Nikolaj (Kolyan) Fomin 个人资料图片

Nikolaj (Kolyan) Fomin

Saint-Petersburg, 俄罗斯
艺术家 (绘画)
出生于 未知日期

I was born in Tajikistan republic then moved to Crimea. Now I am living in Saint-Petersburg. Since my childhood I have been painting different pictures and landscapes. Serious way to an art world have gave me St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts teacher.
A lot of time I have spent in academic workshops with its teacher and its graduated painters. All my live I am painting and inspiring by nature and things around us. For me interesting to give viewer scene of reality for instance blinding when welder work. I like traveling aspatially in a forest and learn nature. More than 14 years I used to work as colorist. My works are exhibit in museum Saint-Petersburg region. I have held dozens personal exhibitions in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg. My paintings are in privet collection Estonia, Finland, Germany, Russia


School with art education 1985-1996
St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts teacher lessons


Have invitation for solo exhibition in Smolniy Sobor after lock down
First ever held exhibition open air in forest  


Saint-Petersburg solo exhibitions
District Saint-Petersburg region museum exhibition
Opoliye village cultural center solo exhibition
Saint-Petersburg Art festival participation
Book in time center solo exhibition

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