Obras de arte originales de bodegones a la venta

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Pintura titulada "Bouquet of Wildflow…" por Svetlana Semiletova, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla…
Bouquet of Wildflowers - Pintura, 16x16 in ©2024 por Svetlana Semiletova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, Wildflowers, FlowerBouquet, FloralArt, OilPainting, CanvasArt, NatureArt, BotanicalArt, RusticArt, ArtCollectible

Svetlana Semiletova

"Bouquet of Wildflowers"

Oleo en Lienzo | 16x16 in

312 US$
Pintura titulada "The Smell of Autumn…" por Yampolskaia Natalia, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla…
The Smell of Autumn. Gifts - Pintura, 11,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Yampolskaia Natalia - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Naturaleza muerta, oil painting, concept, minimalism, autumn still life, wisdom, pear

Yampolskaia Natalia

"The Smell of Autumn. Gifts"

Oleo en Lienzo De Lino | 11,8x15,8 in

247 US$
Pintura titulada "The Smell of Autumn…" por Yampolskaia Natalia, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla…
The Smell of Autumn. Gifts 2 - Pintura, 11,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Yampolskaia Natalia - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, autumn still life, oil, acrylic, canvas, minimalism, painting as a gift

Yampolskaia Natalia

"The Smell of Autumn. Gifts 2"

Oleo en Lienzo De Lino | 11,8x15,8 in

257 US$
Pintura titulada "Melody of Colors" por Nataliia Babotenko, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de ma…
Melody of Colors - Pintura, 13x18,1 in ©2024 por Nataliia Babotenko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta,

Nataliia Babotenko

"Melody of Colors"

Oleo en Lienzo | 13x18,1 in

1.421,08 US$
Pintura titulada "Freshly Baked Morni…" por Irina Kurganskaya, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
Freshly Baked Morning Story: Tapas on Azulejo - Pintura, 19,7x9,5 in ©2024 por Irina Kurganskaya - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, Mediterranean cusine, feta cheese tapas still life, azulejo tile artwork, food inspired art, Portuguese culture, Rustic kitchen wall art decor, watercolor on paper, culinary art, Traditional Portuguese tiles, mediterranean lifestyle, food and tiles painting, blue and white tiles, fresh herbs and bread, rustic food scene, farmhouse decor, art for dining spaces, tapas and herbs, fine art still life

Irina Kurganskaya

"Freshly Baked Morning Story: Tapas on Azulejo"

Acuarela en Papel | 19,7x9,5 in

374,96 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada ""Sardines under the…" por Oksana Shevchenko, Obra de arte original, Oleo
"Sardines under the Spanish Sun" - Pintura, 10x8 in ©2024 por Oksana Shevchenko - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Naturaleza muerta, sardine painting, chinoiserie art, nautical decor, retro tin art, vintage tin art, fish painting, portuguese tile, food oil painting, original wall art, aesthetic painting, kitchen wall art, sardines art, blue ocean painting

Oksana Shevchenko

""Sardines under the Spanish Sun""

Oleo en Madera | 10x8 in

596,83 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Pears" por Oleg Baulin, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Pears - Pintura, 11,8x13,8 in ©2024 por Oleg Baulin - Classicism, classicism-933, Naturaleza muerta, fruit painting, green surface, hand made, kitchen art, lighting effects, muted background, pear art, wall art, seeds, slice, contemporary realism, food artwork

Oleg Baulin


Oleo en Lienzo | 11,8x13,8 in

627,89 US$
Pintura titulada "Donuts" por Oksana Almiz, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Donuts - Pintura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 por Oksana Almiz - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, Donuts, oil painting, art donut, canvas, sweets baking, sweets baking art, delicious paintings, painting in the kitchen, gift for the chef

Oksana Almiz


Oleo en Lienzo | 15,8x11,8 in

401,67 US$
Pintura titulada "Pears 2" por Anja Rudko, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Pears 2 - Pintura, 5,1x7,1 in ©2024 por Anja Rudko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, grey, green, pear, still life, ripe fruit, ripe pear, sweet pear, harvest

Anja Rudko

"Pears 2"

Oleo en Lienzo | 5,1x7,1 in

239 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Mangoes smell like…" por Liubov Samoilova, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Mangoes smell like juniper - Pintura, 7,9x11,2 in ©2024 por Liubov Samoilova - Figurative, figurative-594, Naturaleza muerta, mango, apple colour, fern color, ochre, kitchen, dining room, southern fruits, yellow

Liubov Samoilova

"Mangoes smell like juniper"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 7,9x11,2 in

177,52 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Tools of Creation" por Vlas Ayvazyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Tools of Creation - Pintura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 por Vlas Ayvazyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Naturaleza muerta, artistic energy, creative process, studio scene, gift idea, artist's tools, dynamic composition, home decor, wall art, interior decor, neutral background, painter's materials, abstract still life, Armenian painting, decorative art, vibrant colors, creative still life, impasto texture, oil painting, still life tools, textured brushwork

Vlas Ayvazyan

"Tools of Creation"

Oleo en Lienzo | 15,8x11,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Strawberries Oil Pa…" por Indrani Ghosh, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Strawberries Oil Paintings (Set of 2 Paintings) - Pintura, 12x10 in ©2024 por Indrani Ghosh - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, Strawberry still life painting, Red fruit oil painting, Oil painting of strawberries, Strawberry art for kitchen, Impressionist strawberry, Strawberry painting for sale, Modern still life

Indrani Ghosh

"Strawberries Oil Paintings (Set of 2 Paintings)"

Oleo en Papel | 12x10 in

218 US$
Pintura titulada "Citrus Elegance" por Gevorg Sinanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Panel de madera
Citrus Elegance - Pintura, 9,5x12,8 in ©2024 por Gevorg Sinanyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, beautiful picture, dining room decor, fruit painting, kitchen art, kitchen decor, natural beauty, quiet beauty, realistic still life, subtle and elegant, fruits, tangerine fruit, muted background, harmonious balance, simplicity, charm, mandarin art, wall art, caffe decoration, citrus art, beautiful still life

Gevorg Sinanyan

"Citrus Elegance"

Oleo en Tablero de MDF | 9,5x12,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Dutch Still Life" por Liubov Samoilova, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Cartulina
Dutch Still Life - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2018 por Liubov Samoilova - Figurative, figurative-594, Naturaleza muerta, classical style, layered painting, fruity still-life, grapes, peaches, realistic painting, black background, dining room

Liubov Samoilova

"Dutch Still Life"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

318,2 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Still life with aut…" por Svetlana Semiletova, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Cartulina
Still life with autumn fruits - Pintura, 8,5x12 in ©2024 por Svetlana Semiletova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, PearsAndApples, YellowPears, GreenApples, PearArt, AppleArt, FreshFruitPainting, PearsPainting, FruitStillLife, FruitDecor

Svetlana Semiletova

"Still life with autumn fruits"

Oleo en Cartulina | 8,5x12 in

130 US$
Pintura titulada "A Freshly Baked Mor…" por Irina Kurganskaya, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
A Freshly Baked Morning Story: Two Loaves and Tiles - Pintura, 19,7x9,5 in ©2024 por Irina Kurganskaya - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, Freshly baked bread, azulejo tiles art, watercolor painting, portuguese kitchen decor, rustic food art, bread and navy blue napkin, mediterranean style, cozy wall art, kitchen wall decor, blue and white tiles, morning breakfast art, farmhouse kitchen decor, foodand tile artwork, bread still life, mediterranean heritage, culinary-inspired art, traditonal Portuguese, rustic kitchen art

Irina Kurganskaya

"A Freshly Baked Morning Story: Two Loaves and Tiles"

Acuarela en Papel | 19,7x9,5 in

374,96 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Retro Sardine Tin P…" por Oksana Shevchenko, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Retro Sardine Tin Painting: Eclectic Fish Art Home Decor - Pintura, 10x8 in ©2024 por Oksana Shevchenko - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Naturaleza muerta, sardine can art, nautical decor, original painting, oil painting fish, sardines picture, Mom kitchen funky, vintage fish art, retro tin painting, mosaic sardine, chinoiserie painting, aesthetic wall art, eclectic wall art, wedding gift

Oksana Shevchenko

"Retro Sardine Tin Painting: Eclectic Fish Art Home Decor"

Oleo en Madera | 10x8 in

574,64 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada ""Autumn Romance"" por Ksenia Selianko, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
"Autumn Romance" - Pintura, 11,6x8,3 in ©2024 por Ksenia Selianko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, blue, evening, garden, romantic, violet, lamp, lantern, candlelight, chrysanthemums, delicate color

Ksenia Selianko

""Autumn Romance""

Acuarela en Papel | 11,6x8,3 in

229 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Golden Grapes, Indi…" por Stepan Ohanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de ma…
Golden Grapes, Indigo Figs - Pintura, 7,9x11,8 in ©2024 por Stepan Ohanyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, small painting, beautiful fruits, dining room decor, kitchen decor, natural beauty, picture for gift, picture for kitchen, figs painting, elegance and grace, beautiful still life, home decor, kitchen art, elegant painting, nature's bounty, grapes and figs, wall art, grapes painting, classic still life, realistic still life, rich colors

Stepan Ohanyan

"Golden Grapes, Indigo Figs"

Oleo en Lienzo | 7,9x11,8 in

180 US$
Pintura titulada "wall oil painting "…" por Kristina Telonickaa, Obra de arte original, Oleo
wall oil painting "pumpkins" - Pintura, 12x16 in ©2023 por Kristina Telonickaa - Street Art, street-art-624, Naturaleza muerta, oil painting, oil painting of pumpkins, wall painting

Kristina Telonickaa

"wall oil painting "pumpkins""

Oleo en Lienzo | 12x16 in

793,19 US$
Pintura titulada "Apples in Bowl, sti…" por Yulia Ivanova, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Apples in Bowl, still life, oil on canvas, Wall Art - Pintura, 11,8x15,8 in ©2023 por Yulia Ivanova - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, Still life oil painting, Apples, Wall Art

Yulia Ivanova

"Apples in Bowl, still life, oil on canvas, Wall Art"

Oleo en Lienzo | 11,8x15,8 in

277 US$
Carteles disponibles
Estampas & grabados titulada "Limited Edt. Art Pr…" por Frank Willems, Obra de arte original, Impresión digital
Limited Edt. Art Print – L’HERMITAGE /// THE HERMIT - Estampas & grabados, 15,8x15,8 in ©2020 por Frank Willems - Street Art, street-art-624, Naturaleza muerta

Frank Willems

"Limited Edt. Art Print – L’HERMITAGE /// THE HERMIT"

Estampas & grabados en Papel | 15,8x15,8 in

312,45 US$
Pintura titulada "Abstract Still-life…" por Kosta Morr, Obra de arte original, Acrílico
Abstract Still-life 14 - Pintura, 16,5x11,8 in ©2023 por Kosta Morr - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Naturaleza muerta, still life, fruit, vase, flowers

Kosta Morr

"Abstract Still-life 14"

Acrílico en Papel | 16,5x11,8 in

348,34 US$
Estampas & grabados titulada "Limited Edt. Art Pr…" por Frank Willems, Obra de arte original, Impresión digital
Limited Edt. Art Print – APPLES AND ORANGES - Estampas & grabados, 11,8x11,8 in ©2020 por Frank Willems - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Naturaleza muerta

Frank Willems

"Limited Edt. Art Print – APPLES AND ORANGES"

Estampas & grabados en Papel | 11,8x11,8 in

312,45 US$
Pintura titulada "Still Life in Textu…" por Arto Mkrtchyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de ma…
Still Life in Texture - Pintura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 por Arto Mkrtchyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, Pomegranate Art, Oil Painting, Culinary Artwork, Kitchen Decor, Exotic Fruit, beautiful fruits, beautiful still life, kitchen artwork, picture for gift, picture for kitchen, realistic still life, red fruit art, window frame, natural beauty, Armenian symbol, Still Life, dining room decor, realistic impressionism, texture art, Fruit Canvas

Arto Mkrtchyan

"Still Life in Texture"

Oleo en Lienzo | 15,8x11,8 in

220 US$
Pintura titulada "Citrus Delight" por Gevorg Sinanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Citrus Delight - Pintura, 11,4x8,3 in ©2024 por Gevorg Sinanyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, beautiful picture, dining room decor, fruit painting, kitchen decor, natural beauty, quiet beauty, realistic still life, subtle and elegant, tangerine fruit, subtle elegance, rich textures, muted background, harmonious balance, simplicity, mandarin art, picture for kitchen, caffe decoration, citrus art, beautiful still life, gift idea

Gevorg Sinanyan

"Citrus Delight"

Oleo en Tablero de MDF | 11,4x8,3 in

360 US$
Pintura titulada "Crimson Splendor" por Stepan Ohanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Crimson Splendor - Pintura, 9,5x11,8 in ©2024 por Stepan Ohanyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, Still Life, Fruit Artwork, Kitchen Decor, Red Fruit, Seed Detail, Textured Canvas, Home Decor, Vibrant Colors, Nature Art, Detailed Brushwork, beautiful fruits, beautiful still life, kitchen art, Armenian symbol, realistic still life, dining room decor, wall art, Pomegranate Art, picture for gift, red fruit art

Stepan Ohanyan

"Crimson Splendor"

Oleo en Lienzo | 9,5x11,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Ephemeral Balance" por Ara Gasparyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Ephemeral Balance - Pintura, 13,8x9,5 in ©2024 por Ara Gasparyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, bird painting, realistic painting, golden accents, wall art, beautiful decor, clock painting, old style clock, gift idea, alarm clock, vintage clock, classics still life, home decor, roman numerals, dining room decor, child room decor, classic design, antique clock, stone base, natural beauty, picture for kitchen

Ara Gasparyan

"Ephemeral Balance"

Oleo en Lienzo | 13,8x9,5 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Composition with St…" por Sergey Miqayelya, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de…
Composition with Still life - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Sergey Miqayelya - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, oil painting, timeless beauty, elegant arrangement, book, candle, hourglass, wine bottle, tranquil composition, light and shadow, classic still life, still life composition, nostalgic scene, dining room decor, elegant decor, kitchen decor, beautiful still life, Armenian coloring, natural beauty, realistic art, picture for kitchen

Sergey Miqayelya

"Composition with Still life"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada ""Letters from the F…" por Ksenia Selianko, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
"Letters from the Future." - Pintura, 11,6x8,3 in ©2024 por Ksenia Selianko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, abstract, still life, blue, modern, retro, evening, romantic, violet, typewriter, delicate color

Ksenia Selianko

""Letters from the Future.""

Acuarela en Papel | 11,6x8,3 in

229 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Garner Painting Fru…" por Anastasiya Posylaeva, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla…
Garner Painting Fruit Original Art Still Life Wall Art - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Anastasiya Posylaeva - Abstract, abstract-570, Naturaleza muerta, Garnet painting, garnet wall art, fruit wall art, still life painting, abstract painting

Anastasiya Posylaeva

"Garner Painting Fruit Original Art Still Life Wall Art"

Oleo en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

305,13 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pintura titulada "Nautical Symphony" por Oxana Lazari, Obra de arte original, Acrílico Montado en Bastidor de camilla de mad…
Nautical Symphony - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2022 por Oxana Lazari - Abstract, abstract-570, Naturaleza muerta, Underwater world, Sea animals art, Fish abstract painting, Under the sea painting, Coastal painting colorful, Nautical painting, Marine Life art, Sea plants painting, Coral Reef painting, Sea Reef painting, Ocean waves painting, Ocean themed artwork, Abstract ocean painting, Abstract seascape painting, Textured contemporary painting, Beach House wall art, Aquatic water painting, Modern painting canvas, Original ocean painting, Tropical fish painting

Oxana Lazari

"Nautical Symphony"

Acrílico en Lienzo | 19,7x15,8 in

307,29 US$
Estampas & grabados titulada "Petit Dejeuner - Re…" por Linda H Matthews, Obra de arte original, Linograbados Montado en Otr…
Petit Dejeuner - Red/Blue - Linogravure - Estampas & grabados, 7,1x5,1 in ©2022 por Linda H Matthews - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Naturaleza muerta, breakfast, petit dejeuner, french, france, linocut, linogravure, printworks, print, limited edtion, linoprint, blue red, tricolour, small artworks, framed art works

Linda H Matthews

"Petit Dejeuner - Red/Blue - Linogravure"

Estampas & grabados en Papel | 7,1x5,1 in

189,7 US$
Pintura titulada "Juicy lemons" por Ol Ga Matveeva, Obra de arte original, Oleo
Juicy lemons - Pintura, 17,7x13,8 in ©2023 por Ol Ga Matveeva - Figurative, figurative-594, Naturaleza muerta, холст, масло, картина маслом, лимоны маслом, лимоны мастихином, объемная живопись

Ol Ga Matveeva

"Juicy lemons"

Oleo en Lienzo | 17,7x13,8 in

982,31 US$
Pintura titulada "Chocolate Duck" por Gevorg Sinanyan, Obra de arte original, Oleo Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Chocolate Duck - Pintura, 12,4x8,3 in ©2024 por Gevorg Sinanyan - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Naturaleza muerta, chocolate art, duck art, home decor, light and shadow, natural beauty, natural colors, sweet animal, wood panel, child room decor, picture for kitchen, dining room decor, picture for gift, realistic painting, farm animals, wall art, beautiful gift, beautiful still life, black background, unique decor, Armenian art

Gevorg Sinanyan

"Chocolate Duck"

Oleo en Tablero de MDF | 12,4x8,3 in

Bajo pedido
Pintura titulada "Still life with bar…" por Alla Prisakar, Obra de arte original, Acuarela
Still life with barries - Pintura, 12,6x17,7 in ©2021 por Alla Prisakar - Classicism, classicism-933, Naturaleza muerta, barry, Still life, Picture, Watercolor, Painting, Red, Blue

Alla Prisakar

"Still life with barries"

Acuarela en Papel | 12,6x17,7 in

605 US$
Carteles disponibles


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