constraints no longer exist, as depicted by the bird soaring freely outside the cage.

"Hương Xưa IV" captures a moment that invites contemplation of nostalgic memories. It serves as an illustration of a bygone era, where thoughts of cherished recollections permeate the air. The painting beautifully encapsulates the longing and reflection on the past, while also embracing the liberation and freedom of the present.
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Artista representado por Viet Beyond Borders
Nguyen Quoc Son, born and raised in Hue, Vietnam, is an accomplished artist who specializes in the intricate art of lacquer painting on wood. With a deep love for his cultural heritage and a profound understanding[...]

Nguyen Quoc Son, born and raised in Hue, Vietnam, is an accomplished artist who specializes in the intricate art of lacquer painting on wood. With a deep love for his cultural heritage and a profound understanding of the significance of Hue royal court music, Son's artistic journey has been shaped by his personal connection to both mediums.

Having studied art extensively, Son has honed his skills to masterfully combine the ancient technique of lacquer painting with his passion for capturing the essence of Hue royal court music. Through meticulous layering, polishing, and detailing, he transforms wooden canvases into breathtaking masterpieces, rich in texture, depth, and cultural symbolism.

Son's artworks showcase a harmonious fusion of the vibrant hues of lacquer and the evocative melodies of the royal court music, each stroke capturing the grace, elegance, and cultural legacy of this revered art form. With a keen eye for detail and a profound sense of craftsmanship, his paintings serve as a testament to his unwavering commitment to preserving and celebrating the beauty and cultural heritage of Hue.

Nguyen Quoc Son's remarkable talent in lacquer painting on wood, combined with his focus on capturing the essence of Hue royal court music, has garnered him admiration and recognition both locally and internationally. His works transcend artistic boundaries, inviting viewers into a world of mesmerizing beauty and timeless traditions, while preserving and promoting the artistic heritage of his beloved Hue

Ver mais de Quoc Son Nguyen

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