Lease Pinturas by Polina Ogiy

Locação da obra “ Passion ” por Polina Ogiy com opção de compra

As Pinturas de Polina Ogiy estão disponíveis para locação com opção de compra

Pintura intitulada "PASSION" por Polina Ogiy, Obras de arte originais, Óleo
Pintura por Polina Ogiy - 47,2x31,5 in
US$ 9.121,63

Escolha seus pagamentos mensais:

Pagamentos mensais
€ 771,24+IVA
Valor residual
€ 251,65+IVA
Economia fiscal
€ 2.857,41+IVA
Custo total
€ 7.420+IVA
Pagamentos mensais
€ 449,85+IVA
Valor residual
€ 251,65+IVA
Economia fiscal
€ 3.076,86+IVA
Custo total
€ 7.971+IVA
Pagamentos mensais
€ 311,73+IVA
Valor residual
€ 251,65+IVA
Economia fiscal
€ 3.198,27+IVA
Custo total
€ 8.276+IVA
Pagamentos mensais
€ 249,24+IVA
Valor residual
€ 251,65+IVA
Economia fiscal
€ 3.409,74+IVA
Custo total
€ 8.805+IVA
* Esta é apenas uma simulação indicativa. Uma proposta contratual ser-lhe-á enviada após estudo dos seus documentos comprovativos e validação do seu processo pelo nosso parceiro financeiro.

Pedido de informações sobre arrendamento "Passion"

Fale Conosco, um especialista em financiamento entrará em contato com você em 24 horas:

Perguntas mais frequentes

What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.

Mais informações

Pintura por Polina Ogiy - 47,2x31,5 in
Pintura intitulada "PASSION" por Polina Ogiy, Obras de arte originais, Óleo

Sobre o autor

CREDO Polina Ogiy "Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions.[...]

CREDO Polina Ogiy

"Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions. This is awareness of Genesis, understanding of the soul creating the fabric of life .

 Works of art are true, pure symbols imprinted by the hand of the artist. They are characters of life, love, harmony and symmetry, sacred geometry of destiny. The world is ruled by symbols. And the true symbols express the divine harmony.If you're a creative person, the main energy that moves your hand is love, passion to cognition for the essence of things and phenomena. This is love and admiration, inspiration by the beauty of a landscape, character, object, myth or legend. The delight of my soul reflects the spiritual essence and symbolism of the Muse selected.Creativity is the destination of the soul incarnate in a person. We all are the co-creators of God, and everyone is an architect of his own life and world view. Convergence of matter and spirit, the ancient alchemy of human life are nothing else, but a splash of creative energy of spirit in matter.For me it is the music of my soul embodied in line and color, its trace through the time and space. Painting and sculpture are like my natural breath and my self expression. The motivation is simple - to live and create. An artist is the crystal, which stops the time in its purpose. An artist displays the Genesis, depicts the beauty and perfection of the moment. The artist perceives with his heart, not his eyes. An artist opens for the viewer the door to the wordlessness  and guides to the pure original source of Life."

Polina Ogiy was born in Kharkov on 02/23/1977Education1984-1994 - piano school of music Kharkov1988-1992 Art School named after. I. E. Repina1994-1999 - Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov (MGKhPA named after Stroganov)Diploma in Design.In 2004 Architectural Prize 2004 Moscow1996-2012Design studio "MONOPOLLY DESIGN" Moscow2012-2015Italy Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”2017- Sicily Palermo.

2022 Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”

1.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Crueser

2.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Alexsandr

 3.The exhibition "Luce e ombra"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2013

 4.The exhibition "I volti del Buddha"galleria "IL SOGNO"11.07.2013

 5.The exhibition "LE FIGLIE DI EVA"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2012

 6.The exhibition "VEDERE"galleria "IL SOGNO"24.04.2014

 7.The exhibition "Alba in SICILIA"galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 8.The exhibition "Le tartarughe" galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 9.The exhibition personale Palazzo Consiglio regionale delle Marche Ancona 26.11.2014

 10.The exhibition By the 10.04.2016-12.06.2016 the Gallery Poppi (AR), is hosting “De Naturarum Magnificentia”, a group exhibition curated by Sara Lovari and Silvia Rossi, in collaboration with ExpArt studio&gallery.
11. Premio internazionale  Arte  Milano 2017/07/25

Ver mais de Polina Ogiy

Ver todas as obras
Óleo em Tela | 39,4x39,4 in
US$ 3.583,66
Acrílico em Tela | 47,2x23,6 in
US$ 3.030,19
Óleo em Tela | 31,5x39,4 in
US$ 3.595,86
Acrílico em Tela | 39,4x27,6 in
US$ 3.030,19


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