Original sculptures for sale

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Sculpture titled "Little Bluey" by Stefan Mager, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Little Bluey - Sculpture, 4.7x8.3 in ©2024 by Stefan Mager - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Dog, Australian sculpture, dog sculpture, 'ceramic dog, australian art, clay sculpture, 'pottery sculpture

Stefan Mager

"Little Bluey"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 4.7x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "Little dinosaur" by Sergio Selari, Original Artwork, Metals
Little dinosaur - Sculpture, 10.6x4.7 in ©2024 by Sergio Selari - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Animal, Iron sculpture, Contemporary Art, Contemporary sculpture, Modern sculpture, Animal figures, Creative sculpture, Metal sculpture, Metal mesh sculpture, Interior design, Dinosaur, Velociraptor, Gift

Sergio Selari

"Little dinosaur"

Sculpture - Metals | 10.6x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Layer of Wealth" by Lasantha Epasinghe, Original Artwork, Metals
Layer of Wealth - Sculpture, 18x16 in ©2023 by Lasantha Epasinghe - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Bird, Interior Design, Ornaments in Metal, Metal Ornament, Scrap Metal Ornament, Bedroom Design, Home Decor, Home Design

Lasantha Epasinghe

"Layer of Wealth"

Sculpture - Metals | 18x16 in

Sculpture titled "Marble family" by Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts), Original Artwork, Ceramics
Marble family - Sculpture, 15x25.6 in ©2023 by Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts) - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, Elephant, Animalistic art, Animals, Wildlife, Elephants sculpture, Wild life art, Figurative, Ceramics, Ceramic sculpture, Clay, Marble clay

Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts)

"Marble family"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 15x25.6 in

Sculpture titled "Rainbow Walker" by Stefan Mager, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Rainbow Walker - Sculpture, 11x7.5 in ©2024 by Stefan Mager - Pop Art, pop-art-615, ceramic sculpture, ideal gift for husband, australian sculpture, rainbow sculpture, rainbow art, gay art, gay sculpture

Stefan Mager

"Rainbow Walker"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 11x7.5 in

Sculpture titled "Black tiger" by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Original Artwork, Resin
Black tiger - Sculpture, 5.5x11.8 in ©2024 by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir -

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Black tiger"

Sculpture - Resin | 5.5x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Bronze statue Hambu…" by Dmitriy Shevchuk, Original Artwork, Bronze
Bronze statue Hamburg Rooster - Sculpture, 7.9x2.8 in ©2021 by Dmitriy Shevchuk - Figurative, figurative-594, Humor, Allegorical Art, Ironic caricature, french art nouveau, bronze statuette, nobleman figurine, surreal sculpture, figurative sculpture, bronze sculpture, baroque art, 22nd anniversary, surrealism, surrealist sculpture, funny statuette, living room decor, bedside decor, bookshelf decor, male figurine, man figure, bronze anniversary, metal sculpture

Dmitriy Shevchuk

"Bronze statue Hamburg Rooster"

Sculpture - Bronze | 7.9x2.8 in

Sculpture titled "Giraffe Design Scul…" by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Original Artwork, Resin
Giraffe Design Sculpture - Sculpture, 11.8x6.3 in ©2024 by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Animal

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Giraffe Design Sculpture"

Sculpture - Resin | 11.8x6.3 in

Sculpture titled "White Tiger Handmad…" by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Original Artwork, Resin
White Tiger Handmade Sculpture - Sculpture, 5.5x11.8 in ©2023 by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Animal, animal, sculpture, handmade, pop art, white, tiger, ying-yang, modern sculpture, affordable art, cool, home decor, office decor, living room idea

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"White Tiger Handmade Sculpture"

Sculpture - Resin | 5.5x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Kangaroo box" by Kristof Toth, Original Artwork, Bronze
Kangaroo box - Sculpture, 11.8x19.7 in ©2018 by Kristof Toth - Cubism, cubism-582, Animal, animal sculpture, bronze animal, kangaroo, kangaroos, bronze kangaroo, kangaroo sculpture, humor, humorous, humorous culpture, box, duel, animal duel, kristof toth, vamosiart, kangarous box, kangarous duel, australia, wildlife, wildlife sculpture

Kristof Toth

"Kangaroo box"

Sculpture - Bronze | 11.8x19.7 in

Sculpture titled "4 Cardinal Points" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Stone
4 Cardinal Points - Sculpture, 7.9x2.8 in ©1998 by Ludovic Cussigh - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Taille directe, sculpture abstraite, art conceptuel

Ludovic Cussigh

"4 Cardinal Points"

Sculpture - Stone | 7.9x2.8 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Big animal (Bureauc…" by Erno Toth, Original Artwork, Bronze
Big animal (Bureaucrat 3.) - Sculpture, 11.8x11.8 in ©2024 by Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Dog, story, humor, humorous, dog, animal, crazy, symbol, bronze, erno toh, vamosiart, man, man with dog, dog sculpture, big dog, bureaucrat, humorous story, grotesque, comic, comical, comedy

Erno Toth

"Big animal (Bureaucrat 3.)"

Sculpture - Bronze | 11.8x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Rainy Day Gentleman" by Konstantin Lipskiy (Sculpt Art), Original Artwork, Clay
Rainy Day Gentleman - Sculpture, 17.7x7.5 in ©2023 by Konstantin Lipskiy (Sculpt Art) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Dog,

Konstantin Lipskiy (Sculpt Art)

"Rainy Day Gentleman"

Sculpture - Clay | 17.7x7.5 in

Sculpture titled "Lord of the Peglala…" by Branimir Misic, Original Artwork, Metals Mounted on Wood Panel
Lord of the Peglaland - Sculpture, 20.9x11 in ©2024 by Branimir Misic - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Fantasy, expressive, original wall art, innovative art, look pleased, look happy, make smille, beautiful art, concept art, art work, funny art, different art, additional art, new art, lovely art, attractive art, playful art, fantastic art, aesthetic work, creative artwork, whim

Branimir Misic

"Lord of the Peglaland"

Sculpture - Metals | 20.9x11 in

Sculpture titled "A friend" by Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts), Original Artwork, Ceramics
A friend - Sculpture, 12.6x11 in ©2022 by Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts) - Figurative, figurative-594, Dog, Dalmatian, Dog, Sculpture, Figurative, Animalistic, Animal sculpture, Ceramics, Clay, Animal figure, Cute dog, glamorous

Margarita Faizulina (Roar Arts)

"A friend"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 12.6x11 in

Sculpture titled "Lizard" by Sergio Selari, Original Artwork, Bronze
Lizard - Sculpture, 5.5x6.7 in ©2022 by Sergio Selari - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Animal, необычное, Lizard, Iron sculpture, Contemporary Art, Modern sculpture, Contemporary sculpture, Animal figures, Creative sculpture, Metal sculpture, Metal mesh sculpture, Interior design, Gift

Sergio Selari


Sculpture - Bronze | 5.5x6.7 in

Sculpture titled "MY HALF IS YOUR WHO…" by Selma Keles, Original Artwork, Ceramics
MY HALF IS YOUR WHOLE - Sculpture, 39.4x21.7 in ©2023 by Selma Keles - Land Art, land-art-957, Tree, Handcrafted Ceramics, Ceramic Sculptures, Artisan Pottery, Hand-painted Porcelain, Ceramic Home Decor, Porcelain Figurines, Functional Ceramics, Contemporary Porcelain

Selma Keles


Sculpture - Ceramics | 39.4x21.7 in

Sculpture titled "Flamingos" by Sergio Selari, Original Artwork, Wire
Flamingos - Sculpture, 8.3x4.7 in ©2024 by Sergio Selari - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Animal, Flamingos, Iron sculpture, Contemporary Art, Contemporary sculpture, Modern sculpture, Animal figures, Creative sculpture, Metal sculpture, Interior design, Wire sculpture, Beauty

Sergio Selari


Sculpture - Wire | 8.3x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Dream King of the b…" by Peter Babakitis, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Dream King of the black river - Sculpture, 38x11 in ©2003 by Peter Babakitis - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Mythology, ancient gods, mythology, mysticism, Thoth, archeology, ancient civilization, Egypt, Hermetic, psychedelic art

Peter Babakitis

"Dream King of the black river"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 38x11 in

Sculpture titled "Buffle bleu (2) - s…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Buffle bleu (2) - sculpture papier recylé - Sculpture, 9.1x11.8 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, Animal, taureau, vache, buffle, cornes, toros, bleu turquoise, reflets bronze, papier recyclé, papier journal, socle de bois, sculpture bleue, animal, bestiaire, vanessa renoux, upcycling, artpaper

Vanessa Renoux

"Buffle bleu (2) - sculpture papier recylé"

Sculpture - Paper | 9.1x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Big Cat Act" by Jill Nassau, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Big Cat Act - Sculpture, 14x18 in ©2005 by Jill Nassau - figurative animal lions tigers glass color

Jill Nassau

"Big Cat Act"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 14x18 in

Sculpture titled "Buffle bleu - sculp…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Buffle bleu - sculpture papier recylé - Sculpture, 9.8x10.6 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, Mythology, taureau, buffle, vache, bison, papier recyclé, up-cycling, papier mâché, recyclage, papier bronze, vert de gris, vanessa renoux, animal, mythologie, grece, grecque, minotaure, annecy, alby-sur-chéran, galerie de curiosites

Vanessa Renoux

"Buffle bleu - sculpture papier recylé"

Sculpture - Paper | 9.8x10.6 in

Sculpture titled "Autumna" by Susana Zarate, Original Artwork, Polymer clay
Autumna - Sculpture, 10.6x7.9 in ©2021 by Susana Zarate - Figurative, figurative-594, sculpture, original art, susana zarate, woman sculpture

Susana Zarate


Sculpture - Polymer clay | 10.6x7.9 in

Sculpture titled "Nosotros nomas" by Lagloria, Original Artwork, Textile fiber
Nosotros nomas - Sculpture, 59.1x47.2 in ©2018 by Lagloria - Cotton, Other, Fabric


"Nosotros nomas"

Sculpture - Textile fiber | 59.1x47.2 in

On Request
Sculpture titled "Snail girlfriends" by Sergio Selari, Original Artwork, Bronze
Snail girlfriends - Sculpture, 6.3x8.3 in ©2023 by Sergio Selari - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Animal, Snail, Bronze, Iron sculpture, Contemporary Art, Contemporary sculpture, Modern sculpture, Creative sculpture, Animal figure, Metal sculpture, Metal mesh sculpture, Interior design, Gift, Collection

Sergio Selari

"Snail girlfriends"

Sculpture - Bronze | 6.3x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "L'incantatore di an…" by Paolo Camporese, Original Artwork, Terra cotta
L'incantatore di anuri e urodeli 2024 - Sculpture, 15.6x7.1 in ©2024 by Paolo Camporese - Figurative, figurative-594, Mythology, scultura, sculpture, scultura italiana, scultura figurativa, figurative sculpture, satiro, incantatore, italian sculpture, sculptures, terracotta, terracotta policroma, ceramica, ceramics, mitologia, scultura mitologica, fauno, scultura contemporanea

Paolo Camporese

"L'incantatore di anuri e urodeli 2024"

Sculpture - Terra cotta | 15.6x7.1 in

Sculpture titled "White Tiger" by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Original Artwork, Resin
White Tiger - Sculpture, 5.5x11.8 in ©2024 by Dervis Yusuf Akdemir - Pop Art, pop-art-615

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"White Tiger"

Sculpture - Resin | 5.5x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Woodpecker" by Sergio Selari, Original Artwork, Metals
Woodpecker - Sculpture, 12.2x7.5 in ©2022 by Sergio Selari - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Animal, Iron sculpture, Wire sculpture, Metal sculpture, Contemporary Art, Contemporary sculpture, Modern sculpture, Animal figures, Creative sculpture, Beautiful sculpture

Sergio Selari


Sculpture - Metals | 12.2x7.5 in

Sculpture titled "On the verge" by Anatoly Popov, Original Artwork, Plastic
On the verge - Sculpture, 4.7x23.6 in ©2021 by Anatoly Popov - Figurative, figurative-594, Cat

Anatoly Popov

"On the verge"

Sculpture - Plastic | 4.7x23.6 in

Sculpture titled "Les Animaux Magique…" by Sándor Móga, Original Artwork, Metals
Les Animaux Magique / Magical Animals - Sculpture, 0.8x24 in ©2007 by Sándor Móga - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, Magical realism, Magic realism, Nature, Imagination, Animals, Colours, Silver, Oxidation

Sándor Móga

"Les Animaux Magique / Magical Animals"

Sculpture - Metals | 0.8x24 in

Sculpture titled ""Cornes d'or" Sculp…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
"Cornes d'or" Sculpture de Taureau en papier - Sculpture, 13.8x12.2 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Animal, taureau, sculpture, toros, buffle, vache sacrée, papier recyclé, up-cycling, artpaper, papier bronze, vanessa renoux, corne, doré

Vanessa Renoux

""Cornes d'or" Sculpture de Taureau en papier"

Sculpture - Paper | 13.8x12.2 in

Sculpture titled "Elephant Act" by Jill Nassau, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Elephant Act - Sculpture, 20x18 in ©2006 by Jill Nassau - glass circus animal elephant figurative

Jill Nassau

"Elephant Act"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 20x18 in

Sculpture titled "Daimon" by Nicolò Dell'Erba, Original Artwork, Stone
Daimon - Sculpture, 11.8x7.9 in ©2024 by Nicolò Dell'Erba - Figurative, figurative-594, Spirituality, Anima, Psicologia, Filosofia, Daimon

Nicolò Dell'Erba


Sculpture - Stone | 11.8x7.9 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Let your Dreams Run…" by Jiang Wang, Original Artwork, Bronze
Let your Dreams Run Wild - Sculpture, 11.8x11.8 in ©2014 by Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Horse, horse, power, freedom, nature, wild, dreams, adventure, drive, motivation, energy

Jiang Wang

"Let your Dreams Run Wild"

Sculpture - Bronze | 11.8x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Maasai" by Susana Zarate, Original Artwork, Cement
Maasai - Sculpture, 22.1x8.3 in ©2021 by Susana Zarate - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Africa, sculpture, africa art, maasai sculpture, cement sculpture, exterior sculpture

Susana Zarate


Sculpture - Cement | 22.1x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "Gilgamesh and Endiku" by Aslan Selçuk Arık, Original Artwork, Metals
Gilgamesh and Endiku - Sculpture, 25.6x19.7 in ©2023 by Aslan Selçuk Arık - Figurative, figurative-594, Mythology, gilgamesh, figurative, assemblage, metalart, welding, mythology, enkidu, turkishart, sumerian

Aslan Selçuk Arık

"Gilgamesh and Endiku"

Sculpture - Metals | 25.6x19.7 in



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