Wingface Carrara marble (2014) Sculptuur door George Dapsevicius

Sculptuur - Steen, 10x14 in
US$ 16.885
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten

Verzonden vanuit: Verenigde Staten (Houten krat)
Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen.
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US$ 32,00
US$ 130,00
US$ 270,00
Max resolutie: 2000 x 1061 px
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Verkoper George Dapsevicius

Eén werk
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 6 verzamelingen
  • Origineel Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Sculptuur, Steen op Steen
  • Dimensies Hoogte 10in, Breedte 14in / 20.00 kg
  • Geschikt voor buiten? Nee, Dit kunstwerk kan niet buiten worden getoond
  • Categorieën Sculpturen onder US$ 20.000 Klassicisme
. With the base it is 23 inches tall and it swivels on the base.WingFace in Carrara marble, carved on both sides, the wing side is a full face frontal view of a face, it is the features of many beautiful faces I've known. The other side with the original crystalline fracture surface is a continuation of the full face frontal face in bas-relief.[...]
. With the base it is 23 inches tall and it swivels on the base.WingFace in Carrara marble, carved on both sides, the wing side is a full face frontal view of a face, it is the features of many beautiful faces I've known. The other side with the original crystalline fracture surface is a continuation of the full face frontal face in bas-relief. The crystalline structure is something I have never seen in marble, it also indicates how hard this piece of marble is. The wing details came from the wing of a cherub, a simple classical wing I saw on a cherub in the Musee D'Orsay in Paris.
When I look at the face straight on it seems like the face is trying to look around a corner back behind itself. I found the piece of marble in a stone yard in East Oakland Ca. The fractured wedge shaped piece of marble lay on the floor of my studio for 10 years, I saw a wing in it when I I first saw it but didn't know what kind of wing, it took 10 years and 18000 miles to put the wing, the marble and the faces together.
It sits on a stainless steel rod set into a polished black granite base

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Automatisch vertaald
I am a sculptor, carving gems and making jewelry is my specialty, I also carve marble and wood. I was born in Kaunas Lithuania, my family and I immigrated to America from Germany in 1951. After living for short[...]

I am a sculptor, carving gems and making jewelry is my specialty, I also carve marble and wood. I was born in Kaunas Lithuania, my family and I immigrated to America from Germany in 1951. After living for short periods in New York and Chicago we settled in Omaha Nebraska which is where I grew up and started my art studies. My uncle was a wood sculptor and I learned by watching him carve wood models for injection molding Plastic production. Carving marble came naturally to me and I continue to do it as new ideas come to me. I'm available for commissions and enjoy working with and collaborating with clients on projects in gems for jewelry or other sculpture commission.

Bekijk meer van George Dapsevicius

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Niet Te Koop


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