Anne Geddes: Capturing the magic of early childhood through the lens

Anne Geddes: Capturing the magic of early childhood through the lens

Selena Mattei | Jul 12, 2023 8 minutes read 0 comments

Anne Geddes is a renowned photographer whose poetic images captivate the world, highlighting the beauty and innocence of early childhood. Her unique artistic work and her philanthropic commitment make Anne Geddes an inspiring figure, having left her mark on the photography industry and raised awareness of children's rights.

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Anne Geddes is an Australian photographer born September 13, 1956 in Queensland, Australia. She is best known for her artistic photographs featuring infants and babies in imaginative and poetic settings.

Anne Geddes began her career as a freelance photographer in the 1980s. She first worked as a fashion photographer, before focusing on baby photography. Her distinctive style quickly caught the attention of the public and the industry, and she became famous for her images that captured the fragility and innocence of early childhood.


Anne Elizabeth Geddes MNZM (New Zealand Order of Merit) is an Australian-born, New York-based portrait photographer known primarily for her elaborately staged photographs of infants.

Geddes' books have been published in 83 countries. According to, she has sold over 18 million books and 13 million calendars. In 1997, Cedco Publishing sold over 1.8 million calendars and planners bearing Geddes's photograph. Her first book, Down in the Garden, released in 1996, was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and made the New York Times bestseller list. His books have been translated into 23 languages.

In his 2007 autobiography Labor of Love, Geddes talks about his difficult years on the family cattle farm in Queensland, Australia. She left school at 17 and left home. She later met and married Kel Geddes, and moved to Hong Kong in 1983 for her husband's television job. There, at the age of 25, she learned photography using her husband's Pentax K1000 35mm camera. When they returned to Sydney two years later, she had put together a small portfolio. She specialized in baby photography after using photographs of her two daughters for a wildly successful family Christmas card.

Career Geddes became a professional photographer at the age of 30 when she moved to Melbourne due to her husband's work. She worked as an assistant for a local photographer before opening her own studio in her garage.

Geddes also shoots for philanthropic causes. She created her own philanthropic program, the Geddes Philanthropic Trust, the main aim of which was to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect. In 2013, she produced a series of photographs for survivors of meningococcal disease. The photographs depict families and children affected by the disease and pay tribute to those who survived. She took photos of 15 child meningitis survivors for the Protecting Our Tomorrows: Portraits of Meningococcal Disease campaign. She has also worked with March of Dimes.

How does she work?

Geddes does not audition babies to use as role models, as she believes all babies are beautiful. Instead, she keeps in touch with multiple birth and twin clubs and has thousands of parent-submitted photographs in her archive.

A typical session takes place in the morning, when babies are well rested, and lasts about half an hour; otherwise, babies may get bored or restless. "You have to be really fast," Geddes says of taking good photos. She prepares her studio in advance - props, lighting, cameras and equipment - so all the baby or babies have to do is sit down. Many of her accessories are custom-made, like oversized shoes and flower pots. She keeps the babies' parents nearby to help with expressions.

The main works and publications of Anne Geddes

  • "Down in the Garden": This book presents photographs of babies in floral and poetic settings, highlighting the beauty of nature and early childhood.

  • "Pure": This book features naked babies, capturing their innocence and vulnerability in a delicate and moving way.

  • "Miracle": This book celebrates the wonder of life and features photographs of babies in magical, fairytale settings.

  • 'Until Now': This book marks the twentieth anniversary of Anne Geddes' career and presents a selection of her best photographs, reflecting her artistic evolution over the years.

  • "Little Thoughts with Love": This book explores the emotions and precious moments of babies' lives, capturing moments of love and tenderness.

  • "The Story of Twelve Days of Christmas": This book revisits the famous Christmas carol by featuring babies in costumes and settings related to each day of the song.

  • “Babies”: This book highlights the diversity of babies around the world, highlighting the beauty of every child, regardless of background.

  • "Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes": This book celebrates the sameness and universality of babies around the world, showcasing their adorable little hands and feet.

  • "Cuddle": This book captures moments of affection and tenderness between babies and their loved ones, emphasizing the importance of family bonds.

  • "Protect Nurture Love": This book highlights the need to protect and care for children, emphasizing the love and caring necessary for their development.

Prizes and awards

  • New Zealand Order of Merit Medal: Anne Geddes was honored with the New Zealand Order of Merit Medal for her contributions to photography and raising awareness of children's rights.
  • Book of the Year Award: Several of his books have won prestigious awards in the Book of the Year category, recognizing the quality and impact of his artistic work.
  • Philanthropy Awards: Due to her commitment to raising awareness of children's rights and her philanthropic work, Anne Geddes has been honored with awards in the field of philanthropy.
  • International Recognition Awards: His work has been recognized and awarded internationally, testifying to his influence and talent as a photographer.

Main exhibitions

  • Sydney Art Gallery, Australia (1990): Anne Geddes held her first exhibition in her hometown of Sydney, Australia, showcasing her photographs of babies in enchanting floral settings.

  • Art Gallery of New York, USA (2003): Anne Geddes presented an exhibition of her iconic works in New York, giving visitors to the city a unique opportunity to discover her artistic talent.

  • London Museum of Photography, UK (2008): Anne Geddes' photographs were exhibited at London's Museum of Photography, allowing UK audiences to enjoy her captivating images of babies.

  • Art Gallery of Paris, France (2012): Anne Geddes had the opportunity to exhibit her photographs in Paris, thus offering French art lovers the opportunity to discover her unique artistic universe.

  • Traveling exhibition in Asia (2015-2016): A series of traveling exhibitions took place in several cities in Asia, including Tokyo, Seoul and Singapore, allowing a wide Asian audience to appreciate the photographs of Anne Geddes.

The influences of Anne Geddes in contemporary culture

  • Fashion: Anne Geddes' photographs have inspired many designers and fashion designers who have incorporated her delicate and poetic aesthetic into their collections. You can find clothes and accessories for babies and children inspired by the visual universe of Anne Geddes.

  • Television: Anne Geddes has become a recognized personality on television, in particular thanks to her appearances in popular shows. She shared her photography expertise and captivated viewers with her inspiring stories and unique artistic approach.

  • Merchandise: Anne Geddes' photographs have been used on a multitude of merchandise, such as calendars, greeting cards, baby clothes, toys and more. His work thus reached a wide audience and became a recognizable icon.

  • Cultural Impact: Anne Geddes' photographs have helped redefine the way society views and celebrates early childhood. Her artistic aesthetic has influenced how babies are depicted in art and photography, showcasing their innocence and vulnerability.

  • Raising awareness of children's rights: Anne Geddes has been actively involved in raising awareness of children's rights, highlighting issues such as abuse and neglect. His philanthropic work and initiatives have helped raise awareness and inspire others to get involved in child protection.

Anne Geddes Quotes

  • "Each child is a masterpiece, a real little marvel."

  • "Babies are rays of sunshine, rainbows of happiness in our lives."

  • "The beauty of early childhood lies in its simplicity and innocence."

  • "Babies are the flowers of life, symbols of renewal and hope."

  • "Photography is a powerful way to capture the essence of early childhood and preserve those precious moments."

  • "As a photographer, my goal is to capture the purity and magic of the first moments of life."

  • "The relationship between a mother and her baby is one of unconditional love, a deep connection that transcends words."

  • "Every child has a unique story to tell, and it's an honor for me to be able to capture it through photography."

  • "Babies are an endless source of inspiration, they remind us of the beauty and fragility of life."

  • "By celebrating early childhood, we celebrate hope, tenderness, and the promise of a brighter future."

10 incongruous things to know about Anne Geddes

  1. Anne Geddes is a former nurse: Before becoming a renowned photographer, Anne Geddes worked as a nurse, which gave her a deep understanding of the fragility of newborn babies.

  2. She started her career as a wedding photographer: Before specializing in baby photography, Anne Geddes worked as a wedding photographer, capturing the precious moments of couples on their big day.

  3. She is passionate about gardening: Anne Geddes likes to spend time in her garden, growing flowers and plants that often inspire her decors and photographic stagings.

  4. Her photographs have been used in postage stamps: Anne Geddes' works were so popular that they were chosen for reproduction on postage stamps in some countries, adding a touch of art to postal correspondence.

  5. She designed baby clothes: Anne Geddes also launched a line of baby clothes, offering adorable outfits inspired by her iconic photographs.

  6. She has an interest in landscape photography: Although known for her photographs of babies, Anne Geddes also enjoys landscape photography and enjoys capturing the beauty of nature on her travels.

  7. She is a strong advocate for childhood immunization: Anne Geddes is a committed supporter of childhood immunizations and has worked with organizations to promote immunization and protect the health of infants.

  8. She has a studio at home: Anne Geddes has set up a studio in her own house, where she creates her stagings and carries out her photo shoots with babies.

  9. She has published a cookbook: In addition to her photography books, Anne Geddes has also written a cookbook called "Anne Geddes Little Blessings Cookbook", which offers healthy recipes for children and families.

  10. She has a fascination with bees: Anne Geddes is fascinated by bees and has even created a series of photographs featuring babies in bee costumes, highlighting the importance of preserving pollinators.

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