Impressionistische collages

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Collages getiteld "Soul of a plant" door Joyce Van Den Engel, Origineel Kunstwerk, Collages
Soul of a plant - Collages, 27,6x21,7 in ©2023 door Joyce Van Den Engel - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Natuur, blue, plant, fantasy, soul, darkness, live, colorful, belief, dark waters, birds, heart, flower, flowers, path, fence

Joyce Van Den Engel

"Soul of a plant"

Collages op Papier | 27,6x21,7 in

US$ 2.859
Collages getiteld "New York Skyline an…" door Tony Rubino, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten branca…
New York Skyline and Blimp - Collages, 16x24 in ©2022 door Tony Rubino - Impressionism, impressionism-603, stad, blimp, empire state, building, buildings, new york, ny, nyc, vintage, retro, blimps, gift, gifts

Tony Rubino

"New York Skyline and Blimp"

Collages op Canvas | 16x24 in

US$ 2.144
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