Originele sculpturen te koop

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Sculptuur getiteld "Chanel N5 Revolution" door Gardani, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Chanel N5 Revolution - Sculptuur, 17x17 in ©2024 door Gardani - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Mode, luxury, 3d sculpture, wall art, wall sculpture, original sculpture, painting on canvas, chanel, mix media art, wall decor, original art, unique sculpture


"Chanel N5 Revolution"

Sculptuur - Hars | 17x17 in

US$ 2.098
Sculptuur getiteld "Tanzender Mönch" door Jan Witte-Kropius, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
Tanzender Mönch - Sculptuur, 18,1x7,5 in ©2020 door Jan Witte-Kropius - Figurative, figurative-594, Geestelijkheid, Skulptur, Bronze, Figurativ, Weltkultur, Meditation, Dynamik

Jan Witte-Kropius

"Tanzender Mönch"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 18,1x7,5 in

US$ 3.387,67
Sculptuur getiteld "Punky Skull Black/G…" door Sther, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Punky Skull Black/Gold - Sculptuur, 13,4x12,2 in ©2024 door Sther - Pop Art, pop-art-615, tete de mort, crane, skull, punk, sculpture popart


"Punky Skull Black/Gold"

Sculptuur - Hars | 13,4x12,2 in

US$ 2.183,96
Sculptuur getiteld "Donald 269" door Nicolas Poirier, Origineel Kunstwerk, Papier
Donald 269 - Sculptuur, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 door Nicolas Poirier - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Comics, 3d, Disney, Mickey, Donald, Picsou, Upcucling

Nicolas Poirier

"Donald 269"

Sculptuur - Papier | 11,8x11,8 in

US$ 521,64
Sculptuur getiteld "Modern Motions" door Esteban Vera (EVera), Origineel Kunstwerk, Papier
Modern Motions - Sculptuur, 15x10,2 in ©2024 door Esteban Vera (EVera) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Populaire Cultuur, abstract, modern, contemporary, figurative, pop art, street art, graffiti, colors, black, white, Kaws, Cartoon, Body, Miami, Marble, Painting, Sculpture, Life, Culture, Hands

Esteban Vera (EVera)

"Modern Motions"

Sculptuur - Papier | 15x10,2 in

US$ 2.694,34
Sculptuur getiteld "On the beach I, Sch…" door Jan Witte-Kropius, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
On the beach I, Schreitende - Sculptuur, 21,7x11,8 in ©2018 door Jan Witte-Kropius - Figurative, figurative-594, Wereld Cultuur, Weltkultur, Frau, Bronze, Skulptur

Jan Witte-Kropius

"On the beach I, Schreitende"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 21,7x11,8 in

US$ 3.645,95
Sculptuur getiteld "愚·山(Mountain-backed…" door Zhang Youzhi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Steen
愚·山(Mountain-backed Ox) - Sculptuur, 15,4x15,4 in ©2024 door Zhang Youzhi - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Dier,

Zhang Youzhi

"愚·山(Mountain-backed Ox)"

Sculptuur - Steen | 15,4x15,4 in

US$ 9.472
Sculptuur getiteld "ART IS NOT A CRIME…" door N Nathan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
ART IS NOT A CRIME WHITE - Sculptuur, 9,8x10,6 in ©2024 door N Nathan - Street Art, street-art-624, Graffiti, N.NATHAN, SCULTURE STREET ART, ARTISTE N.NATHAN, ARTISNOTACRIME, SCULPTURE N.NATHAN

N Nathan


Sculptuur - Hars | 9,8x10,6 in

US$ 1.321,85
Sculptuur getiteld "ART IS NOT A CRIME…" door N Nathan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
ART IS NOT A CRIME WHITE 1/1 - Sculptuur, 9,8x10,6 in ©2024 door N Nathan - Street Art, street-art-624, Graffiti, pop art, sculpture nathan, n.nathan, art is not a crime, sculpture street art, oeuvre n nathan, artiste nathan, sculpture pop, street art, sculture luxe

N Nathan


Sculptuur - Hars | 9,8x10,6 in

US$ 1.547,15
Sculptuur getiteld "Hermes bust" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Hermes bust - Sculptuur, 16,9x6,7 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Mythologie

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Hermes bust"

Sculptuur - Hars | 16,9x6,7 in

US$ 332,29
Sculptuur getiteld "Maske #7" door Saman Hamidian, Origineel Kunstwerk, Keramiek
Maske #7 - Sculptuur, 9,7x6,7 in ©2021 door Saman Hamidian - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Portret, Selbstporträt, Identitätstransformation, Keramikkunst, Selbstmaske, Estehale-Transformation, Museumquartier Osnabrück, Installation "Reset", Ton, Glasur, Skulptur, 3D-Bild, Wand Skulptur, Atelier Zamini, Saman Hamidian, Osnabrueck, Germany

Saman Hamidian

"Maske #7"

Sculptuur - Keramiek | 9,7x6,7 in

US$ 1.324,07
Sculptuur getiteld "Punky Skull Campbel…" door Sther, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Punky Skull Campbell's - Sculptuur, 12,2x13,4 in ©2024 door Sther - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Populaire Cultuur, Popart, , andy warhol, , campbell's, Skull, Crane, Tête de mort, Punk, Sther, Punky skull


"Punky Skull Campbell's"

Sculptuur - Hars | 12,2x13,4 in

US$ 5.334,7
Sculptuur getiteld "ART IS NOT A CRIME…" door N Nathan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
ART IS NOT A CRIME 1/1 - Sculptuur, 9,8x10,2 in ©2024 door N Nathan - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Graffiti, sculpture street art, pop art, art is not a crime, sculpture pop, sculpture n nathan, n nathan nathan sculpture, n nathan, banksy, brainwatch

N Nathan


Sculptuur - Hars | 9,8x10,2 in

US$ 1.547,15
Sculptuur getiteld "Above the Pine Tree" door Jiang Wang, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
Above the Pine Tree - Sculptuur, 21,7x15 in ©2023 door Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Paard, pine, horse, chinese culture, symbolism, nature, water, bronze sculpture

Jiang Wang

"Above the Pine Tree"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 21,7x15 in

US$ 8.836
Sculptuur getiteld "Dancing with Water" door Jiang Wang, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
Dancing with Water - Sculptuur, 27,6x27,6 in ©2022 door Jiang Wang - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dier, deer, nature, harmony, bronze sculpture, flow of life

Jiang Wang

"Dancing with Water"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 27,6x27,6 in

US$ 18.671
Sculptuur getiteld "Mistral" door Aramis Justiz Perera, Origineel Kunstwerk, Roestvrij Staal
Mistral - Sculptuur, 17,3x20,1 in ©2024 door Aramis Justiz Perera -

Aramis Justiz Perera


Sculptuur - Roestvrij Staal | 17,3x20,1 in

US$ 5.661,41
Sculptuur getiteld "清者·侯月(Waiting for t…" door Zhang Youzhi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
清者·侯月(Waiting for the moon) - Sculptuur, 15,4x8,3 in ©2022 door Zhang Youzhi - Classicism, classicism-933, Dier,

Zhang Youzhi

"清者·侯月(Waiting for the moon)"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 15,4x8,3 in

US$ 2.227
Sculptuur getiteld "Babyfoot XS Aubergi…" door Idan Zareski, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Babyfoot XS Aubergine - Sculptuur, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 door Idan Zareski - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Kid portretten, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, bigfoot series, limited edition sculpture, high-quality resin, buy art online, artmajeur, modern art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, art collection, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, decorative art, fine art, home decor, office art

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS Aubergine"

Sculptuur - Hars | 10,2x7,1 in

US$ 3.599,38
Sculptuur getiteld "Pop Art Mickey" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Pop Art Mickey - Sculptuur, 23,6x13 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Pop Art Mickey"

Sculptuur - Hars | 23,6x13 in

US$ 1.172,23
Sculptuur getiteld "Punky Skull Golden" door Sther, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Punky Skull Golden - Sculptuur, 13,4x12,2 in ©2024 door Sther - Pop Art, pop-art-615, tete de mort, skull, punk, crane, sculpture popart


"Punky Skull Golden"

Sculptuur - Hars | 13,4x12,2 in

US$ 2.183,96
Sculptuur getiteld "Roboclusion Doraemo…" door Vincent Sabatier (VerSus), Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Roboclusion Doraemon and Murakami II - Sculptuur, 9,8x6,3 in ©2024 door Vincent Sabatier (VerSus) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Kat, doeramon, murakami, vincent sabatier, pop, roboclusion, artiste

Vincent Sabatier (VerSus)

"Roboclusion Doraemon and Murakami II"

Sculptuur - Hars | 9,8x6,3 in

US$ 1.384
Sculptuur getiteld "Inked Serenity" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Inked Serenity - Sculptuur, 19,7x18,1 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir -

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Inked Serenity"

Sculptuur - Hars | 19,7x18,1 in

US$ 1.853,95
Sculptuur getiteld "Radiant Muse" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Radiant Muse - Sculptuur, 19,7x18,1 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir -

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Radiant Muse"

Sculptuur - Hars | 19,7x18,1 in

US$ 1.694,4
Sculptuur getiteld "Équilibre précaire" door Jean-Christophe Cronel (JC Cronel), Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Équilibre précaire - Sculptuur, 14,6x5,3 in ©2024 door Jean-Christophe Cronel (JC Cronel) -

Jean-Christophe Cronel (JC Cronel)

"Équilibre précaire"

Sculptuur - Hars | 14,6x5,3 in

US$ 1.499,42
Sculptuur getiteld "ART IS NOT A CRIME…" door N Nathan, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
ART IS NOT A CRIME 1/1 - Sculptuur, 10,2x9,8 in ©2024 door N Nathan - Street Art, street-art-624, Graffiti, pop sculpture, pop art, sculpture nathan, n nathan, sculpture street art, art is not a crime

N Nathan


Sculptuur - Hars | 10,2x9,8 in

US$ 1.547,15
Sculptuur getiteld "Babyfoot XS" door Idan Zareski, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Babyfoot XS - Sculptuur, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 door Idan Zareski - Figurative, figurative-594, Kid portretten, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, childhood joy, Bigfoot series, oversized feet, limited edition sculpture, art collection, high-quality resin, buy art online, Artmajeur, modern art, emotional art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, contemporary artist

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS"

Sculptuur - Hars | 10,2x7,1 in

US$ 3.599,38
Sculptuur getiteld "Maleficus Sanguis" door Krzysztof Plonka, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Maleficus Sanguis - Sculptuur, 15,8x9,8 in ©2023 door Krzysztof Plonka - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Naakt, Archaic

Krzysztof Plonka

"Maleficus Sanguis"

Sculptuur - Hars | 15,8x9,8 in

US$ 4.094,28
Sculptuur getiteld "Punky Skull White/R…" door Sther, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Punky Skull White/Red - Sculptuur, 13,4x12,2 in ©2024 door Sther - Pop Art, pop-art-615, tete de mort, punk, crane, skull, sculpture popart


"Punky Skull White/Red"

Sculptuur - Hars | 13,4x12,2 in

US$ 1.657,96
Sculptuur getiteld "Wild kong, rouge fl…" door Richard Orlinski, Origineel Kunstwerk
Wild kong, rouge flamme - Sculptuur, 9,5x11,8 in ©2022 door Richard Orlinski -

Richard Orlinski

"Wild kong, rouge flamme"

Sculptuur | 9,5x11,8 in

US$ 4.624,43
Sculptuur getiteld "Punky Skull Silver/…" door Sther, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Punky Skull Silver/Pink - Sculptuur, 13,4x12,2 in ©2024 door Sther - Pop Art, pop-art-615, tete de mort, skull, Punk, crane, sculpture popart


"Punky Skull Silver/Pink"

Sculptuur - Hars | 13,4x12,2 in

US$ 2.183,96
Sculptuur getiteld "Dionysus bust" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Dionysus bust - Sculptuur, 13,4x5,5 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Mythologie

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Dionysus bust"

Sculptuur - Hars | 13,4x5,5 in

US$ 271,63
Sculptuur getiteld "绮梦(Myth Maker)" door Zhao Yongchang, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
绮梦(Myth Maker) - Sculptuur, 37,8x26 in ©2024 door Zhao Yongchang - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Wereld Cultuur, sculpture, bronze

Zhao Yongchang

"绮梦(Myth Maker)"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 37,8x26 in

US$ 5.747
Sculptuur getiteld "Hercules Yakuza" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Hercules Yakuza - Sculptuur, 15,7x11,4 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Hercules Yakuza"

Sculptuur - Hars | 15,7x11,4 in

US$ 710,72
Sculptuur getiteld "On the Wings of Aut…" door Jiang Wang, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
On the Wings of Autumn Breeze - Sculptuur, 36,2x66,9 in ©2016 door Jiang Wang - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Krijgskunst, swordsmanship, chinese calligraphy, chinese culture, confucianism

Jiang Wang

"On the Wings of Autumn Breeze"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 36,2x66,9 in

US$ 30.689
Sculptuur getiteld "Mono Lisa & Tomato…" door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Origineel Kunstwerk, Hars
Mono Lisa & Tomato Soup - Sculptuur, 22,4x13,8 in ©2024 door Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Mono Lisa & Tomato Soup"

Sculptuur - Hars | 22,4x13,8 in

US$ 1.859,22
Sculptuur getiteld "On the beach III, F…" door Jan Witte-Kropius, Origineel Kunstwerk, Bronzen
On the beach III, Fischerboot - Sculptuur, 17,7x11,8 in ©2018 door Jan Witte-Kropius - Figurative, figurative-594, Wereld Cultuur, Weltkultur, Afrika, Figurativ, Skulptur, Bronze

Jan Witte-Kropius

"On the beach III, Fischerboot"

Sculptuur - Bronzen | 17,7x11,8 in

US$ 3.489,32


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