Originele kunstwerken, limited editions en prints

Meest relevant | Meer recent

Schilderij getiteld "Green Contemporary…" door Gela Mikava, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Green Contemporary Abstract - Schilderij, 78,7x63 in ©2024 door Gela Mikava - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstracte, green color, solid, lines, people, contemporary, mixed media, large size, art collector, art currator, green abstraction, contemporary abstract art, surrealism, fine art, figurative art, conceptual pick, expressionism, modern, emerging artist, art investment, gallery

Gela Mikava

"Green Contemporary Abstract"

Acryl op Canvas | 78,7x63 in

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Prints van US$ 27,20
Tekening getiteld "Girl with a snake3" door Iryna Kopyrina, Origineel Kunstwerk, Houtskool
Girl with a snake3 - Tekening, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 door Iryna Kopyrina - Abstract, abstract-570, Portret, charcoal portrait, woman with snake, large wall art, sensual art, minimalist portrait, figurative art, monochrome drawing, expressive portrait, bedroom wall decor, fine art, tasteful nude art, elegant wall art

Iryna Kopyrina

"Girl with a snake3"

Houtskool op Papier | 27,6x19,7 in

US$ 488,34
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Intertwined Spirits" door Daria Petrova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Intertwined Spirits - Schilderij, 36,2x28,7 in ©2024 door Daria Petrova - Figurative, figurative-594, Naakt, nude, figurative art, sensual art, woman body, bodies, erotic art, contemporary art, oil painting, original painting

Daria Petrova

"Intertwined Spirits"

Olie op Canvas | 36,2x28,7 in

US$ 2.953,34
Schilderij getiteld "Unfinished Melody -…" door Tam Ess, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Unfinished Melody - Abstract Figurative Painting - Schilderij, 47,2x39,4 in ©2024 door Tam Ess - Figurative, figurative-594, Muzikanten, musician, vase, bird art, guitar art, figurative art, abstract figurative

Tam Ess

"Unfinished Melody - Abstract Figurative Painting"

Olie op Canvas | 47,2x39,4 in

US$ 4.762,42
Sculptuur getiteld "Okeanos" door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Origineel Kunstwerk, Keramiek
Okeanos - Sculptuur, 7,5x5,1 in ©2024 door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau - Illustration, illustration-600, Religieuze iconen, Okeanos, Greek mythology, figurative art, modern art, Bauhaus, Fine art, plastic art, contemporary art, postmodernism, abstract art, abstract expressionism, statue, sculpture, Andreas Loeschner-Gornau

Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau


Sculptuur - Keramiek | 7,5x5,1 in

US$ 166,95
Schilderij getiteld "Art & sport" door Pizaro, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Art & sport - Schilderij, 60,6x41,3 in ©2024 door Pizaro - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Sport, art&sport, jo24art, jeuolympiquedeparis, artlovers, europart, figurativeart, expressionnisteart, abstractart


"Art & sport"

Acryl op Canvas | 60,6x41,3 in

US$ 7.446,06
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Perfect Days" door Katarina Branisova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Perfect Days - Schilderij, 29,5x20,5 in ©2024 door Katarina Branisova - Figurative, figurative-594, Strand, beach art, beach beauty, figurative art, ocean view, sea scape, colourful art, summer art, holiday art, seaside chic, sun kissed figure, coastal serenity

Katarina Branisova

"Perfect Days"

Acryl op Canvas | 29,5x20,5 in

US$ 1.489,43
Schilderij getiteld "The Girl with Glass…" door Kamsar Ohanyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten br…
The Girl with Glasses - Schilderij, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 door Kamsar Ohanyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Portret, Figurative, Woman, Serenity, Realism, Tranquil, Elegance, figurative art, female portrait, modern portrait, realistic portrait, introspective gaze, expressive eyes, Chinese girl, home decor, beautiful girl, picture for bedroom, interior design, red clothes, beautiful portrait, glamorous girl

Kamsar Ohanyan

"The Girl with Glasses"

Olie op Canvas | 19,7x15,8 in

US$ 530
Schilderij getiteld "Colorful lovers" door Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl), Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor hout…
Colorful lovers - Schilderij, 23,6x17,7 in ©2023 door Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl) - Figurative, figurative-594, Naakt, naked boy, nude male, painting nude boy, young nude boy, gay art, sensual fine art, man, figurative art, artwork nude male, young boy, pop art, urban art, naked male, queer

Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl)

"Colorful lovers"

Acryl op Linnen canvas | 23,6x17,7 in

US$ 1.955,58
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Sculptuur getiteld "Bacchus" door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Origineel Kunstwerk, Steen
Bacchus - Sculptuur, 7,1x4,7 in ©2024 door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Wereld Cultuur, Greek mythology, figurative art, modern art, Bauhaus, Fine art, plastic art, contemporary art, postmodernism, abstract art, abstract expressionism, statue, sculpture, Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Bacchus

Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau


Sculptuur - Steen | 7,1x4,7 in

US$ 166,95
Schilderij getiteld "Golden beach" door Bogdan Shiptenko, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Golden beach - Schilderij, 27,5x27,5 in ©2024 door Bogdan Shiptenko - Figurative, figurative-594, Abstracte, golden beach art, golden beach, beach painting, figurative art, beach art, people painting, people art, figurative painting, gold leaf art, gold artwork, acrylic art, acrylic painting, original painting, original artwork

Bogdan Shiptenko

"Golden beach"

Acryl op Canvas | 27,5x27,5 in

US$ 962
US$ 762
Schilderij getiteld "My dear friend" door Nana Artamonova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
My dear friend - Schilderij, 51,2x39,4 in ©2021 door Nana Artamonova - Figurative, figurative-594, Portretten van beroemdheden, artwork, oilpainting, contemporary art, figurative art, portrait, fashion, cinema, music

Nana Artamonova

"My dear friend"

Olie op Canvas | 51,2x39,4 in

US$ 3.588,18
Schilderij getiteld "Where Colors Dream…" door Gardani, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Where Colors Dream Again - Original Painting on Canvas - Schilderij, 38x51 in ©2024 door Gardani - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Vrouwelijke naakten, oil painting, oil on canvas, hand painted art, wall painting, figurative art, nude art, women body art, original art, unique art, wall art, artwork ready to hang


"Where Colors Dream Again - Original Painting on Canvas"

Olie op Canvas | 38x51 in

US$ 9.709
Schilderij getiteld "LAZY SUMMER AFTERNO…" door Edith Nurla, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branc…
LAZY SUMMER AFTERNOON - Schilderij, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 door Edith Nurla - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Sprookje, paysage, nature, lac, lake, figurative art, femme, bleu, blue, romantique, fées, folklor, naïades, imaginaire, rêve, dream, impressionnisme

Edith Nurla


Olie op Canvas | 39,4x39,4 in

US$ 4.256,32
Schilderij getiteld "Ebony and Ivory" door Mikhail Baranovskiy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten b…
Ebony and Ivory - Schilderij, 23,6x31,5 in ©2024 door Mikhail Baranovskiy - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Muziek, piano, music, musician, black and white, expressionism, surrealism, figurative art, contemporary, conceptual, idea, story, the beatles, wall art, acrylic painting, design, interior, gift

Mikhail Baranovskiy

"Ebony and Ivory"

Acryl op Canvas | 23,6x31,5 in

US$ 2.593
Schilderij getiteld "Warm loving hearts" door Liana Asatryan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten bran…
Warm loving hearts - Schilderij, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Liana Asatryan - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Liefde, emotional painting, expressionism style, i love you, i miss you, naive figurative, storytelling painting, warm tones, abstract figure, abstract painting, figurative art, figure painting, mixed media, human connection, emotional art, introspective art, Armenian art, red background, lovers embracing, quiet moment, human figure

Liana Asatryan

"Warm loving hearts"

Olie op Canvas | 15,8x11,8 in

US$ 600
US$ 510
Schilderij getiteld "Color movement" door Nana Artamonova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Color movement - Schilderij, 43,3x43,3 in ©2022 door Nana Artamonova - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Vrouwen portretten, oil painting, pop art, figurative art

Nana Artamonova

"Color movement"

Olie op Canvas | 43,3x43,3 in

US$ 3.802,39
Schilderij getiteld "Guardian of Love" door Liana Asatryan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branca…
Guardian of Love - Schilderij, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 door Liana Asatryan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Liefde, emotional painting, expressionism style, i love you, i miss you, naive figurative, warm tones, abstract figure, abstract painting, figurative art, mixed media, modern art, human connection, emotional art, introspective art, Armenian art, quiet moment, lovers embracing, red background, romantic painting, bedroom decor

Liana Asatryan

"Guardian of Love"

Olie op Canvas | 19,7x15,8 in

Op verzoek
Schilderij getiteld "Fresh nature" door Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl), Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten b…
Fresh nature - Schilderij, 23,6x17,7 in ©2023 door Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl) - Figurative, figurative-594, Naakt, naked boy, nude male, painting nude boy, young nude boy, gay art, sensual fine art, man, figurative art, artwork nude male, young poy, naked male, queer

Giorgos Nicolaou (Gncl)

"Fresh nature"

Olie op Linnen canvas | 23,6x17,7 in

US$ 1.955,58
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Enigmatic Dialogue" door Hayk Gasparyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Enigmatic Dialogue - Schilderij, 13,8x17,7 in ©2024 door Hayk Gasparyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Vrouwen portretten, abstract figures, abstract painting, Armenian art, colorful abstract, colorful painting, dark atmosphere, faceless female, figurative art, abstract performance, dialogue art, performance art, wall art, home decor, office decor, interior design, enigmatic figures, Dreamlike, Ghostly, vibrant colors, Shadows

Hayk Gasparyan

"Enigmatic Dialogue"

Olie op Papier | 13,8x17,7 in

US$ 350
US$ 297
Schilderij getiteld "Nude With Mirror" door Elena Garshina, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branca…
Nude With Mirror - Schilderij, 35,4x27,6 in ©2012 door Elena Garshina - Fauvism, fauvism-942, Vrouwelijke naakten, academic art, figurative art, nude, matisse, mirror, blue

Elena Garshina

"Nude With Mirror"

Olie op Linnen canvas | 35,4x27,6 in

US$ 2.585,77
Schilderij getiteld "The Deer" door Gela Mikava, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
The Deer - Schilderij, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Gela Mikava - Abstract, abstract-570, Dier, Anmal, contemporary abstract, modern art, white color, small painting, mixed media art, surrealism art, deer, abstract animals, beautiful abstract, Abstract Expressionism, Textured Painting, Emotional Expression, Color and Energy, Modern Oil Painting, fine art, figurative art, minimalism, vibrant abstract art, Symbolism in Art

Gela Mikava

"The Deer"

Acryl op Canvas | 15,8x11,8 in

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Prints van US$ 27,20
Schilderij getiteld "ARCAISSO I" door Maguy Vaz (50nuancesdemarguerite), Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor…
ARCAISSO I - Schilderij, 31,9x23,6 in ©2024 door Maguy Vaz (50nuancesdemarguerite) - Geometric, geometric-572, Landschap, arcachon, gascogne, france, paysage, port, mer, sea, ocean, landscape, figurativeart, geometricart, fineart, abstractart, contemporaryart

Maguy Vaz (50nuancesdemarguerite)


Acryl op Canvas | 31,9x23,6 in

US$ 1.583,77
Schilderij getiteld "Enigmatic Companions" door Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor h…
Enigmatic Companions - Schilderij, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 door Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Portret, abstract figure, abstract painting, colorful abstract, cool blues, evocative atmosphere, faceless people, mystery atmosphere, portrait painting, textured painting, vibrant colors, enigmatic, faceless women, contrast colors, figurative art, home decor, picture for present, picture for office, interior design, contemporary portrait

Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan

"Enigmatic Companions"

Olie op Canvas | 31,5x23,6 in

Op verzoek
Schilderij getiteld "To the Third Floor" door Kamsar Ohanyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten bran…
To the Third Floor - Schilderij, 24,4x19,7 in ©2024 door Kamsar Ohanyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Alledaagse leven, figurative art, female figure, girl on the balcony, glamorous girl, girl portrait, beautiful girl, picture for gift, picture for bedroom, home decor, interior design, glamorous woman art, office decor, wall art, glamorous dress, sexy dress, beautiful gift, sexy girl, everyday life, floral dress, earthy tones

Kamsar Ohanyan

"To the Third Floor"

Olie op Canvas | 24,4x19,7 in

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Schilderij getiteld "Introvert" door Mikhail Baranovskiy, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Introvert - Schilderij, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 door Mikhail Baranovskiy - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark-Fantasy, men, loneliness, Introvert, art, expressionism, surrealism, figurative art, wall art, painting, acrylic, red, green, gift, design, interior, story, emotional

Mikhail Baranovskiy


Acryl op Canvas | 31,5x23,6 in

US$ 2.492
Sculptuur getiteld "Discobolus" door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Origineel Kunstwerk, Cement
Discobolus - Sculptuur, 7,5x5,1 in ©2024 door Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau - Figurative, figurative-594, Sport, Greek mythology, figurative art, modern art, Bauhaus, Fine art, plastic art, contemporary art, postmodernism, abstract art, abstract expressionism, statue, sculpture, Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Discobolus

Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau


Sculptuur - Cement | 7,5x5,1 in

US$ 166,95
Schilderij getiteld "Флейтист 2" door Konstantinos Efimidis, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Флейтист 2 - Schilderij, 13x31,5 in ©2010 door Konstantinos Efimidis - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Muzikanten, flute, melody, youth, love, expressionism, symbolism, impressionism, oil on canvas, figurative art, modern Art, efimidis

Konstantinos Efimidis

"Флейтист 2"

Olie op Linnen canvas | 13x31,5 in

US$ 1.287,44
Schilderij getiteld "l'oiseau" door Laurence Pustoc'H, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
l'oiseau - Schilderij, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 door Laurence Pustoc'H - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Alledaagse leven, curator, expressionism, expressionist, expressionisart, creationartistique, contemporaryart, expressiveart, figurativeart, oiloncanvas, oilpainting

Laurence Pustoc'H


Olie op Canvas | 27,6x19,7 in

US$ 1.033,28
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "In the queue" door Sharon Champion, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
In the queue - Schilderij, 27,6x19,7 in ©2023 door Sharon Champion - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Alledaagse leven, queue, women, shopping, figurative art, staring, looking, france

Sharon Champion

"In the queue"

Acryl op Canvas | 27,6x19,7 in

US$ 1.860,13
Sculptuur getiteld "Venus" door Antonio Granado, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Venus - Sculptuur, 23,2x14,6 in ©2002 door Antonio Granado - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Robot, Expressionist portrait, resin sculpture, modern, futuristic, Antonio Granado, contemporary art, abstract sculpture, figurative art, modern art, expressionist sculpture

Antonio Granado


Sculptuur - Hars | 23,2x14,6 in

Niet Te Koop
Schilderij getiteld "Open Heart" door Maria Romano, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Open Heart - Schilderij, 23,6x19,7 in ©2024 door Maria Romano - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Vrouwen portretten, heart painting, symbolic art, figurative art, red heart paint, silver red art, expressive art, oil painting, female oil painting, hands paint, naked, hands, red heart, symbolic, ispiration, silver

Maria Romano

"Open Heart"

Olie op Canvas | 23,6x19,7 in

US$ 1.398,43
Schilderij getiteld "Marine" door Alain Lorkovic, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Marine - Schilderij, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 door Alain Lorkovic - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Feminine, nu, femme, beauté, jeunne femme, jeunne

Alain Lorkovic


Pastel op Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

US$ 650,38
Schilderij getiteld "Breakthrough" door Arman Hayrapetyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Breakthrough - Schilderij, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 door Arman Hayrapetyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Dier, figurative art, animal painting, bull portrait, bull standing, force of art, power animals, resilience of life, Spain mountains, wildlife art, bull fight, picture for office, strength, movement, animal, decorative art, interior design, power, wildlife, dramatic, force

Arman Hayrapetyan


Olie op Canvas | 39,4x31,5 in

US$ 4.500
US$ 3.825
Schilderij getiteld "Duo d'amour" door Alain Lorkovic, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel Gemonteerd op Karton
Duo d'amour - Schilderij, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 door Alain Lorkovic - Figurative, figurative-594, Naakt, Nu, nud, nudo, jeune femme, femme nu, jeune fille nu, jeune fille, Nackt, Luǒ

Alain Lorkovic

"Duo d'amour"

Pastel op Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

US$ 672,58
Schilderij getiteld "Graceful Ladies" door Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten…
Graceful Ladies - Schilderij, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 door Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Vrouwen portretten, elegant women, feminine beauty, flowing dresses, graceful woman, human figures, interior design, modern art, oil painting, women portrait, beautiful woman, elegant portrait, fashion artwork, figurative art, lady in hat, abstract figure, ortraiture of a woman, home decor, wall art, gift idea, colorful painting

Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan

"Graceful Ladies"

Olie op Canvas | 31,5x23,6 in

Op verzoek


Ontvang onze nieuwsbrief voor kunstliefhebbers en verzamelaars