WITHERED FOREST , 40x70 acrylic, abstract oil painting (2022) Schilderij door Natalia Korneeva

Olie op Linnen canvas, 15,8x27,6 in
US$ 1.451
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Beoordelingen van klanten (5)
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Deze print is verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten.

US$ 27,10
US$ 46,62
US$ 100,82
Beoordelingen van klanten Uitstekend
Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Natalia Korneeva

Digitale licentie

Deze afbeelding is beschikbaar als download met licentie

US$ 33,00
US$ 130,00
US$ 271,00
Max resolutie: 2048 x 1172 px
Direct na aankoop downloaden
Artiesten krijgen hun royalty's betaald voor elke verkoop

Verkoper Natalia Korneeva

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Klaar om op te hangen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 6 verzamelingen
The idea to paint a series of paintings about withered trees came to me when I saw such trees in a lake in Siberia. The lake, highly likely, did not have a name. It was small and located near the road in the Kemerovo region, where I come from. Every time I passed by, I looked at a dozen trees in the water and thought that there was some kind of charm[...]
The idea to paint a series of paintings about withered trees came to me when I saw such trees in a lake in Siberia. The lake, highly likely, did not have a name. It was small and located near the road in the Kemerovo region, where I come from. Every time I passed by, I looked at a dozen trees in the water and thought that there was some kind of charm in the gradual withering of nature and there was a beauty of its own. Everything is cyclical in our life. The birth of life and its decay. There was life in this lake, fishermen constantly fished there. Everything was visible from the road. But a few years later, a concentrating plant was built across the road, where coal was brought from coal mines. After all, Kuzbass is the coal region of Russia. The coal is refined in this factory, the water is taken from this lake, and I think it drains back. But after any processing, water will no longer have the same chemical and molecular composition as before.

The more a human being "expands the area of his possessions," the more he invades the wild natural world. This inevitably leads to changes. So the more cynical a human being, the larger and more cynical changes in Nature.

The paintings from this series depict trees that have dried up due to natural causes. With color, I wanted to show a bit of this fading beauty, not on a destructive industrial scale. You won’t see darkened water and oil stains on the water, dead fish, and bulldozer-plowed terrain. I prefer to concentrate on the good and catch pieces of beauty, even if sometimes they cause sadness! Remember them like this. And love nature, because it is beautiful!

The painting is stretched on canvas and it is selling without a frame and comes ready to hang on your wall.
The painting is signed with the full name on the back. Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Verwante thema's

Fine ArtAbstract Oil PaintingSemi Abstract Oil PaintingForestLandscape

Automatisch vertaald
Natalya Korneeva was born in Siberia. A lawyer by profession, like her father. She had always been interested in different types of art, especially painting. Natalia has been drawing since childhood, at the[...]

Natalya Korneeva was born in Siberia. A lawyer by profession, like her father. She had always been interested in different types of art, especially painting. Natalia has been drawing since childhood, at the same time her parents sent her to an art school. This laid a good foundation for the further development of creative skills.

Years later, the passion for hiking in the mountains gave impetus to a return to art and marked the beginning of a creative path. She often draws nature in all its manifestations.

The main motives of her works are mountain and sea landscapes. In her work, she shows the beauty of the world, pushes the connoisseur of art to think about the fragility of the beauty of nature and the influence of men on it.

Gradually, conceptual works about nature and Her feelings were added. Nature takes on the image of a woman telling stories. The mixed media of these works makes it possible to convey the idea and enhance the impact on the viewer, showing significant aspects.

Natalia Korneeva works with oils and acrylics, creating voluminous dramatic strokes with a palette knife and brush. This gives the work texture and is a hallmark of her work.


2019   School of Arts № 19, Kemerovo city, Russia 

2017   Courses "Interior Design", Center for Continuing Education, Kemerovo city

2012    Photography School Tatyana Cheshtanova, Kemerovo city

2005   School of Arts № 50, Kemerovo city

Personal exhibitions: 

2022, March-December Library №135, Marino, Moscow city "The Story of the Soul of Nature" (16 artworks).

2021, May-December  Library №135, Marino, Moscow city "Landscapes through the eyes of an artist" (40 artworks). 

Group Exhibitions: 

2021, July-August  Exibition project "MOODACT & SMENA 2.0". Moscow city

2020, January W&P Gallery «Exhibition of contemporary artists (oil and acrylic)», Moscow city

2020, February W&P Gallery «Exhibition of contemporary artists (oil and acrylic)», Moscow city 

2020, July W&P Gallery «Exhibition of contemporary artists (oil and acrylic)», Moscow city. 

Bekijk meer van Natalia Korneeva

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