Sculptures available as digital license for sale

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Sculpture titled "Evil penguin" by Serendipity Liche, Original Artwork, Bone Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Evil penguin - Sculpture, 8.7x5.9 in ©2024 by Serendipity Liche - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Animal, penguin, manchot, pingouin, méchant pingouin, méchant manchot, evil penguin, os, bone, glace

Serendipity Liche

"Evil penguin"

Sculpture - Bone | 8.7x5.9 in

Sculpture titled "Magdag" by Lari Peters, Original Artwork, Leather
Magdag - Sculpture, 11.4x11 in ©2024 by Lari Peters - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Animal, der Pinguin, der Enterich, das Gehörn, der Schnabel, das Augenpaar, das Schwarz, das Grau, das Gelb, das Gold, das Blau, der Hirsch, der Anime, der Hybride, Blitzen, der Pterosaurier, der Rabe, die Lauscher, die Spielfigur, der Humor, der Kopf

Lari Peters


Sculpture - Leather | 11.4x11 in

Sculpture titled "My penguin 🐧" by Antoni Dragan, Original Artwork, Resin
My penguin 🐧 - Sculpture, 18.5x6.7 in ©2023 by Antoni Dragan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Animal, penguin, animal, sculpture, sculptures, popart, street, urban, impressionism

Antoni Dragan

"My penguin 🐧"

Sculpture - Resin | 18.5x6.7 in

Sculpture titled "WINTER MANDALA ON W…" by Karibou Artist, Original Artwork, Acrylic
WINTER MANDALA ON WOOD ART FIMO SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS CHRISTMAS - Sculpture, 7.9x20.5 in ©2020 by Karibou Artist - Abstract, abstract-570, Geometric, Christmas, Winter holiday, karibou, deer, Tiere, abstrakte Kunst, Pinguin, resin art on wood, karibou artist, Russian famous artist, expressionnism, impressionistic, Noël, Weihnachten, tannengrün, Meer, blau, ready to hang, three

Karibou Artist


Sculpture - Acrylic | 7.9x20.5 in

Sculpture titled "Pinguin" by Jean-Philippe Harant, Original Artwork
Pinguin - Sculpture ©2004 by Jean-Philippe Harant -

Jean-Philippe Harant



On Request


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