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Art History
Goddess Unveiled: Exploring the Artistic Depictions of Durga Puja
Apr 25, 2024
14 minutes read
Exploring the diverse representations of Durga Puja in art, from traditional to modern interpretations, reveals the festival's enduring significance as a source of inspiration for artists and a reflection of cultural identity. Through intricate paintings, sculptures, and innovative installations, artists celebrate Durga Puja's rich mythology and collective ethos, bridging tradition with innovation to captivate audiences and provoke thought on pressing societal issues.
Art History
Iconic beauty: the depiction of Venus in the history of art
Nov 30, 2021
7 minutes read
Beauty is an abstract concept, which has often come to life in the works of the greatest artists of all time, but without finding a single form of representation. In fact, the idea of beauty is changeable, since it is subject to the changes of the historical, cultural, economic and social context in which artists found themselves operating. This can be exemplified by the evolution that, over the centuries, has undergone the representation of the goddess of love, Venus...
Art History
Food in art
Dec 2, 2021
6 minutes read
Christmas is getting closer and closer, and with it, also the big binges! In the figurative arts, the association between food and art has lasted for centuries, so much so that the most famous artists of all time, including Raphael, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Giorgio Morandi and Renato Guttuso, have not spared themselves from facing this topical...
Artist Portraits
2fast, inspired by hip hop culture
Mar 25, 2023
7 minutes read
"Since I was a little kid, since I remember, I was always drawing and creating something, so I was pretty sure that I wanted to work some kind of a creative job in my life. From a young age, drawing was my creative excursion into the world of imagination, the world I created on paper, the worlds and objects I invented, the cars I would drive..."
Art History
Vanity: a pictorial genre
Jul 24, 2022
6 minutes read
Vanity refers to a specific type of still life, which, through the inclusion of characteristic symbolic objects, such as, for example, skulls, hourglasses, and luxury goods, aims to remind the viewer, both of the inexorable passing of time, and the future advent of death, and, consequently, also of the futility of ephemeral earthly goods and pleasures...
Art History
Music and art: a combination that has lasted for centuries
Jun 21, 2022
7 minutes read
Music and art represent two related disciplines that are able to reveal human feelings and experience, both in its positive and joyful sides and in its more introspective and serious ones. Precisely because of these peculiarities, the said arts have played a prominent role since ancient times, when, from their union, two distinct combinations were generated: art that tells music and art that supports music...
Art History
Top 10: Still Life
Dec 22, 2023
12 minutes read
Let's get straight to the point: when you read about still life on the web, you'll be able to find examples from Hellenistic, Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance periods. They are characterized by the predominant depiction of inanimate subjects, both natural and artificial...
Art History
Top 10: collages
Jul 12, 2023
12 minutes read
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: by means of this numerical climax that goes by the name of top 10, aimed at placing the most relevant collages in the history of art one after the other, in order of relevance, I want to bring the reader closer to the knowledge of an artistic technique that is often sidelined, in the face of the more popular painting, sculpture and photography...


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