Female figure study (2020) Schilderij door Elizaveta Akimova (Esanglier)

Niet Te Koop

Verkoper Elizaveta Akimova (Esanglier)

Fine art papier, 11x8 in

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US$ 32,63
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  1098 px  

1500 px
Afmetingen van het bestand (px) 1098x1500
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Kunstafbeelding database
Painting of nude model from life. Painted during practice in Imperial Academy of Arts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Over dit kunstwerk: Classificatie, Technieken & Stijlen Olie [...]
Painting of nude model from life. Painted during practice in Imperial Academy of Arts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Verwante thema's

NakedNudeRussian AcademyAcademic PaintingLive Model

Automatisch vertaald
The main issues of interest to the artist are related to the reinterpretation of classical art, its connection with postmodern culture and modern art. The subjects of the works are spied in the archetypal[...]

The main issues of interest to the artist are related to the reinterpretation of classical art, its connection with postmodern culture and modern art.

The subjects of the works are spied in the archetypal stories of world culture, most of all the author is interested in their connection with the anxieties and worries of modern man.

Just as the Renaissance was a reinterpretation of the achievements of antiquity, adapted to the realities of that time, so Elizaveta in her work explores

the possibility of embedding classical techniques and subjects in a modern environment.


In her works, Elizaveta uses multi-layered oil painting, the choice of material is directly related to the artist's vision: oil as a classic and flexible material helps to deeply feel the connection between cultural generations and the alchemical component of the process.

Bekijk meer van Elizaveta Akimova (Esanglier)

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