Old house of Bruges (2022) 绘画 由 Olga Larina

水彩在纸上, 12.2x9.8 in
价格: 免费送货

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卖家 Olga Larina



最大分辨率: 2000 x 2498 px

卖家 Olga Larina

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 水彩 在纸上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 12.2in, 宽度 9.8in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$500 印象派 建筑
Bruges. Original watercolor painting. An exclusive unique gift for any special occasion and holiday. Interior decoration. Memory to your relatives, family and friends. Original present. At any time of the year, in any weather, the joy of life will be transmitted by paintings written with love and inspiration.
Bruges. Original watercolor painting.

An exclusive unique gift for any special occasion and holiday. Interior decoration. Memory to your relatives, family and friends. Original present.

At any time of the year, in any weather, the joy of life will be transmitted by paintings written with love and inspiration.

Old buildings have a special aura, their beauty is beyond time. The architecture decorates not only the city, but also complements the interior in the form of a picture.

We are attracted to old things that have an interesting history. Together with them we plunge into legends, fantasize and live new ones, in our head and heart. Perhaps these old houses, cars, streets have not existed for a long time, but the moment of life remains in the picture. This is a window into the past from which heat, peace, energy emanate.

Watercolor is unique in that this pattern of color spots will not be repeated. The second such picture will be gone. Each painting is made in watercolor, like a pearl.

Watercolor is delicate material, it can convey a lot of emotions, impressions, moods. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that you can never copy the same work. You never know how the paint will spread on the paper, how the color spots will fall, the mood with which the artist approaches the image will also affect the work.

This picture will light up with joy and happiness the interior of your house and will be a good gift for your relatives and for your friends. Suitable for any celebration and occasion.

I hope my painting will decorate your home or office, give light, warmth and joy every day.


Bruges PaintingBruges WatercolorBruges Cityscape ArtBelgium PaintingBelgium Watercolor

      Hello ! I am an artist. I live in Ukrain. I draw and painting from early childhood. Creativity - my whole life.   I love to draw, to create beauty. I own different types of fine art: graphics, watercolor[...]

      Hello ! I am an artist. I live in Ukrain. I draw and painting from early childhood. Creativity - my whole life.  
I love to draw, to create beauty. I own different types of fine art: graphics, watercolor painting, oil, acrylic paints. I use in my work different techniques and techniques. Most of all I love watercolor.
In my work, I am inspired by the surrounding world: nature, the female image, the architecture of cities, the sea. I like to express my feelings and understanding through symbolism in the paintings.
I like to create a series of paintings on certain topics, to show meaning in an allegory. My works are most often colorful, sunny, filling with positive, but there are works in a restrained gray-brown color scheme - in retro style - to convey the spirit of the times more, to strengthen the sense of ancient
Watercolor is my whole life! It is light, airy, momentary - as the paint lay down, so it will be. Therefore, when you create a picture, you don’t fully know how it will end up.
I take part in art exhibitions.
I want the world to have more beauty, joy and happiness. I hope that my work will help in this matter. I want to show my creation to people. My paintings will delight you always.
              I never expect inspiration in my life! It is always with me. My motto is beauty, light, harmony in every work!

     Education: I studied at the Kherson Art School, then at the Kherson School of Culture, at the Kherson National Technical University at the Department of Design. When I left for Russia and studied there a technique of painting for wood, handicrafts. Then I returned to Ukraine and was engaged in the manufacture and development of souvenirs, conducted master classes. Now I am engaged in painting, writing pictures in various techniques, different materials.

    Events: 2016 Laureate of the first open regional competition for the development of the best souvenir products "Tauride souvenir" in the category "average" for souvenir work: "box" Tauride painting "Kherson, Ukraine.
2019 Personal exhibition in the Kherson Regional Music and Drama Theater
I took part in the Golden Time San Francisco 2019 international talent competition in season 12. She received the 1st, 2nd place in the age category of 26, for two paintings made in mixed media: watercolor, graphics, gold.
Certificate for participation in the international competition of the Luxembourg Art Gallery "Luxembourg Art Prize 2020".

2005 City Exhibition-Fair of the Fund for Support of Entrepreneurs, Kherson, Ukraine
2006 exhibition-fair of arts and crafts Kherson, Ukraine
2007 exhibition of art Kakhovka
2008 City exhibition of arts and crafts Kherson, Ukraine
2009 Regional Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts in Holaya Prystan, Ukraine  

2015, 2017, 2018, Kherson Regional Exhibition of Artists of Ukraine

查看更多的Olga Larina

水彩在纸上 | 13.8x9.8 in
水彩在纸上 | 11.8x8.3 in
水彩在纸上 | 9.5x13.8 in
水彩在纸上 | 7.5x10.2 in

