Desenhos originais para venda

119.883 Obras de arte originais, edições limitadas e gravuras. Você[...]

119.883 Obras de arte originais, edições limitadas e gravuras.

Você está procurando por Desenhos originais para venda ?

Explore todos os estilos e técnicas de desenho: arte contemporânea, arte de rua, arte abstrata, arte figurativa, paisagens, retratos, cena da vida, nus, lápis, tinta, carvão, pastel ... Artmajeur atende a todas as sensibilidades artísticas e celebrando a beleza por seu lado por 20 anos com mais de 2 milhões de obras de arte contemporânea para descobrir ... ou adquirir! A referência mundial em designs artísticos. Descubra obras de artistas contemporâneos de todo o mundo para decorar seu interior com classe! Amante da arte simples ou colecionador confirmado? Encontre o desenho ou o esboço favorito que realmente irá destacar sua decoração. Artmajeur oferece obras originais, edições limitadas e impressões de arte dos melhores artistas contemporâneos do mundo. Na Artmajeur, os desenhos são selecionados por entusiastas e especialistas do mercado de arte. Selecionamos para você as obras originais de designers da moda, premiados e reconhecidos, bem como os novos valores em ascensão no campo da arte contemporânea para orientá-lo e ajudá-lo em seu processo de compra de desenhos de arte online.

Discover contemporary Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Drawings are a fascinating form of art that has evolved over time. They are unique in that they can be created using a wide range of materials and supports, including paper, canvas, and even digital screens. The materials used to create these drawings can vary greatly, from traditional pencils and charcoal to more unconventional materials such as paint, ink, or even collages.

Desenho,  28,4x21,3 in
Scarlet Sails Desenho, 28,4x21,3 in
©2024 Maria Susarenko

Origins and History

Contemporary drawings have been influenced by a rich history of artistic traditions that date back many centuries. The earliest known drawings can be traced back to prehistoric times, where they were used to depict animals and other aspects of daily life. During the Renaissance period, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo used drawing as a means of exploring the human form and creating detailed anatomical studies.

Desenho,  23,6x16,5 in
Patience Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in
©2024 Marine Tassou Artista representado por Galerie Libre Est L'Art

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary drawings have undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. The traditional approach of using pencil or charcoal on paper has been expanded to include a wide range of materials and techniques. Contemporary artists are experimenting with digital technology, mixed media, and unconventional surfaces to create stunning works of art. The importance of these new developments cannot be overstated in the contemporary art market. Collectors are increasingly seeking out drawings that are innovative, thought-provoking, and visually stunning. The demand for contemporary drawings is driven by a desire for something new and exciting, and artists are rising to the challenge by pushing the boundaries of what is possible. As the market for contemporary drawings continues to grow, it is clear that these works of art are destined to play an increasingly important role in the art world.

Desenho,  11,8x16,5 in
3:34 / In my next life I want to be born - {$M} Desenho, 11,8x16,5 in
©2017 Leni Smoragdova

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary art scene is full of talented artists who express their creativity through drawings. Among them are:

  1. Julie Mehretu - a renowned Ethiopian-American artist known for her large-scale, abstract drawings that explore themes of identity, power, and politics. Her works are characterized by a complex layering of lines, shapes, and colors that create a sense of movement and energy.

  2. Marcel Dzama - a Canadian artist who is best known for his intricate, surreal drawings that often feature anthropomorphic animals and bizarre, dreamlike landscapes. His works are both whimsical and unsettling, and explore themes of power, violence, and sexuality.

  3. Kara Walker - an American artist who is known for her powerful, provocative drawings that explore themes of race, gender, and power. Her works often feature silhouettes of black figures engaged in violent or sexual acts, challenging viewers to confront the legacy of slavery and racism in America.

  4. Rashid Johnson - an American artist who creates large-scale, mixed-media drawings that explore themes of identity, memory, and culture. His works often incorporate materials like wax, soap, and shea butter, and are layered with symbolic imagery and text.

  5. William Kentridge - a South African artist who is known for his powerful, politically charged drawings that explore themes of apartheid, colonialism, and oppression. His works are characterized by a distinctive, expressive style that blends drawing, animation, and film.

These artists have made a significant impact on the contemporary art world through their powerful and thought-provoking drawings. Their works challenge viewers to confront complex social and political issues, while celebrating the beauty and power of the medium of drawing.

Desenho,  19,7x27,6 in
Receptacles - 3 Desenho, 19,7x27,6 in
©2024 Andrea Vandoni

Notable contemporary Drawings

Portrait of a young artist (Jean-Michel Basquiat) by Julian Schnabel, 1996. This artwork is a portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an influential artist from the 1980s New York art scene. The portrait is a close-up of Basquiat’s face, rendered in Schnabel’s signature style of thickly layered paint, creating a sense of depth and texture. The painting captures the intensity of Basquiat’s gaze, as well as his vulnerability.

Untitled (Joan Mitchell) by Kerry James Marshall, 2018. This artwork is a portrait of the abstract expressionist painter Joan Mitchell. Marshall’s vibrant use of color and pattern creates a sense of energy and movement in the painting, reflecting Mitchell’s own dynamic approach to painting. The portrait captures the essence of Mitchell’s creative spirit, celebrating her contributions to the world of art.

Self-Portrait with Two Circles by Rembrandt, c. 1665-1669. This artwork is a self-portrait by the Dutch master Rembrandt. The painting is notable for its use of light and shadow, which creates a sense of depth and drama. Rembrandt’s face is rendered with incredible detail, capturing both his physical likeness and his inner spirit. The two circles in the background of the painting have been interpreted in many different ways, adding to the enigmatic quality of the artwork.

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, 1931. This artwork is a surrealist masterpiece by the Spanish artist Salvador Dali. The painting features melting clocks and other surreal elements, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. The image has become iconic, representing the idea of the fluidity of time and the power of the subconscious mind.

Popeye by Jeff Koons, 2002. This artwork is a sculpture by the American artist Jeff Koons. The sculpture depicts the cartoon character Popeye, rendered in Koons’ signature style of glossy, reflective surfaces. The artwork is a commentary on consumer culture and the commodification of art, as well as a celebration of popular culture and its enduring influence.

The Tree by Piet Mondrian, 1908. This artwork is an early work by the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. The painting depicts a tree in a landscape, rendered in a highly stylized, abstract manner. The artwork is notable for its use of color and geometric shapes, which would become the hallmark of Mondrian’s later work. The Tree represents a pivotal moment in the artist’s career, as he began to move away from traditional representational painting and towards a more abstract style.

Mais relevante | Mais recente

Desenho intitulada "Scarlet Sails" por Maria Susarenko, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Scarlet Sails - Desenho, 28,4x21,3 in ©2024 por Maria Susarenko -

Maria Susarenko

"Scarlet Sails"

Acrílico em Cartão | 28,4x21,3 in

US$ 1.377,44
Desenho intitulada "Receptacles - 3" por Andrea Vandoni, Obras de arte originais, Pastel Montado em Cartão
Receptacles - 3 - Desenho, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 por Andrea Vandoni - Classicism, classicism-933, Natureza morta

Andrea Vandoni

"Receptacles - 3"

Pastel em Papel | 19,7x27,6 in

US$ 2.151,55
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Silent Landscape" por Andrea Vandoni, Obras de arte originais, Pastel Montado em Cartão
Silent Landscape - Desenho, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 por Andrea Vandoni - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Campo

Andrea Vandoni

"Silent Landscape"

Pastel em Papel | 19,7x27,6 in

US$ 1.375,22
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Lady X" por Viktor Sheleg, Obras de arte originais, Tinta
Lady X - Desenho, 20,5x15,8 in ©2024 por Viktor Sheleg - Expressionism, expressionism-591, retratos de mulheres, artforsale, style art, artsheleg, color, interior art

Viktor Sheleg

"Lady X"

Tinta em Papel | 20,5x15,8 in

US$ 943,15
Desenho intitulada "In The Arms Of Sleep" por Marco Paludet, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
In The Arms Of Sleep - Desenho, 23,6x31,5 in ©2024 por Marco Paludet - Figurative, figurative-594, retratos de mulheres, beautiful girl, line art, linework, lines, flower, purple, teal, tranquility, peaceful, sensual, woman drawing, sexy woman, sleeping, young woman, dynamic, ethereal, flow, blue, female portrait

Marco Paludet

"In The Arms Of Sleep"

Lápis em Papel | 23,6x31,5 in

US$ 822,91
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Female face on gree…" por Margarita Felis, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Female face on green paper - Desenho, 11,4x8,3 in ©2022 por Margarita Felis - Minimalism, minimalism-606, retratos de mulheres, modern female portrait, woman face, female face

Margarita Felis

"Female face on green paper"

Acrílico em Papel | 11,4x8,3 in

US$ 251,75
Desenho intitulada "sketch 33" por Akelina, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
sketch 33 - Desenho, 11,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Akelina - Abstract, abstract-570, Nudez, figurative, feminine, feminism, modern art, ukrainian modern art, line drawing, line art, minimal, eroticism, ukrainian art, body positive


"sketch 33"

Lápis em Papel | 11,6x16,5 in

US$ 330,5
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Surmas" por Marine Tassou, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Surmas - Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Marine Tassou - Figurative, figurative-594, Culturas do mundo

Marine Tassou


Pastel em Papel | 23,6x16,5 in

US$ 4.485,59
Desenho intitulada ""Und du? (23:10)"" por Walter Roos, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
"Und du? (23:10)" - Desenho, 11,9x8,6 in ©2022 por Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, retratos de mulheres, Portraitzeichnung, Nonfinito, Frau, Frage, Augen, Figurative

Walter Roos

""Und du? (23:10)""

Lápis em Cartão | 11,9x8,6 in

US$ 551,2
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "LA MAISON LE CHEVAL…" por Vadava, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
LA MAISON LE CHEVAL ET LE FAUCON - Desenho, 11,7x16,5 in ©2021 por Vadava - Classicism, classicism-933, Maison, Cheval, Faucon, Campagne, Normandie



Lápis em Papel | 11,7x16,5 in

US$ 3.026,59
Desenho intitulada "Naanee" por Marine Tassou, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Naanee - Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Marine Tassou - Figurative, figurative-594, Culturas do mundo

Marine Tassou


Pastel em Papel | 23,6x16,5 in

US$ 4.485,59
Desenho intitulada "Ignace's Flight" por Natalie Levkovska, Obras de arte originais, Têmpera
Ignace's Flight - Desenho, 27,6x39,4 in ©2024 por Natalie Levkovska - Figurative, figurative-594, nus masculinos, male figure from behind, Real model drawing, Man with dreadlocks, portraiture of a man, brushstrokes, face profile, reclining man, gray circle, Figurative and abstract, Homme, Natalie Levkovska art, body

Natalie Levkovska

"Ignace's Flight"

Têmpera em Cartão | 27,6x39,4 in

US$ 514,6
Desenho intitulada "Patience" por Marine Tassou, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Patience - Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Marine Tassou - Figurative, figurative-594, Culturas do mundo

Marine Tassou


Pastel em Papel | 23,6x16,5 in

US$ 4.485,59
Desenho intitulada "BLOT ART" por Viktor Sheleg, Obras de arte originais, Tinta
BLOT ART - Desenho, 24,8x15,4 in ©2024 por Viktor Sheleg - Expressionism, expressionism-591, retratos de mulheres

Viktor Sheleg


Tinta em Papel | 24,8x15,4 in

US$ 1.016,47
Desenho intitulada "Наяда" por Olha Yerofeieva, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Наяда - Desenho, 20,3x14,5 in ©1994 por Olha Yerofeieva - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Mitologia, Наяда, Ukrainian art, oil pastel, мифы

Olha Yerofeieva


Pastel em Papel | 20,3x14,5 in

US$ 1.245,46
Desenho intitulada "Oma" por Marine Tassou, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Oma - Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Marine Tassou - Figurative, figurative-594, Culturas do mundo

Marine Tassou


Pastel em Papel | 23,6x16,5 in

US$ 4.485,59
Desenho intitulada "LA PHILOSOPHIE & LA…" por Vadava, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
LA PHILOSOPHIE & LA POESIE - Desenho, 11,7x16,5 in ©2008 por Vadava - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Nus femininos, Philosophie, Poésie, Jeunes filles, Parthenon, Paysage, Grèce



Lápis em Papel | 11,7x16,5 in

US$ 84.982,87
Desenho intitulada "Face on blue paper" por Margarita Felis, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Face on blue paper - Desenho, 11,4x8,3 in ©2022 por Margarita Felis - Minimalism, minimalism-606, retratos de mulheres, modern face portrait, female face, woman face

Margarita Felis

"Face on blue paper"

Acrílico em Papel | 11,4x8,3 in

US$ 251,75
Desenho intitulada "Riga Mermaids" por Dags, Obras de arte originais, Tinta
Riga Mermaids - Desenho, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 por Dags - Figurative, figurative-594, Conto de fadas, mermaid, nude


"Riga Mermaids"

Tinta em Papel | 19,7x27,6 in

US$ 954,89
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Nach dem Bade (22.1…" por Walter Roos, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
Nach dem Bade (22.18)" - Desenho, 11,9x8,6 in ©2023 por Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, Nus femininos, Akt, Teilakt, Nudedrawing, Figurative, Nonfinito, Frau, Bad

Walter Roos

"Nach dem Bade (22.18)""

Lápis em Cartão | 11,9x8,6 in

US$ 551,2
Desenho intitulada "abstract yellow" por Merve Can Pekeser, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
abstract yellow - Desenho, 13x9,8 in ©2021 por Merve Can Pekeser - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, soyut, kagit, akrilik, cercevesiz, kalem, cizim, sari, siyah, kahverengi, kolaj

Merve Can Pekeser

"abstract yellow"

Acrílico em Papel | 13x9,8 in

US$ 353,34
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Egon Schiele in Lov…" por Linet Andrea, Obras de arte originais, Grafite
Egon Schiele in Love 25 - Desenho, 11,8x9,5 in ©2024 por Linet Andrea - Figurative, figurative-594, Nus femininos

Linet Andrea

"Egon Schiele in Love 25"

Grafite em Papel | 11,8x9,5 in

US$ 257,3
Desenho intitulada "Omaggio a Mariano P…" por Mariaceleste Arena, Obras de arte originais, Canetac de aerossol
Omaggio a Mariano Pietrini I - Desenho, 11,6x8,1 in ©2024 por Mariaceleste Arena - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrata, drawing, draw, disegno, disegni, pennabic, marianopietrini, arte, scultura, messina, illustrazione, outsiderart, art, artist, sicily, sicilia

Mariaceleste Arena

"Omaggio a Mariano Pietrini I"

Canetac de aerossol em Papel | 11,6x8,1 in

US$ 256,19
Desenho intitulada "Surreal Cat Woman P…" por Daheaven Art, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Surreal Cat Woman Portrait, Muted Tones Sketch. - Desenho, 16,5x11,8 in ©2024 por Daheaven Art - Surrealism, surrealism-627, retratos de mulheres, Cat Woman Art, Neutral Tones Sketch, Cream Background Drawing, Muted Tones Portrait, Light Washes Illustration, Serene Feline Artwork, Ethereal Cat Lady, Dreamy Woman Sketch, Mystical Feline Art, Tranquil Line Drawing, Surreal Cat Portrait, Enchanting Artwork, Abstract Cream Sketch, abstract woman portrait, abstract cat portrait, livingroom art, bedroom art, office art, black lines drawing, beige

Daheaven Art

"Surreal Cat Woman Portrait, Muted Tones Sketch."

Acrílico em Papel | 16,5x11,8 in

US$ 249,54
Desenho intitulada "3:34 / In my next l…" por Leni Smoragdova, Obras de arte originais, Marcador
3:34 / In my next life I want to be born - {$M} - Desenho, 11,8x16,5 in ©2017 por Leni Smoragdova - Illustration, illustration-600, Animal, hidden faces, israel, animal, leni smoragdova, transaction art, female art

Leni Smoragdova

"3:34 / In my next life I want to be born - {$M}"

Marcador em Papel | 11,8x16,5 in

US$ 1.320,87
Desenho intitulada "Nyhavn. Copenhagen" por Maria Susarenko, Obras de arte originais, Caneta de gel
Nyhavn. Copenhagen - Desenho, 28,4x19,7 in ©2024 por Maria Susarenko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Cidade, nyhavn, copenhagen, copenhagen new harbour, copenhagen boats, copenhagen landscape, copenhagen from above, copenhagen architecture, summer landscape, seascape

Maria Susarenko

"Nyhavn. Copenhagen"

Caneta de gel em Cartão | 28,4x19,7 in

US$ 1.044,72
Desenho intitulada "HORSE'S SPIRIT" por Vadava, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
HORSE'S SPIRIT - Desenho, 6,7x4,7 in ©2023 por Vadava - Classicism, classicism-933, Carro, Automobile, Rolls-Royce, Bouchon de radiateur, Reflets métalliques, Eleanor Velasco Thornton



Lápis em Papel | 6,7x4,7 in

US$ 4.024,73
Desenho intitulada "Les ailes du désir" por Brigitte Derbigny, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Les ailes du désir - Desenho, 18,9x14,2 in ©2019 por Brigitte Derbigny - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Nudez, graffiti, trait, instinct, rouge, feminin

Brigitte Derbigny

"Les ailes du désir"

Acrílico em Papel | 18,9x14,2 in

US$ 617,74
Desenho intitulada "Timeless" por Alicia Lopez, Obras de arte originais, Carvão
Timeless - Desenho, 9x12 in ©2024 por Alicia Lopez - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Paisagem marinha, seascape, ocean, waves, beach, scenery, landscape, coastal, visual art, surrealism, water

Alicia Lopez


Carvão em Tela | 9x12 in

US$ 249
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Tati's Voiture 057" por Dimitris Kritsotakis, Obras de arte originais, Canetac de aerossol
Tati's Voiture 057 - Desenho, 9,5x9,5 in ©2016 por Dimitris Kritsotakis - Abstract, abstract-570, Carro, car, Tati

Dimitris Kritsotakis

"Tati's Voiture 057"

Canetac de aerossol em Papel | 9,5x9,5 in

US$ 421,44
Desenho intitulada "Girolamo Savonarola" por Bruno Aimetti, Obras de arte originais, Tinta Montado em Cartão
Girolamo Savonarola - Desenho, 18,9x18,9 in ©2024 por Bruno Aimetti - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, História, Savonarole, dessin, figuratif, encre de chine, humour

Bruno Aimetti

"Girolamo Savonarola"

Tinta em Papel | 18,9x18,9 in

US$ 832,89
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Blacky" por Irene_art, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Blacky - Desenho, 10,2x12,6 in ©2024 por Irene_art - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Animal, #lapin, #pastel drawing, #bunny, #black rabbit, #pet portrait, #animalism, #original art, #animal drawing, #pastel painting, #home decor, #gift



Pastel em Papel | 10,2x12,6 in

US$ 252,86
Desenho intitulada ""Pose Nr.30 (23:50)"" por Walter Roos, Obras de arte originais, Lápis
"Pose Nr.30 (23:50)" - Desenho, 11,9x8,6 in ©2024 por Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, Nus femininos, Akt, Teilakt, Pose, Serie, Nonfinito, Frau, Figurative

Walter Roos

""Pose Nr.30 (23:50)""

Lápis em Cartão | 11,9x8,6 in

US$ 551,2
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "London Collage" por Lera Ryazanceva, Obras de arte originais, Tinta
London Collage - Desenho, 16,5x11,8 in ©2024 por Lera Ryazanceva - Illustration, illustration-600, Arquitetura, london, england, uk, sketch, collage, britain, architecture, ink, city, town, travel, bigben, tower, bridge, river

Lera Ryazanceva

"London Collage"

Tinta em Papel | 16,5x11,8 in

US$ 639,92
Reproduções disponíveis
Desenho intitulada "Tati's Voiture 023" por Dimitris Kritsotakis, Obras de arte originais, Canetac de aerossol
Tati's Voiture 023 - Desenho, 9,5x9,5 in ©2016 por Dimitris Kritsotakis - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Carro, car, Tati

Dimitris Kritsotakis

"Tati's Voiture 023"

Canetac de aerossol em Papel | 9,5x9,5 in

US$ 421,44
Desenho intitulada "Du ventre au dos" por Marine Tassou, Obras de arte originais, Pastel
Du ventre au dos - Desenho, 23,6x16,5 in ©2024 por Marine Tassou - Figurative, figurative-594, Culturas do mundo

Marine Tassou

"Du ventre au dos"

Pastel em Papel | 23,6x16,5 in

US$ 4.485,59


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