Obras de retratos originales a la venta

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Escultura titulada "Festive Fling" por Karen Axikyan, Obra de arte original, Metales
Festive Fling - Escultura, 19,7x12,6 in ©2023 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, beautiful sculpture, contemporary sculpture, creative sculpture, elegant design, figurative sculpture, figurine sculpture, handmade sculpture, modern sculpture, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, unique sculpture, wire art sculpture, iron sculpture, handmade art, decorative art, interior design, powerful artwork, dancing sculpture, whimsical sculpture, unique artwork

Karen Axikyan

"Festive Fling"

Escultura - Metales | 19,7x12,6 in

1.650 US$
Pintura titulada "Hommage à Leonora C…" por Ute Rathmann, Obra de arte original, Gouache
Hommage à Leonora Carrington IV - Pintura, 17,9x15,8 in ©2022 por Ute Rathmann - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, fine art, traditional, collageart, artonpaper, carrington, original artwork, ute rathmann, mixed media, symbolism, female, figure, figurative, painting, contemporary, woman, surrealism, expressionism

Ute Rathmann

"Hommage à Leonora Carrington IV"

Gouache en Papel | 17,9x15,8 in

942,43 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "A heartfelt convers…" por Dmitry Selivanov, Obra de arte original, Lápiz Montado en Bastidor de camilla de…
A heartfelt conversation. Pencil drawing on paper - Pintura, 16,5x11,8 in ©2021 por Dmitry Selivanov - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de celebridades, black and white, beautiful graphics, portraits of actors, romance, graphics, pencil drawing, A beautiful painting, lovers, a girl and a man, black and white graphics, beautiful pencil drawing, карандаш, графика, романтика, девушка и мужчина, красивый рисунок карандашом, красивая графика

Dmitry Selivanov

"A heartfelt conversation. Pencil drawing on paper"

Lápiz en Papel | 16,5x11,8 in

2.859,5 US$
Pintura titulada "Personality IV" por Miloš Hronec, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Personality IV - Pintura, 11,7x8,3 in ©2024 por Miloš Hronec - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Retrato, man, human, girl, woman, people, fine art, contemporary, art, artwork, painting

Miloš Hronec

"Personality IV"

Oleo en Lienzo | 11,7x8,3 in

673,38 US$
Carteles disponibles
Dibujo titulada "Portrait of Will Gr…" por Alina Krikun, Obra de arte original, Lápiz
Portrait of Will Graham - Dibujo, 5,9x5,9 in ©2024 por Alina Krikun - Illustration, illustration-600, Retrato,

Alina Krikun

"Portrait of Will Graham"

Lápiz en Papel | 5,9x5,9 in

219,65 US$
Escultura titulada "Leap" por Julie Tanner, Obra de arte original, Bronce Montado en Otro panel rígido
Leap - Escultura, 16,9x15 in ©2022 por Julie Tanner - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato,

Julie Tanner


Escultura - Bronce | 16,9x15 in

7.806 US$
Pintura titulada "Ballerina #32" por Oxana Luky, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
Ballerina #32 - Pintura, 13,8x19,7 in ©2024 por Oxana Luky - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Retrato, watercolor, watercolorballerina, ballet, ballerina, danceart, paper

Oxana Luky

"Ballerina #32"

Acuarela en Papel | 13,8x19,7 in

291,76 US$
Escultura titulada "Tough Decision" por Karen Axikyan, Obra de arte original, Alambre
Tough Decision - Escultura, 19,3x9,1 in ©2024 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de hombres, beautiful sculpture, contemporary sculpture, elegant design, creative sculpture, figurative sculpture, handmade sculpture, figurine sculpture, modern sculpture, original sculpture, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, iron sculpture, unique sculpture, wire art sculpture, decorative art, interior design, Armenian art, original work, sculpture for table, wood sculpture

Karen Axikyan

"Tough Decision"

Escultura - Alambre | 19,3x9,1 in

Bajo pedido
Dibujo titulada "Blonde" por Viktor Sheleg, Obra de arte original, Tinta
Blonde - Dibujo, 19,7x13,8 in ©2024 por Viktor Sheleg - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Retratos de mujeres, artforsale, style art, artsheleg, interior art, blonde, ink

Viktor Sheleg


Tinta en Papel | 19,7x13,8 in

989,25 US$
Pintura titulada "will S" por Christine Sylvestre, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
will S - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2021 por Christine Sylvestre - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, will smith

Christine Sylvestre

"will S"

Acrílico en Lienzo De Lino | 15,8x15,8 in

Pintura titulada "A Symphony of Color…" por Jan Keteleer, Obra de arte original, Pintura Digital Montado en Panel de madera
A Symphony of Color and Character - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Jan Keteleer - Fauvism, fauvism-942, Retratos de hombres, man, brown, complexion, teal, wall, blue, suit, confidence, patt

Jan Keteleer

"A Symphony of Color and Character"

Pintura Digital en Madera | 15,8x15,8 in

537,25 US$
Pintura titulada "Hommage à Modiglian…" por Ute Rathmann, Obra de arte original, Gouache
Hommage à Modigliani VI - Pintura, 11,3x8,4 in ©2018 por Ute Rathmann - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, fashion, illustration, figure, figurative, women, woman, ute rathmann, art on paper, painting, drawing, mixed media, modezeichnung, gemälde, zeichnung, mischtechnik, contemporary, zeitgenössisch

Ute Rathmann

"Hommage à Modigliani VI"

Gouache en Papel | 11,3x8,4 in

524,61 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Silent Talk" por Gegham Hunanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Silent Talk - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Gegham Hunanyan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Retratos de mujeres, abstract figurative, dream interpretation, emotional expression, enigmatic beauty, whimsical composition, modern art, 40x50cm, abstract art, oil painting, muted tones, contemporary art, elongated forms, abstract forms, angular forms, women talking, subdued colors, burgundy color, interior design, figurative art, human relationships

Gegham Hunanyan

"Silent Talk"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Yayoi Kusama 52" por Kyrylo Bondarenko, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de made…
Yayoi Kusama 52 - Pintura, 18,9x15 in ©2024 por Kyrylo Bondarenko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Retratos de mujeres, contemporary art, curly, women portrait, girls portrait, female portrait, colored balls, Yayoi Kusama, Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, David Hockney, Damien Hirst, Gerhard Richter

Kyrylo Bondarenko

"Yayoi Kusama 52"

Oleo en Lienzo | 18,9x15 in

1.442,16 US$
Escultura titulada "Vénus de Willendorf…" por Olivier Bordaçarre, Obra de arte original, Bronce
Vénus de Willendorf 2 - Escultura, 17,7x8,3 in ©2023 por Olivier Bordaçarre - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, Retratos de mujeres

Olivier Bordaçarre

"Vénus de Willendorf 2"

Escultura - Bronce | 17,7x8,3 in

6.605,08 US$
Pintura titulada "Summer moment" por Oleg Sharapanovsky, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Summer moment - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2022 por Oleg Sharapanovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, retratos de niños, summer memories, holidays, emotions, a gift, painting for home, modern Art, puzzles, Art colorful, Mosaic colors, Color Texture, childhood, child, girl, butterfly, bright painting, oil painting, blue abstraction, Expression In Art, Artistic Harmony, Brushstrokes Of Emotion

Oleg Sharapanovsky

"Summer moment"

Oleo en Lienzo | 15,8x15,8 in

392,71 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "WILL stranger things" por Nicolas Brandicourt, Obra de arte original, Pastel Montado en Panel de madera
WILL stranger things - Pintura, 11,8x9,5 in ©2022 por Nicolas Brandicourt - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, portrait, portrait sur commande, stranger things, will, pastel

Nicolas Brandicourt

"WILL stranger things"

Pastel en Papel | 11,8x9,5 in

No está en venta
Dibujo titulada "Hommage à Jeanne Ma…" por Ute Rathmann, Obra de arte original, Carbón
Hommage à Jeanne Mammen XXV - Dibujo, 11,3x13,7 in ©2018 por Ute Rathmann - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, jeanne mammen, drawing, art on paper, zeichnung, expressionism, expressionismus

Ute Rathmann

"Hommage à Jeanne Mammen XXV"

Carbón en Papel | 11,3x13,7 in

637,62 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Anselm Kiefer" por Kyrylo Bondarenko, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Anselm Kiefer - Pintura, 19,3x13,8 in ©2024 por Kyrylo Bondarenko - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Retratos de hombres, Ilya Kabakov, Yayoi Kusama, circles, balls, contemporary art, rainbow, portrait of a man, man, boy, male portrait, boy portrait, Gerhard Richter, Anselm Kiefer, Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, David Hockney, Pablo Picasso, Damien Hirst

Kyrylo Bondarenko

"Anselm Kiefer"

Oleo en Cartulina | 19,3x13,8 in

1.442,16 US$
Escultura titulada "Relax" por Karen Axikyan, Obra de arte original, Metales
Relax - Escultura, 11x10,6 in ©2024 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de hombres, stone Sculpture, perlite Sculpture, contemporary sculpture, Modern Sculpture, beautiful sculpture, creative sculpture, figurative sculpture, figurine sculpture, handmade sculpture, original sculpture, original work, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, sculpture for table, abstract figure, iron sculpture, man sculpture, interior design, wire art, Armenian art

Karen Axikyan


Escultura - Metales | 11x10,6 in

Bajo pedido
Escultura titulada "Unsolvable Dilemma" por Karen Axikyan, Obra de arte original, Metales
Unsolvable Dilemma - Escultura, 16,9x15,4 in ©2023 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de hombres, Sculpture, Iron Artwork, Tufa Sculpture, plexiglass art, Modern Sculpture, contemporary sculpture, creative sculpture, figurative sculpture, figurine sculpture, handmade sculpture, original sculpture, original work, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, iron sculpture, sculpture for home interior, sculpture for table, men sculpture, Armenian art, beautiful sculpture

Karen Axikyan

"Unsolvable Dilemma"

Escultura - Metales | 16,9x15,4 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Fake it till you ma…" por Niamor, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Fake it till you make it !!! - Pintura, 16,5x11,7 in ©2024 por Niamor - Street Art, street-art-624, Retrato, niamor, art, street art brut, art brut, street art, posca, posca lover, fake it till you make it


"Fake it till you make it !!!"

Acrílico en Papel | 16,5x11,7 in

454,83 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "AMONG THE EVIL FLOW…" por Gala Sobol, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
AMONG THE EVIL FLOWERS - Pintura, 7,7x5,3 in ©2024 por Gala Sobol - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Retrato, beautiful girl, fantastic flowers, lilac orange, lovely eyes, mysterious garden, watercolor painting, gentle, grey, watercolors, watercolours, surreal, whimsical, garden, flowers, curly hair, colorful, expressive, vibrant, nature, faces

Gala Sobol


Acuarela en Papel | 7,7x5,3 in

180 US$
Pintura titulada "Elise" por Sasha Brisac, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Elise - Pintura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 por Sasha Brisac - Classicism, classicism-933, Retratos de mujeres, Portrait, Art, painting, Face, original art, Woman, female portrait, Realistic, Modern portrait, Hand painted

Sasha Brisac


Acrílico en Lienzo | 15,8x11,8 in

221 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "What will I be?" por Frank Ys Yu, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
What will I be? - Pintura, 5,5x10,2 in ©2024 por Frank Ys Yu - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Retrato, watercolor, painting, portrait, child

Frank Ys Yu

"What will I be?"

Acuarela en Papel | 5,5x10,2 in

205,32 US$
Carteles disponibles
Fotografía titulada "Astenia" por Lídia Vives, Obra de arte original, Fotografía digital
Astenia - Fotografía, 15,8x11,8 in ©2014 por Lídia Vives - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, spring, flowers, portrait, astenia, pink

Lídia Vives


Fotografía | 15,8x11,8 in

759,91 US$
Pintura titulada "“Portrait of a ball…" por Oxana Luky, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
“Portrait of a ballerina” - Pintura, 11,8x7,5 in ©2024 por Oxana Luky - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Retrato, portrait, watercolor, paper

Oxana Luky

"“Portrait of a ballerina”"

Acuarela en Papel | 11,8x7,5 in

195,25 US$
Carteles disponibles
Escultura titulada "Unbound Reverie" por Karen Axikyan, Obra de arte original, Metales
Unbound Reverie - Escultura, 18,5x14,6 in ©2024 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, beautiful sculpture, contemporary sculpture, creative sculpture, elegant design, figurative sculpture, figurine sculpture, handmade sculpture, modern sculpture, original sculpture, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, unique sculpture, wire art sculpture, iron sculpture, contemporary art, contemplative art, thoughtful sculpture, interior design, decorative art, unique artwork

Karen Axikyan

"Unbound Reverie"

Escultura - Metales | 18,5x14,6 in

Pintura titulada "Enigmatic Dialogue" por Hayk Gasparyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Enigmatic Dialogue - Pintura, 13,8x17,7 in ©2024 por Hayk Gasparyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, abstract figures, abstract painting, Armenian art, colorful abstract, colorful painting, dark atmosphere, faceless female, figurative art, abstract performance, dialogue art, performance art, wall art, home decor, office decor, interior design, enigmatic figures, Dreamlike, Ghostly, vibrant colors, Shadows

Hayk Gasparyan

"Enigmatic Dialogue"

Oleo en Papel | 13,8x17,7 in

Bajo pedido
Fotografía titulada "The Mystery of Hraf…" por Jaqueline Vanek, Obra de arte original, Fotografía digital
The Mystery of Hrafndís - Sleeping Giant - Fotografía, 19,7x19,7 in ©2024 por Jaqueline Vanek - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Retratos de mujeres, iceland, landscape, ice, winter, snow, gothic, tale, portrait, self-portrait, nordic, female, glaciar

Jaqueline Vanek

"The Mystery of Hrafndís - Sleeping Giant"

Fotografía | 19,7x19,7 in

1.635,18 US$
Pintura titulada "Embodying Freedom a…" por Jan Keteleer, Obra de arte original, Pintura Digital Montado en Panel de madera
Embodying Freedom and Vitality - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2002 por Jan Keteleer - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Retratos de mujeres, woman, complexion, warmth, hair, movement, energy, eyes, colors, exuberance, nature, beauty, spirit

Jan Keteleer

"Embodying Freedom and Vitality"

Pintura Digital en Madera | 15,8x15,8 in

653,69 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Harmony in Contrast…" por Jan Keteleer, Obra de arte original, Pintura Digital Montado en Panel de madera
Harmony in Contrast: A Contemporary Portrait - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Jan Keteleer - Fauvism, fauvism-942, Retratos de hombres, contemporary, portrait, elegance, street art, colors, designs, pride, confidence, individuality, diversity, celebration, urban

Jan Keteleer

"Harmony in Contrast: A Contemporary Portrait"

Pintura Digital en Madera | 15,8x15,8 in

537,25 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Woman Portrait Blue…" por Natalya Volynska, Obra de arte original, Acrílico Montado en Panel de madera
Woman Portrait Blue Hair - Pintura, 7,1x5,1 in ©2024 por Natalya Volynska - Figurative, figurative-594, Retratos de mujeres, Woman painting abstract, Woman Portrait, Woman blue hair, Frauen Portrait, Frau Malerei Abstrakt

Natalya Volynska

"Woman Portrait Blue Hair"

Acrílico en Tablero de MDF | 7,1x5,1 in

66,56 US$
Pintura titulada "Personality III" por Miloš Hronec, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Personality III - Pintura, 11,7x8,3 in ©2024 por Miloš Hronec - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Retrato, human, people, face, portrait, fne art, contemporary, art

Miloš Hronec

"Personality III"

Oleo en Lienzo | 11,7x8,3 in

673,38 US$
Pintura titulada "Shared Ascent" por Gegham Hunanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Shared Ascent - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Gegham Hunanyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, abstract figurative, abstract forms, home decor, wall art, sculptural forms, emotional expression, human relationships, angular forms, figurative art, narrative canvas, 40x50cm, abstract art, oil painting, muted tones, contemporary art, figurative abstraction, introspective art, interior design, whimsical composition, dream interpretation

Gegham Hunanyan

"Shared Ascent"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Personality VII" por Miloš Hronec, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Personality VII - Pintura, 10,6x13,8 in ©2024 por Miloš Hronec - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, face, human, people, woman, man, fine art, artwork, contemporary art

Miloš Hronec

"Personality VII"

Oleo en Lienzo | 10,6x13,8 in

673,38 US$
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