Lease 회화 by Annemarie Laffont

구매 옵션을 사용하여 Annemarie Laffont 의 ’ Dans Le Poulailler ’ 작품 임대

Annemarie Laffont 의 회화 은 구매 옵션으로 임대 가능합니다.

제목이 "Dans le poulailler"인 미술작품 Annemarie Laffont로, 원작, 아크릴
Dans le poulailler (2014)
미술작품 Annemarie Laffont 로 - 30.1x17.5 in

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* 이는 단지 예시적인 시뮬레이션일 뿐입니다. 귀하의 지원 서류를 검토하고 당사 금융 파트너가 귀하의 파일을 확인한 후 계약 제안서를 귀하에게 보내드립니다.

임대정보요청 "Dans Le Poulailler"

저희에게 연락하세요., 금융 전문가가 24시간 이내에 연락을 드릴 것입니다.:

자주 묻는 질문

What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.

상세 정보

Dans le poulailler (2014)
미술작품 Annemarie Laffont 로 - 30.1x17.5 in
제목이 "Dans le poulailler"인 미술작품 Annemarie Laffont로, 원작, 아크릴

작가에 관하여

Née aux Pays-Bas en 1973, Annemarie Laffont dessine depuis toute petite. Après ses études d'architecture elle s’installe dans le sud de la France. L’artiste a fait ses débuts avec des dessins[...]

Née aux Pays-Bas en 1973, Annemarie Laffont dessine depuis toute petite. Après ses études d'architecture elle s’installe dans le sud de la France.

L’artiste a fait ses débuts avec des dessins architecturaux à l’encre de Chine, des portraits d’animaux à l’huile, des portraits d’enfants à l’aquarelle et des caricatures.

Depuis elle s’est spécialisée dans la peinture d'animaux en acrylique, toujours avec une touche d'humour.  On reconnaît facilement son style unique dans ces tableaux figuratifs, mais il est tout à fait possible de trouver des œuvres abstraites de sa part.

Annemarie Laffont에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
캔버스의 아크릴 | 11.8x11.8 in
캔버스의 아크릴 | 21.7x15 in
나무의 아크릴 | 21.3x23 in
캔버스의 아크릴 | 39.4x19.7 in


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