Originele tekeningen te koop

Meest relevant | Meer recent

Tekening getiteld "Relationship" door Salamanderlovers, Origineel Kunstwerk, Anders
Relationship - Tekening, 8,3x11,8 in ©2009 door Salamanderlovers - nu, nude art, erotic, woman, drawing, illustration, nackt, pinup, salamanderlovers, artmajeur



Tekening | 8,3x11,8 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "Relationship #3" door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Draad Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Relationship #3 - Tekening, 7,1x5,1 in ©2021 door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, suture, cicatrice, scar, blessure, scratch, maquillage, makeup, cartographie, intime

Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi

"Relationship #3"

Draad op Plastic | 7,1x5,1 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "Warm relationship" door Evgenia Kiperiya, Origineel Kunstwerk, Grafiet
Warm relationship - Tekening, 15,8x11,8 in ©2019 door Evgenia Kiperiya - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Vrouwen portretten, Female portrait, Femininity, Fair sex, Realism, Graphics, Young woman, Aesthetics, Honey, old photo, The charm of femininity, Gorgeous, Young and beautiful, Black, dreamboat, family, beautiful women, family relationships, love, Young mom, two beauties

Evgenia Kiperiya

"Warm relationship"

Grafiet op Papier | 15,8x11,8 in

Tekening getiteld "Woman with Child in…" door Edwin Loftus, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
Woman with Child in the Wilderness - Tekening, 14x11 in ©2024 door Edwin Loftus - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Natuur, Mother, motherhood, child, wilderness, nature

Edwin Loftus

"Woman with Child in the Wilderness"

Pastel op Karton | 14x11 in

US$ 1.080
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "Therapy" door Hossein Dindar, Origineel Kunstwerk, Gelpen
Therapy - Tekening, 7,9x5,9 in ©2023 door Hossein Dindar - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Liefde

Hossein Dindar


Gelpen op Papier | 7,9x5,9 in

US$ 479,44
Tekening getiteld "Die ideale Beziehun…" door August Di Lena, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
Die ideale Beziehung / The ideal relationship - Tekening, 39,4x27,6 in ©2012 door August Di Lena - Surrealism, surrealism-627

August Di Lena

"Die ideale Beziehung / The ideal relationship"

Pastel op Papier | 39,4x27,6 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "2:1" door Darda, Origineel Kunstwerk, Marker
2:1 - Tekening, 11x8,7 in ©2024 door Darda - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Liefde, Paar, couple, Beziehung, relationship, bunt, colorful, Umarmung, embrace, Gefühle, feelings, Romantik, romance, Liebe, love, abstrakt, abstract, Nähe, closeness, Freude, joy



Marker op Papier | 11x8,7 in

Niet Te Koop Prints van US$ 185,38
Tekening getiteld "Solar activity" door Boytsov, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
Solar activity - Tekening, 19,7x25,6 in ©2024 door Boytsov - Figurative, figurative-594, sun, space, portrait, facial expression, face, emotion, psyche, smile, indifference, pain, determination, suffering, prayer


"Solar activity"

Pastel op Papier | 19,7x25,6 in

US$ 2.100
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "Shaun Greenwald's W…" door Shaun Greenwald, Origineel Kunstwerk, Balpen
Shaun Greenwald's Windows Painting - Tekening, 590,6x590,6 in ©2023 door Shaun Greenwald - perspective, interior and exterior, light and shadow, transparency, reflection

Shaun Greenwald

"Shaun Greenwald's Windows Painting"

Balpen op Canvas | 590,6x590,6 in

US$ 215,56 Verzendkosten niet inbegrepen
Tekening getiteld "Sécurité limitante" door Alice Chenaud, Origineel Kunstwerk, Gelpen Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branc…
Sécurité limitante - Tekening, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 door Alice Chenaud - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Geestelijkheid, introspection, relationship, noiretblanc, holistique, élévation

Alice Chenaud

"Sécurité limitante"

Gelpen op Canvas | 15,8x15,8 in

US$ 315,52
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "fs2i \ Only Lovers…" door Leni Smoragdova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Marker
fs2i \ Only Lovers Left Alive - {$M} - Tekening, 11,4x8,3 in ©2022 door Leni Smoragdova - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Dier, transaction art, lover, hidden face, black color, pink color, animal, man and woman, Only Lovers Left Alive, date, relationship, couple, Eden

Leni Smoragdova

"fs2i \ Only Lovers Left Alive - {$M}"

Marker op Papier | 11,4x8,3 in

US$ 1.168
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "New friends I" door Bertold Werkmann, Origineel Kunstwerk, Inkt
New friends I - Tekening, 11,8x9,1 in ©2022 door Bertold Werkmann - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstracte, artbrute, friends, relationship, drawing, friendship, informel, abstract

Bertold Werkmann

"New friends I"

Inkt op Papier | 11,8x9,1 in

US$ 226,34
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "Relationship #1" door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Draad Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Relationship #1 - Tekening, 7,1x5,5 in ©2021 door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, suture, maquillage, makeup, cicatrice, scar, cartographie, relation, relationship

Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi

"Relationship #1"

Draad op Plastic | 7,1x5,5 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "Relationship #2" door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Draad Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Relationship #2 - Tekening, 7,5x6,3 in ©2021 door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, suture, cicatrice, scar, maquillage, makeup, blessure, scratch, cartographie, intime

Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi

"Relationship #2"

Draad op Plastic | 7,5x6,3 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "A woman riding a ma…" door Raphael Perez, Origineel Kunstwerk, Balpen
A woman riding a man men women relationship art israeli arts - Tekening, 8,3x11,8 in ©2019 door Raphael Perez - Figurative, figurative-594, Liefde, couple drawing, couple drawings, couple draw, couple painting, couple paintings, couple art, couple artist, couple artists, couple man woman, couple male female, couple men woman, man woman, men women, male female, woman man, women men, female male, man drawing, male drawing, men drawing

Raphael Perez

"A woman riding a man men women relationship art israeli arts"

Balpen op Papier | 8,3x11,8 in

Tekening getiteld "Madame Satoshi" door Bartosz Lewicki, Origineel Kunstwerk, Balpen
Madame Satoshi - Tekening, 47,2x31,5 in ©2023 door Bartosz Lewicki - Illustration, illustration-600, Vrouwen portretten, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Art, bitcoin shirt, bitcoin memes, bitcoinart, ballpointpen, penart, pendrawing, drawing, claudemonet

Bartosz Lewicki

"Madame Satoshi"

Balpen op Papier | 47,2x31,5 in

US$ 8.452
Tekening getiteld "Love Story" door Iuliia Andriiets, Origineel Kunstwerk, Aquarel
Love Story - Tekening, 8x7,9 in ©2019 door Iuliia Andriiets - Illustration, illustration-600, Liefde, love, couple, cute, cat, heart, relationships, relationship, house, adventure, life, trip, story, mountains, road, man and woman, girl, boy, gift, present

Iuliia Andriiets

"Love Story"

Aquarel op Papier | 8x7,9 in

Niet Te Koop Prints van US$ 28,71
Tekening getiteld "Alone with myself" door Sasha Snegir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Potlood
Alone with myself - Tekening, 6,7x4,7 in ©2023 door Sasha Snegir - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Vrouwelijke naakten, alone, love, feelings, soul, body, woman, ourselves, myself, freedom

Sasha Snegir

"Alone with myself"

Potlood op Papier | 6,7x4,7 in

US$ 163,8
Tekening getiteld "The meaning of rela…" door Raphael Perez, Origineel Kunstwerk, Inkt
The meaning of relationships in raphael perez flower drawing - Tekening, 19,7x13,8 in ©1997 door Raphael Perez - Figurative, figurative-594, Bloem, flower, flowers, flower drawing, flower drawings, flower draw, flower painter, flower painters, flower art, flower artist, flower artists, flower artwork, flower artworks, flower painting, flower paintings, flowers art, flowers artists, flowers artist, flowers drawings, flowers drawing, flowers draw

Raphael Perez

"The meaning of relationships in raphael perez flower drawing"

Inkt op Papier | 19,7x13,8 in

US$ 1.476,44
Tekening getiteld "Angels Celebrate Ch…" door Edwin Loftus, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel Gemonteerd op Andere stijve panelen
Angels Celebrate Christine's Next Step - Tekening, 6x8 in ©2016 door Edwin Loftus - Illustration, illustration-600, Liefde, selflessness, giving, relationships

Edwin Loftus

"Angels Celebrate Christine's Next Step"

Pastel op Papier | 6x8 in

US$ 1.138
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "L’amore" door Haolin Zou, Origineel Kunstwerk, Houtskool
L’amore - Tekening, 19,7x29,5 in ©2023 door Haolin Zou - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Liefde, red, emotions, black and white, textrue, hug, humanity

Haolin Zou


Houtskool op Papier | 19,7x29,5 in

US$ 1.420,32
Tekening getiteld "Adoration" door Izawera, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Adoration - Tekening, 23,2x31,9 in ©2022 door Izawera - woman, sensuality, beauty, egonschiele, relationship, sexy, passion, nude, love



Acryl op Papier | 23,2x31,9 in

US$ 470,79
Tekening getiteld "Connecting" door Elizabeth Kuntz, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
Connecting - Tekening, 17x14 in ©2022 door Elizabeth Kuntz - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Liefde, connection, relationship, heart, figures, dancing, sun, orange, vivid, emotions, plants, leaves, joining, circles, sacred, unity, spiral, tribal, fire, source, solar

Elizabeth Kuntz


Pastel op Papier | 17x14 in

Prints van US$ 30,71
Tekening getiteld "See the perspective" door Oleg Khe, Origineel Kunstwerk, Houtskool
See the perspective - Tekening, 11,4x16,5 in ©2016 door Oleg Khe - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, girls, hugs, two people, people's love, tenderness, empathy, drawing, charcoal, horizon, perspective, human relations, girls' affection

Oleg Khe

"See the perspective"

Houtskool op Papier | 11,4x16,5 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "Couple relationship…" door Eeyatus, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Karton
Couple relationships and accelerated evolution of body and m - Tekening, 11,7x8,3 in ©2024 door Eeyatus - Abstract, abstract-570, Meetkundig, abstract, life, relationships, Couple, love


"Couple relationships and accelerated evolution of body and m"

Acryl op Papier | 11,7x8,3 in

Tekening getiteld "Relationship #4" door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Draad Gemonteerd op Houten paneel
Relationship #4 - Tekening, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 door Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, suture, cicatrice, scar, blessure, scratch, maquillage, makeup, cartographie, intime

Céline Jérémy Turlotte Bindi

"Relationship #4"

Draad op Plastic | 15,8x11,8 in

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "111 - {$M}" door Leni Smoragdova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
111 - {$M} - Tekening, 11,4x16,5 in ©2012 door Leni Smoragdova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Portret, believer, relationships, emotions, feelings, live, love, break up, transaction art, hidden face

Leni Smoragdova

"111 - {$M}"

Pastel op Papier | 11,4x16,5 in

US$ 818
Tekening getiteld "Clarification of re…" door Dima Dima Vil Ms Wilms (Rok Zivopisec Rock Painter), Origineel Kunstwerk, Aqua…
Clarification of relationships in public - Tekening, 16,5x11,8 in ©2018 door Dima Dima Vil Ms Wilms (Rok Zivopisec Rock Painter) -

Dima Dima Vil Ms Wilms (Rok Zivopisec Rock Painter)

"Clarification of relationships in public"

Aquarel op Papier | 16,5x11,8 in

Niet Te Koop Prints van US$ 26,95
Tekening getiteld "COCONUT" door Mst Artroom, Origineel Kunstwerk, Potlood
COCONUT - Tekening, 33,1x23,4 in ©2020 door Mst Artroom - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Stilleven, coconut, real, texture, brown, grey, fuit, still life, beauty, relationship

Mst Artroom


Potlood op Papier | 33,1x23,4 in

US$ 956,43
Tekening getiteld "Mother and Child 3" door Edwin Loftus, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel Gemonteerd op Andere stijve panelen
Mother and Child 3 - Tekening, 10x8 in ©2021 door Edwin Loftus - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Liefde, mother, child, relationship

Edwin Loftus

"Mother and Child 3"

Pastel op Papier | 10x8 in

US$ 951
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "Kumba" door Sara Lamothe (Savant Artist), Origineel Kunstwerk, Marker
Kumba - Tekening ©2013 door Sara Lamothe (Savant Artist) - Abstract, abstract-570, abstract, geometric, color, friendship, relationship

Sara Lamothe (Savant Artist)


Marker op Papier

Niet Te Koop
Tekening getiteld "1111 - {$M}" door Leni Smoragdova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Pastel
1111 - {$M} - Tekening, 11,4x16,5 in ©2012 door Leni Smoragdova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Portret, people, relationship, try on, alone, emotions, fall, inside, transaction art, hidden face

Leni Smoragdova

"1111 - {$M}"

Pastel op Papier | 11,4x16,5 in

US$ 818
Tekening getiteld "23df / Dear diary -…" door Leni Smoragdova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Potlood
23df / Dear diary - {$M} - Tekening, 14,2x18,9 in ©2012 door Leni Smoragdova - Abstract, abstract-570, Liefde, relationship, body, era mz, afraid of, be use, two by two, diary, help, love, transaction art, hidden faces

Leni Smoragdova

"23df / Dear diary - {$M}"

Potlood op Papier | 14,2x18,9 in

US$ 854
Tekening getiteld "No Satori for the D…" door Noham Rudisuhli, Origineel Kunstwerk, Marker
No Satori for the Desert Rose - Tekening, 11,7x8,3 in ©2023 door Noham Rudisuhli - Illustration, illustration-600, Oorlog, trauma, victims, abuse, relationship, fantasy, manipulation, social isolation, personality disorder, bpd, narcissism, npd, PTSD

Noham Rudisuhli

"No Satori for the Desert Rose"

Marker op Papier | 11,7x8,3 in

US$ 132,08
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "x2d21 / Need You To…" door Leni Smoragdova, Origineel Kunstwerk, Marker
x2d21 / Need You Tonight - {$M} - Tekening, 11,4x16,5 in ©2017 door Leni Smoragdova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Vrouwelijke naakten, transaction art, hidden face, love, couple, relationship, lovers, female art, woman and man, lgbt, naked, nude, woman body

Leni Smoragdova

"x2d21 / Need You Tonight - {$M}"

Marker op Papier | 11,4x16,5 in

US$ 818
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Tekening getiteld "Glass" door Jacob Haws, Origineel Kunstwerk, Houtskool
Glass - Tekening, 10x13 in ©2021 door Jacob Haws - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Bioscoop, movie, glass, split, unbreakable, superpower, super, real, realism, realistic, shatter, fight, relationship, good, evil, bad, hero, villian

Jacob Haws


Houtskool op Papier | 10x13 in

Niet Te Koop


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