Why is delivery by Artmajeur not always available?

Delivery by Artmajeur may not be available, particularly in the cases listed below. In this case, the seller must send the work himself.

  • Delivery price too high
    In the event that the transport price is greater than 50% of the net price of the work, we do not allow delivery by Artmajeur to be selected. Indeed, the price of sending a large work can be very high, sometimes higher than the price of the work itself.

  • Package is oversized
    Our shipping algorithmes can automatically estimate the price for shipping packages whose dimensions and weight are under 300x200x160cm and 1000kg. If your package is oversized, we can not calculate the price automatically, you need to contact us for a quote.

  • Geopolitical situation
    Artmajeur works with specialized EXPRESS carriers who are subject to the vagaries of geopolitics, embargoes and other international tensions.
    From certain countries, and for certain delivery destinations, we do not have any international carriers who can carry out delivery.

  • Random costs of customs duties
    Some countries apply prohibitive, uncertain or random customs duties, with a high level of corruption. In order to limit the exposure to the risk of loss/undue taxation of the work, we prefer not to manage delivery.

What to do if transport by Artmajeur is not available?
In this case you must package the work, choose a carrier, and send it by your own means. We will refund you the transport amount that we invoiced to the customer.

Can I accept a price offer if transport by Artmajeur is not available?
Yes, but you will have to send the work yourself, for the price you indicated. The price of the offer includes transport: the customer will not pay anything extra.

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