SEA 1/3 (2023) Photography by Ivan Ponomarevsky

Photography, 52.4x78.7 in
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Seller Ivan Ponomarevsky

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
The photograph “sea” conveys to us the energy of calm. We look at these calm waves and our thoughts become measured, deep and reasonable. This evening photograph allows us to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day and switch our body to restore energy. Buy large-scale artistic photographs of Ponomarevsky Ivan, printed in limited editions.[...]
The photograph “sea” conveys to us the energy of calm. We look at these calm waves and our thoughts become measured, deep and reasonable. This evening photograph allows us to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day and switch our body to restore energy.
Buy large-scale artistic photographs of Ponomarevsky Ivan, printed in limited editions. Photos are printed using professional equipment and special paper designed for long-term storage.
Contact us if you need a different size.
M - 150x100cm (4)
S - 90x60cm (5)
If you would like me to frame your photo in a decorative frame, please let me know. Additional photos were taken with a photo editor to give a rough idea of the dimensions.
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Immerse yourself in the contemporary artistic universe of Ivan Ponomarevsky and discover his recent works. As a contemporary artist born in 1974, Ivan Ponomarevsky excels in the artistic field of photography. [...]

Immerse yourself in the contemporary artistic universe of Ivan Ponomarevsky and discover his recent works. As a contemporary artist born in 1974, Ivan Ponomarevsky excels in the artistic field of photography.

Originally from the Far North, Ivan Ponomarevsky studied at an art school alongside the great landscape painter Kolomoyets. For his eighth birthday, his parents gave him his first Smena 8m camera. A year later, he was already developing his own photographs in a darkroom. Throughout his life, between military service and various jobs, his cameras have always accompanied him. Today he works with analog cameras such as the Canon AE-1, the Hasselblad, as well as the digital Sony a7ii.

Ivan Ponomarevsky's photographs are invested with the photonic energy of the places where they were taken. His photographic gaze captures the very essence of each place. His creations enrich your interiors by sharing the energy of these magnificent places. If you like his works, do not hesitate to acquire them and savor the positive emotions they release.

Currently residing and working in Tbilisi, Georgia, Ivan Ponomarevsky continues to explore the world through his lens, capturing unique moments and emotions to share with art lovers everywhere.

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