WONDER (2023) Pintura por Katy Bishop

Tinta em Papel, 12x12 in
US$ 766
Preço: Envio Grátis

Vendedor Katy Bishop
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Retorno aceito 14 dias Artmajeur está 100% comprometido com a satisfação dos colecionadores: você tem 14 dias para devolver uma obra original. O trabalho deve ser devolvido ao artista em perfeitas condições, em sua embalagem original. Todos os itens elegíveis podem ser devolvidos (salvo indicação em contrário).
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Esta impressão está disponível em vários tamanhos.

US$ 27,99
US$ 47,62
US$ 102,14
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendedor Katy Bishop

Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
Pronto para pendurar
Esta obra está enquadrada
Montado em Cartão
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Tinta em Papel
  • Dimensões 18x16 in
    Dimensões da obra sozinhas, sem moldura: Altura 12in, Largura 12in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra está enquadrada (Quadro + sob o vidro)
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 1.000 Abstrata Colorida
In this piece, I’ve let my passion for color and form guide the ink. Evoking raw emotions through splashes of vibrant inks, this artwork reflects a journey of spontaneity and introspection. Abstract and expressionist styles blend, creating a dynamic and inviting emotional landscape. This painting is a celebration of life's fluidity, encouraging[...]
In this piece, I’ve let my passion for color and form guide the ink. Evoking raw emotions through splashes of vibrant inks, this artwork reflects a journey of spontaneity and introspection. Abstract and expressionist styles blend, creating a dynamic and inviting emotional landscape. This painting is a celebration of life's fluidity, encouraging viewers to embrace the beauty in the unexpected and to find depth in the ebbs and flows of their own experiences. Black frame 16x16 inches.

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Katy Bishop is a contemporary abstract painter based in Los Angeles who creates “expressive images,” gestural abstracts that fuse elements of perception, randomness, and control. Her works range from wild abstracts[...]

Katy Bishop is a contemporary abstract painter based in Los Angeles who creates “expressive images,” gestural abstracts that fuse elements of perception, randomness, and control. Her works range from wild abstracts with bold, vibrant colors, to emotional subtle abstracts that connect with a sense of harmony. In addition, Katy is known for her use of alcohol ink in reverse painting on plexiglass and glass.

Bishop recently presented two solo exhibitions in 2024- one with TAG Gallery, Los Angeles, and the other at The Messengers Gallery, Santa Monica. In 2023, she had two solo exhibitions at TAG gallery, Los Angeles.  Her artworks have been in group exhibitions in galleries in Los Angeles, Costa Mesa, Burbank, Pasadena, Chicago, Rome, Venice, Tokyo, Istanbul and many websites online.

In 2024, Katy’s ink on synthetic paper Wonder was awarded First Place – Abstract in the February 2024 BoldBrush Competition. 

Her work Terra Firma VII was presented with the Golden Award at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2023.

In 2023 her abstract, Propel, won First Place – Abstract at the Betsy Lueke Gallery in “Rock.Paper.Scissors.Art” juried by Elizabeth Tucker, President of Women Painters West.

Down in the Valley, ink on plexiglass, received First Place – Abstract by the Burbank Art Association 2024 Annual Spring Show entitled “Flight.”  

Katy Bishop is a member of The Los Angeles Art Association, Pasadena Society of Artists, the California Art League, the International Association of Art – USAs, American Women Artists and the National and So Cal Women’s Caucus for Art. Her work is represented by TAG Gallery, Los Angeles and MEGA Gallery, Rome, and can be found in private collections across the country and in Japan.

Ver mais de Katy Bishop

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