Only Present moment (stretched) (2024) 绘画 由 Nadiia Antoniuk

丙烯在帆布上, 39.4x27.6 in
价格: 免费送货

客户评价 (15)
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In our ceaseless quest for greater meaning, we often bypass the very moments that carry the richness we seek. Yearnings for grand adventures may overshadow the beauty concealed in the simple, the everyday. It’s not the distant vistas or the exotic locales that hold the key. It’s about tuning in, embracing the stillness of a single moment. In[...]
In our ceaseless quest for greater meaning, we often bypass the very moments that carry the richness we seek. Yearnings for grand adventures may overshadow the beauty concealed in the simple, the everyday. It’s not the distant vistas or the exotic locales that hold the key. It’s about tuning in, embracing the stillness of a single moment.
In subtle pauses, where the dawn softly unfolds, that life surrenders its most profound mysteries. Each sunrise isn’t just a mere start to a day; it’s an invitation to immerse ourselves in the present moment that often goes unnoticed—a chance to embrace the unseen, the unspoken, and the untold.

~~ Title: "Only Present moment"

~~ Technique:
Painting is made using multi-layer paint technique. A million multi-colored splashes dry before each subsequent coat.
Painting is made using multi-layer paint technique.
Painting style - the paint is applied in threads. The threads of paint seem to intertwine, creating their own canvas. Painting is made using multi-layer paint technique. A million multi-colored splashes dry before each subsequent coat of a colored the threads of paint is applied. In general, the painting has more then 50 layers of the application of colorful splashes.

~~ Size: 39 x 27" / 100 x 70 cm. Ready to hang

~~ Please check out customers feedback:

* The transaction was perfect. The painting is exquisite. The painting arrived in a few days and was well packaged. Nadin was great with communication. I will purchase from her again.
Thomas Stephenson on 5 Dec 2023

* We've now bought two paintings from Nadin and absolutely love them! Beautiful art, quick delivery with secure and safe packaging, and excellent communication and customer service. Highly recommend! Joe and Alona
Joe Harrison on Jan. 30, 2023

* Excellent overall experience. Thanks
Dr. Ahmad Bin Hezeem Alsuwaidi on 15 Apr 2023


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纳丁·安东尼克 (Nadin Antoniuk) 是一位现居德国的乌克兰当代艺术家。安东尼乌克以一种旺盛、生动和快乐的态度描绘了她对世界的看法。她的绘画过程以一种欢快而愉快的方式为特征,为画布注入了她的正能量和丰富的快乐。她的艺​​术风格和创作的灵感来自于自然、人际关系、思想、音乐和深刻的平衡感的每一个瞬间的辉煌。她的作品本质上是将情感转化到画布上,旨在让观众有机会通过与她的画作对话来发现自己的叙事。这种参与旨在建立共同的共鸣、故事、回忆和感性的触动。在某种程度上,她的画作发出了这种对话的邀请,当这种联系建立起来时,她艺术创作的基本目的就实现了——绘画与观察者真正交流。

纳丁·安东尼克 (Nadin Antoniuk) 是一位现居德国的乌克兰当代艺术家。安东尼乌克以一种旺盛、生动和快乐的态度描绘了她对世界的看法。她的绘画过程以一种欢快而愉快的方式为特征,为画布注入了她的正能量和丰富的快乐。她的艺​​术风格和创作的灵感来自于自然、人际关系、思想、音乐和深刻的平衡感的每一个瞬间的辉煌。她的作品本质上是将情感转化到画布上,旨在让观众有机会通过与她的画作对话来发现自己的叙事。这种参与旨在建立共同的共鸣、故事、回忆和感性的触动。在某种程度上,她的画作发出了这种对话的邀请,当这种联系建立起来时,她艺术创作的基本目的就实现了——绘画与观察者真正交流。


查看更多的Nadiia Antoniuk

丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x47.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x23.6 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 51.2x39.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x27.6 in

