In the moonlight (2020) Schilderij door Mari Dein

Niet Te Koop

Verkoper Mari Dein

Fine art papier, 11x8 in

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US$ 32,62
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  1069 px  

1500 px
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Eén werk
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Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 2 verzamelingen
Painting: Oil, Acrylic on Canvas. Painting for the exhibition in St. Petersburg, dedicated to cats. For this city, the cat is a special beast, the guardian of the city. I tried to look into the essence of this animal, an attempt to find what it is related to me. How opposites of character can unite in one being. Cats are[...]
Painting: Oil, Acrylic on Canvas.

Painting for the exhibition in St. Petersburg, dedicated to cats. For this city, the cat is a special beast, the guardian of the city. I tried to look into the essence of this animal, an attempt to find what it is related to me. How opposites of character can unite in one being.

Cats are by nature nocturnal creatures, their grace can be envied. Therefore, I wanted to create something poetic that would reflect one of the sides of the feline essence.

The side of the painting is in the color of the painting.

Verwante thema's


Automatisch vertaald
Real name Maria Shestakova, writing under the pseudonym Mari Dein.  Born in a small town in Siberia. Until the age of 12 i was taught by dad to draw and work with a brush, as his uncle taught him, so[...]

Real name Maria Shestakova, writing under the pseudonym Mari Dein. 

Born in a small town in Siberia. Until the age of 12 i was taught by dad to draw and work with a brush, as his uncle taught him, so it can be said that we have a small dynasty of artists. At the age of 12 i enrolled in art school. I've traveled a lot and part of my family lives in different countries: Germany, Ukraine, Norway. This greatly affects my perception of the world and increases outlook. Graduated from the Ural State Architectural - Art Academy in Yekaterinburg. Now I live in small southern town by the sea called Anapa and continue to take different training courses for different techniques. 

Bekijk meer van Mari Dein

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